Session 6 Recap

We start the session in the basement of the Redbrand Ruffians hideout. The party is disposing of the corpses in the crag when Punkin declares herself bored and wonders off to somewhere. Lottie thinks it would be helpful to head back to the ship and search through the books Spixi has collected to see if there is any mention of the Lost Mines of Phandelver or general information of Faerun. The Peggers head towards the townmasters hall to inform Harbin Wester of their recent achievement. Laylin is found causing the local libido to skyrocket with a crowd of townsfolk gathered around her. A reward is given to the crew members and Harbin tells the group that he doesn't know much about the Black Spider but what he did know was told to him by Gundrin Rockseeker, the person who "hired" the party. Laylin mentions seeing a goblin hideout on her way to the group with drag marks in the trail.   Deciding that the goblin cave is their next best clue, the Peggers made quick work arriving at the entrance. Nearby a pair of goblins were supposed to be guarding from the brush but were instead catching bugs. Shlurmp and Bumples are traumatized by Rhui rushing up to them and retreat into the cave screaming "Owlbear run!!" alerting the others inside to a big threat. One by one the party files in, Spixi mounted on the shoulders of the Captain, and tread through the stream. Each one of them decided to leave the wolves alone in the right-hand alcove when they first arrived. That's when a surge of water comes crashing through the cave flooding out all but Spixi and Rhui, Rhui managing to knock out a goblin on the bridge named Turtles just after dropping Spixi into the water and watching her get swept away from the second flood. Regrouped the party reaches the top of the stream where three goblins are standing watch, Shlurmp, Bumples, and Nubalubins. The goblins express they are following the orders of their boss and don't immediately want to hurt the Peggers, but any deals must go through him. However Laylin makes her own offers to Shlurmp and Bumples and they hand in hand lead her to their sleeping area.   The boss, Klarg, is in the treasure room of the cave with his pet wolf Ripper and his two attendants Shmeep and Druntly. Klarg was a rather well spoken bugbear and worked out a deal with the captain to not only sell the goods they took to the group but also protect the village from further raids. Unfortunately Gundrin was just sold off to the Black Spider but Sildar Hallwinter (the veteran human who was going to Phandalin to restore order) was still in the cave as a hostage. The party goes to the captives location to see Laylin giving him oral sex as hes chained to a stalagmite and two goblins are mounted on a naked Laylin. Sildar realizes this isn't a fever dream and quickly asks to be taken back to Phandalin, Laylin tells the group she isn't done here and will wait till they get back with the wagon. A animalistic scene plays out as Shlurmp, Bumples, Nubalubins, Turtles, Shmeep, Druntly, Fummer, and Yeemik all have their way with Laylin.   Night passes and turns to morning, Helion goes to the shrine of luck when he is approached by Sister Garaele tending to the shrine. She reveals she secretly is a member of the Harpers and wants Helion to help her with a mission she has been given. To persuade a banshee named Agatha to answer a question about a spellbook. Garaele sought out Agatha in her lair, but the creature did not appear for her. Garaele desires an intermediary to bring Agatha a suitable gift, a jeweled silver comb, and persuade the creature to tell what she knows about the location of a spellbook belonging to a legendary mage named Bowgentle. If they locate the book to bring it back to her. Helion and Spixi accept the quest and the group checks in at the Edermath Orchard to speak to Daran Edermath. Quickly he favors the Captain as Daran reveals he is a retired member of the Order of the Gauntlet, a Knight pledged in servitude to Tyr to aid those in need. He tells Rolfe that although he isn't familiar with Cragmaw Castle he had heard mention of a red robed figure causing undead to come out from an old well and watchtower that used to belong to an ancient magical city. When the members start to head off Daran warns them of traveling at night, the triboar trail is haunted by "the lady of the black veil" an apparition of a once noble woman who lost her village to vampires.   A few hours on the trail and the party discovers the ruins of Conyberry, the destroyed village that Agatha is said to haunt near. And following the markers locate her lair, a domed homestead made of woven briars. She quickly apperates in front of the group and after Spixi bargains a ruby embedded gold earring, Spixi is offered the answer to one question. Agatha informs her that she traded the book to a necromancer named Tsernoth from the city of Iriaebor more than a hundred years ago. She does not know what became of the book afterward.   One task completed and another to go, the group makes the short distance from Conyberry to Old Owl Well where the group stumbles upon a red wizard necromancer named Hamun Kost and his small squad of zombies. Helion uses his holy radiance to reduce Hamun into ash as the group rips through the zombies like rotten butter. With few hours remaining in the day Captain decides to follow a town marker to Thundertree but a sign at the entrance warning them of plant monsters and undead has them turn around immediately and go back to Phandalin.   Night falls, and the party is traveling on the road under the soft pale light of the moon. Helion senses the crew is being followed and watched from the tree line. On the Captains orders the Peggers take on a defensive position and holds spixi while she uses her owl familiar Frigg to fly up to the crown of the tree line to investigate the stalker. Frigg flies over and spixi shares vision with her to hear a feminine snarl like a jaguar and watch as a figure impacts into the side of the tree below Frigg and sprints up the trunk in such a blurred speed that by the time she can react the figure has already made one swipe at the tiny owl. The group nearby stands in shock as the tree cracks and snaps proceeding to fall over from the impact. The figure landing back on the ground letting out a fierce roar before retreating for now. And that's where we end the session.