Delta Green Regulations and Structure Document in Cosmic Horror | World Anvil

Delta Green Regulations and Structure

Rules for the teams are simple and direct . There are no guidelines for methods of operation or books of procedure. Each Delta Green agent knows there are 6 basic rules to be followed at all times.
  RULE 1: Deny everything.
RULE 2: Don’t get caught.
RULE 3: Don’t leave evidence.
RULE 4: Use violence only when necessary.
RULE 5: Cover your tracks.
RULE 6: Make them believe a rational explanation for the bizarre or fantastic.

Following the assassination of Major General Reginald Fairfield his successor reorganised Delta Green into a cell conspiracy, following OSS standards from World War II.

  Leading from A-cell under the code-name Agent Alphonse. Throughout the 1990s (and even beyond), and use anything at hand to push back the darkness.
  Each active Delta Green agent was a part of a three-agent cell. That was the principle, anyway; some cells had more or fewer agents, and not all agents were “in the field.”
These members knew the other members of the cell by real names and occupations. Members of all other cells, however, were only known by code names. All members of any given cell knew the code name of the leader of the cell above and below theirs. Others might be learned when cells had to work together. Ideally, use of code names would prevent any cell member from directly betraying anyone besides the members of his or her own cell.
    Cell names were assigned with the same letter per cell, descending alphabetically. The top members of Delta Green, therefore, were known as Adam, Andrea, and Alphonse. There were never more than twenty-six active cells (and sometimes, much, much fewer), resulting in a maximum of seventy-eight active agents.
  In practice, of course, many Delta Green operations involved more than one cell, and agents often learned each other’s names and occupations. A given agent might be able to reveal the identities of three or four other agents, who could in turn reveal another three or four agents; but at some point, integrity was maintained.


Read at own risk, this might contain connections that you or your character havent made in game. But it might serve useful for the you (player) to get a better overview of the story so far.


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