Mustang, Arizona
Mustang is a small town founded in 1930 in the southwestern portion of the state on the Gila River. It is located 1.1 kilometers east of Yuma.
Mustang is a small town with 636 residents, nothing
more than a few streets in the open desert. It has a
grade school and shares a consolidated high school
in the district, though almost all kids in Mustang
are home-schooled. That is not unusual in small,
isolated towns.
The town was constructed around the Naval Medicine
Annex Yuma that from 1929 to 1947, this annex held a highly security classification during the time it was active. When the annex closed, many believed that might
be the end of Mustang. But the answer to that problem
had arrived quietly during the war.
Since 1945, the principal industry of the town has
been Marine Corps Publications, Inc. This company
prints periodicals, advertising and mailer inserts for
the United States Marine Corps. Nearly everyone in
town is, now, one way or another, connected to the
company. Some work low-pay jobs at the outskirts
of Yuma, others at Arizona Western College; but few
escape the pull of Mustang. As the locals say, it’s the prettiest little piece of
nowhere in the state.
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