
Phenomen-X was a paranormal investigation series, that have evolved with the times and swapped formats to remain relevant.   Phenomen-X; a trashy, little watched, late night broadcast show about ghosts, aliens, demons, Elvis sightings, black helicopters, and whatever else they think might grab the attention of whoever's still up.


The show was first started in 1990, intended to have the seriousness of 20/20 mixed with the unbelievably of the Weekly World News. Despite shabby research and a pitiful budget, the show did well (for it's 1am slot, anyway) and became something of a fixture, running for a total of 130 episodes before things went off the rails.

In 1997, the show aired the story "Take Me To Your Cracker", about UFO sightings in Benton Tennessee It was the same garbage they usually aired: blurry lights in the night sky, dumb rednecks talking about alien abduction, ect. This is when the story takes a morbid twist the entire town of Benton fell victim to a toxic leak of some sort and everyone, and I mean everyone then died inexplicably. (See Watch the Skies for more information) Even the crew members that had left Benton a few days previously.

The only survivor was field producer Frank Carincola, who left a cocky, arrogant hollywood type, and came back a haunted man, having seen many things in Benton that didn't make it to air.

in 2012 when the show had begun to reinvent itself doing more different media content. Two part-time employees got arrested and convicted to be serial killers (See Victim of the Art for more information)
Founding Date
Broadcasting, Other

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