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Dark Aberrant Kin

Dark Aberrant Kin

Dark aberrations were summoned to the world as a result of combined efforts between the forces of dark magic. Since the near sundering of the barrier between the Veiled Lands and Shadowfell, the portals between were kept fairly in check. A group of powerful magic users maintained the barriers where irrevocable cracks lingered. However, the whispers of the shadows infected a few, along with encroaching dark forces on this side of the barrier, intent on releasing chaos from the world of darkness. They murdered the gatekeepers on their shift and broke open one of the cracks. Like they warn about cracks in pottery, the crack spread and released the dark aberrations. These creatures, lurkers mainly at the fringe of Shadowfell, were not grateful to their saviors and wounded many of them before fleeing and spreading through the Veiled Lands, where they are said to live to this day.
ability score increase: Choose one of: (a) Choose any +2; choose any other +1 (b) Choose any +1; choose any other +1; choose any other +1.
age: Dark Aberrant-Kin mature upon their arrival to the world and live up for centuries, between 100 and 500 years. Some even say that some can achieve immortality.
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language that you and your DM agree is appropriate for your character.
race features:

Aberrant Kind. Your race is considered both aberration and humanoid.

Size. Small or Medium (Your choice).

From the Abyss. You have resistance to necrotic damage

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Amorphous. Dark aberrant-kin are extremely flexible and limber. You can move through a space as narrow as 1 foot without squeezing, any items that cannot fit through a space you pass through are left behind. You have advantage on checks made to escape a grappled against creatures the same size as you and typical restraints can't hold you. In addition, you can don or doff armor as an action.

Dark Infused. You draw strength from the dark. When in darkness, you may expend a bonus action to draw in the essence of it. You regain hit points equal to half your level rounded down plus your proficiency bonus. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

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