Hooded Snake Folk Species in Couleret | World Anvil
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Hooded Snake Folk


Hooded Snake Folk

Enemy of the Yuan-Ti. For the Snakefolk there is no lowliest most wretched creature than the Yuan-Ti they view them as inferior barebones duplicates that spread the stereotype of snakes being evil creatures, for the snakefolk know that no snake is born evil but the few evil snakes have been corrupted by profane magics and twisted Gods. Like Kobolds to Gnomes the snakefolk have a mortal vendetta against all Yuan-Ti and if they detect hints of Yuan-Ti populace they will bend all their efforts into hunting and exterminating them.   Wisdom and Rebirth. Snakefolk are beings of great knowledge and wisdom that has been passed down for generations and believe that change and adversity are natural steps in life and embrace them with open arms, they believe in reincarnation by how their bodies shed their skin every year their souls shed their body after every life and as such are reluctant of necromancy and resurrecting magic though there have been cases of Snakefolk practicing such magics.   Slithery Gods. The Snakefolk have various Gods that they might worship each individual making their own choice of worship some of which are Quetzalcoatl Feathered Serpent God of Wind and Wisdom, Caduceus twin Gods of Balance Commerce and Medicine, Jörmungandr Serpent God of Eternity Rebirth and War.
ability score increase: Choose one of: (a) Choose any +2; choose any other +1 (b) Choose any +1; choose any other +1; choose any other +1.
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language that you and your DM agree is appropriate for your character.
race features:

Yuan-Ti Hatred. Your Intense hatred for the Yuan-Ti makes you put all of your being into their eradication, whenever you roll damage against a Yuan-Ti creature add your proficiency bonus (minimum of 1) to the damage

Bite. Your fanged maw is a natural weapon in which you are proficient in if you hit you deal 1d6 + your Strength modifier piercing damage instead of the regular bludgeoning damage.

Serpent Allure. Hooded Snakefolk are very imposing and charismatic creatures. You are proficient in the Persuasion and Intimidation skills.

Captivating Hoods. As a bonus action, you can extend your hood to display your colorful patterns until the start of your next turn. While your colorful patterns are on display, you have advantage on Persuasion and Intimidation checks, and creatures you target with a spell that imposes the charmed condition have disadvantage on their saving throws against that spell.

Hooded Snakefolk have a large hood like membrane in the head area of their bodies. These kind of Snakefolk have been proved to be specially gifted in the arcane arts. Most Snakefolk Sorcerers and Wizards being also Hooded.  

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