
"The lost souls of a dead world - empty of hope... and humanity."
  Oft referred to as zombies by the Lunarym populace, these shambling undead are those risen from untended graves and coffins as endless hordes of unthinking monstrosities. Unlike other creatures of the night in Lunarym, these ones are completely drained of the blood that other wretched monsters so desperately covet, not too different from the ossified. Without any blood or old blood within their shambling corpses they see no need to feed on such crimson ichor, instead preferring the bones and flesh of the unlucky souls they encounter.

Common Cadavers

Cadaver Deadwalker
Once people, they are now aimless, hopeless souls. Looking for any victim to feed on, having lost all humanity, now their bloodless husks are driven only towards the scent of flesh. Despite being slow, clumsy, and fragile on their own, a sufficiently large mob of deadwalkers can threaten even the most skilled adventurers and soldiers by weight of numbers alone. Their single-minded hunger even gives them a surprising turn of speed when prey strays too close, and anyone unlucky enough to be brought down by one may find themselves joining the zombified ranks before the battle is over.

Cadaver Gravecrawler

Cadaver Ghoul
Whenever the world crumbles, this fearsome creature will roam among the cadavered dead, seeking to torment the few survivors with its horrid shriek before mercilessly shredding them to pieces. Its body is much larger than traditional deadwalkers, towering with its large frame. The bones it carries is a message for those unfortunate enough to cross its path - the Ghoul will strike them down, without any hope to survive

Cadaver Corpse Cart

The Lost Battalion

"War rewards only resignation."
  A depressing sight to behold compared to simpler and more common walking cadavers, the lost battalion of the ___ roam the endless maze of trees and vines searching for the war that never finished. From their bodies vile and tangled branches grow, intertwining the corpse with the armor. Cadaver Foot Soldier

Cadaver Deadrider

Cadaver Arbalist

Cadaver Batterer

Cadaver Drummer

Cadaver Bishop

Cadaver Deadknight

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