
Survivors of the ___ and those who became trapped in this land long after managed to repopulate Lunarym to a sizable extent. Not enough to create a unified kingdom or province within the demiplane, but enough to create small villages and settlements filled with survivors. As a result, Lunarymites have a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds.   Lunarymites are deeply invested in their homes and survival. They are wary of strange peoples and customs. The way Lunarymites deal with strangers can be unsettling to newcomers as they have a tendency to stare openly, in silence, thereby expressing their disapproval of anything that isn’t familiar or threatens them. They aren’t talkative with strangers, to the extent of being pointedly rude. Most of them have either violent tempers or a fear-induced sense of defense that flare up when they are provoked. They also have a mutual sense of survival that leads to a social cohesiveness amongst Lunarymites still sane. This can make them act together against outsiders if a Lunarymite is mistreated, or if they pose a big enough threat. These citizens are justifiably untrustworthy and their histories and current conditions aren’t pleasant. If one manages to win the trust of a Lunarymite, one has a friend for life and a stalwart ally.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Adella, Alana, Alethra, Amelia, Anabelle, Clavdia, Danya, Dezdrelda, Diavola, Dorina, Drasha, Drilvia, Eileen, Elisabeta, Fatima, Fyevarra, Gremia, Grilsha, Hulmarra, Immith, Imzel, Iosefka, Ireena, Isabella, Ivana, Jarzinka, Kala, Kara, Katernin, Katerina, Kereza, Korina, Lavinia, Magda, Maria, Marta, Mathilda, Minodora, Mirabel, Miruna, Natali, Nimira, Nyanka, Olivenka, Olma, Ruxandra, Sorina, Tana, Tereska, Valentina, Vasha, Victoria, Wensencia, Yuldra, Yurie, Zondra, Zora

Masculine names

Alek, Alfred, Andrej, Anton, Balthazar, Bertrand, Bogan, Bor, Boris, Borivik, Brador, Caleb, Corhyn, Damian, Dargos, Darzin, Djura, Dragomir, Emeric, Falkon, Faurgar, Fodel, Frederich, Franz, Gargosh, Gilbert, Glar, Godefroy, Gorek, Grigor, Grygori, Hans, Harkus, Henryk, Igan, Ivan, Ivor, Jirko, Jozef, Kobal, Korga, Kosef, Krystofor, Lazlo, Livius, Ludwig, Madislak, Marek, Miroslav, Mival, Nikolaj, Nimir, Oleg, Orel, Pavel, Radovan, Radu, Seraz, Sergei, Sergor, Stefan, Tural, Valentin, Vasily, Viktor, Vladislak, Vladislav, Waltar, Willem, Yesper, Zsolt

Family names

Alastroi, Antonovich/Antonova, Barthos, Belasco, Bersk, Cantemir, Dargovich/Dargova, Diavolov, Diminski, Dilisnya, Dotsk, Drazkoi, Garvinski, Grejenko, Groza, Grygorovich/Grygorova, Ivanovich/Ivanova, Janek, Karushkin, Konstantinovich/Konstantinova, Krezkov/Krezkova, Krykski, Kulenov, Lansten, Lazarescu, Lukresh, Lipsiege, Marsk, Martikov/Martikova, Mironovich/Mironovna, Moldovar, Nikolovich/Nikolova, Nimirovich/Nimirova, Oronovich/Oronova, Petrovich/Petrovna, Polensky, Radovich/Radova, Rilsky, Shemov, Starag Stefanovich/Stefanova, Strazni, Swilovich/Swilova, Taltos, Targolov/Targolova, Tyminski, Ulbrek, Ulmokina, Ulrich, Vadu, Voltanescu, Zalenski, Zalken
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