
"These swarming fiends of the night carry a pernicious plague! The Old Blood, once we felled cities and nations for it's blessing, now fells mind and body of those distended with it. A sickness so virulent, so insidious, it is more a curse than a mere disease."
  The Crimson Curse's effects on the mortals of the realm of Lunarym are abhorrent in nature, twisting mind and flesh into twisted abominations of what once was a dying soul into a night-stalking wretch of vampiric nature.   Awakened to an endless night, Stygians hunger for the life they have lost and sate that hunger by drinking the blood of the living, hungering for a drop of the Old Blood that fuels them. They are terrifying creatures, impervious to most damage and pain as their undead nature and hunger for cursed ichor drives them forward towards the victims in their path. While most vampiric Stygians have no memory of what they once were besides their thirst for the Old Blood, some still hold a grip on their sense of self, creating a powerful flow whose bloodlust and guile elevate their threat to new heights.   Stygian Bloodsucker
Frenzied and mindless, bloodsuckers are driven only by insatiable hunger and instinctual need to feed. Their genes are impure and their physiology degenerative, created by a humanoid who has succumbed fully to the Crimson Curse from a second hand, rather than any pure vampiric strain. These abominations often guard crypts and hollow ground where blood is spilled freshly, often shambling out into the world to feast on carrion remains. While weaker and less aware than more powerful Stygian creatures, bloodsuckers are still a threat not to be taken lightly.   Some bloodsuckers possess long swollen mouths that extend off of their bodies towards the floor like parasitic worms. With their elongated, dented trunks hanging from their horrid, distorted faces, these mutated variants dry their unfortunate prey in a matter of seconds. Although a quick death, it is an agonizing way to go, as the monster cares little about easing the pain of its target.

Stygian Bloodbrute
Bloodbrutes are the abominable cousins to the bloodsuckers, the results of a bloodsucker feasting on the Old Blood further and further after transformation until it increases their vigor fivefold. They are bigger, stronger, and more resilient than their counterparts, though driven by the same incessant and instinctual need to feed. These shambling horrors are a grotesque sight, their internal organs morphing into deadly weapons which the brute ejects from its stomach to assault its prey.

Stygian Bloodlicker
Bloodlickers are carrion lurkers, always in search of the crimson juices running through the veins of their victims. They are most notable in appearing after a battle or hunt has commenced, scavenging remains of the spilled blood from the ground with elongatd tongues. Despite having an extremely slender body, they have large, swollen and transparent stomach pouches, seemingly filled with blood as it has a deep red color. The size of this pouch can vary from being extremely large and rendering them unable to move, or be relatively small. Often these creatures regurgitate the collected blood within their stomachs onto their prey, a frightening ordeal to be subjected to that induces a bloody frenzy into nearby Stygian's appetitites.

Stygian Bloodhound
Bloodhounds are vampiric beasts and mongrels infected by the old blood. A bloodhound’s senses are unmatched, able to smell trails of blood from up to 150 miles away and a fortnight old. Bloodhound old blood is considered lowly and impure, but it has its uses...

Stygian Bloodmage
Perhaps the closest to perfected vampirism over most other imperfect stygians, bloodmages are stygian bloodsuckers who've aquired hemomantic powers through powerful strains of the old blood close to vampires themselves. Through practice with it and a higher intelligence than most bloodsuckers they have cultivated these dark, eldritch arts in order to pull the blood of their desired meals directly from them.

Stygian Bloodghast
Bloodghasts are monstrosities twisted and mutated by abominable experimentations. Their bodies are withered and strange, their legs and lower bodies atrophied and shredded from their bodies.   Whatever they were before, no one may know. They crawl swiftly now on their clawed hands, tearing into their prey with sharp talons and mouths full of rows of shredding teeth.

Stygian Vampire Spawn
Perfect, undilluted and pure strains of the old blood can give birth to vampires: denizens of the eternal night who regained all sense of self after gaining the powers of the blood. If one gets ahold of this blood but loses themselves to it, or is a true vampire’s victims, they become vampire spawn — ravenous creatures with a vampire’s hunger for blood, but under the control of the vampire that created them. If a true vampire allows a spawn to draw blood from its own body, the spawn transforms into a true vampire no longer under its master’s control. Few vampires are willing to relinquish their control in this manner. Vampire spawn become free-willed when their creator dies.

Stygian Cryptstalker
Cryptstalkers are ancient bat-like monstrosities, primeval species that evolved over millennia to be the perfect ambush predator. They are ancient apex predators, whom some who know of their resistance believe were once the source of the first strain of the crimson curse.   Though blind, their senses are unmatched, hunting their prey swiftly and soundlessly, using a combination of echolocation and an arsenal of deadly natural weapons. Though most are wild, the vampiric stygian have managed to tame a few of these great beasts, turning them to their will and using them to hunt down their enemies.

Stygian Vampire

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