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"If ever you hear a babe cry by the water's edge, run. That is no child you hear."   -Moctletana, Cipactlin hunter
The floating island of Cipactli is a very strange place, full of creatures the likes of whom are found nowhere else, such as the dreaded tescaliuar. One such creature is the ahuizotl, a predator that lives in the rivers and waters of Cipactli. These are dangerous creatures who lure travelers close and feast on them.

Basic Information


Ahuizotl very much resemble feline beings. Their fur is dark on top and light on the bottom, which aids in their camouflage in the water. In place of front paws, they have clawed hands. Their most distinctive feature is their tail, which mostly resembles that of a monkey except for another hand at the end of it. This hand is usually used as a weapon to grab prey.   The ahuizotl has two strange abilities not found among any actual felines. The first is the ability to breathe water. The second, however, is far more infamous. This is the power to mimic everything it hears, as well as the intelligence to use this ability to their utmost potential. Both of these abilities in tandem make them excellent ambush hunters.

Ecology and Habitats

Ahuizotl are almost exclusively found at the water's edge, hunting prey. Despite their ability to breathe water, they keep their lairs on land, burrowing into the ground near the waterside. Water often flows into these borrows keeping them very damp and miserable. They often keep the remains of their prey inside to be devoured later.   They are mostly known to prey on humanoids, but they do also feed on basically anything they come across, mostly on the shoreline. Tapirs, pigs, and deer make up the majority of their diet. They do occasionally find food in the water, as well, mostly fish, dolphins, and caiman.


Ahuizotl are far more intelligent creatures than any would suspect. While they mostly use their powers of mimicry to lure prey to their doom, they can use it for rudimentary speech, as well. They almost never speak to others, as they consider humanoids to be nothing more than prey.   They are solitary creatures that seem to hate every other living creature they encounter. They prefer to attack the eyes of their prey. This isn't due to any practical reason, but rather the sadistic glee they get from maiming their prey. This hatred even extends to other ahuizotl, and they will attack one another if encountered during any other time other than mating season.
Average Height
5 - 6 ft.
Average Weight
800 - 1000 lbs.
Average Length
6 - 7 ft.

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