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"If you're looking for a prize here in Aurand, you won't do better than Caliburn. Wherever it is."   -Jace Cartwright, retired adventurer
Aurandian legend tells that Caliburn is the oldest and wisest of all swords. It was, they say, one of the glorious treasures of the land, gifted to its first king, Atarin Lupisene by the Lady of the Lake. This blade has long since been lost, perhaps waiting until Aurand needs it again.


The first thing anyone would easily notice about Caliburn is its shine. It is said that in the hands of a worthy wielder it shines with its own inner radiance that can be seen from across a vast battlefield. It is said that no rust or wear can touch this blade and that its light can only be diminished by an unworthy heart.   The blade, itself is plain and undecorated by engraving or any other decoration other than its pure shine. The hilt and pommel are of a gold nearly as pure as the blade. The round pommel is the only part that bears any decoration, intricate symbolism whose meaning is unknown to any mortal man.


The story Aurandian parents tell their children goes that Caliburn was never created by mortal hands. It is said that it is a part of the land, itself, granted only to those the land deems worthy to rule over it. Few in Aurand, even the most scholarly, are willing to ever question the truth of this story.   The first people who lived in Aurand were said to be divided, all attempting to claim the land for their own, but unworthy to do so. It was then that an unlikely champion rose, one of no house. This was a man said to be born of a she-wolf, and his name was Atarin.   Spirits of the land, itself are said to have given him symbols of his right to rule: a crown from a spirit of the land and a chalice from a spirit of the sky. Lastly, he was granted Caliburn, itself from a spirit known as the Lady of the Lake. These spirits granted him the name Lupisene and told him to go forth and rule in their name.   The battles were difficult, but eventually Atarin won, and was crowned king. With his newfound authority, he ordered the creation of thr greatest castle in the land, overlooking the sea: Castle Kaelin. A city was built around this castle, which would eventually become the grand city of Tarke.   House Lupisene retained control of Caliburn for three generations until Queen Drenna Lupisene waged war on Llanuria. After she fell in battle, the sword became lost. While her heirs still rule Aurand, it is said that the next to find Caliburn will be deemed worthy to rule the land.


More even than Aurand's other legendary treasures, Caliburn symbolizes the right of the kings and queens to rule. It symbolizes both their might and virtue, the power to hold their land, and the wisdom to rule it well. Even after it is lost, the fact that House Lupisene once possessed it still marks them as worthy until another can wield it in their place.   To this end, it is seen as the epitome of the worth of the knight that finds it. No other quest is treated with more reverence, and only the greatest of knights dare to undertake it. To this end, it has come to symbolize the quest, itself, more so than even the mighty dragons or the elusive questing beasts.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Owning Organization
3 lbs.
2 x 38 in.
Base Price

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