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The Weird Sisters

"Fair is foul, and foul is fair. Hover through the fog and filthy air."   -The Weird Sisters "explaining" their reasoning
The story goes that the threads of fate bind all people to them. Not even the all-powerful gods of Covenant can get away from the fate assigned to them. There are those that serve as guardians to the fate: three sisters that weave, measure and cut these threads-- the puppet strings for men and gods alike.  
There are many names for these sisters. Bjornlanders call them the Norns. In Polisia, they are known as the Fates, or the Sisters Moirai, and in Sakkal, they are called the Gulses. In the kingdoms of Acitern, they are known only as the Weird Sisters. To those marked as heroes, they are the ones who marked them as special.

Physical Description

Body Features

The three Weird Sisters are identical in every way, appearing generally as frail, wizened old women. Their specific features tend to vary based on the specific person viewing them. Sometimes, especially when they appear to multiple individuals, they change their appearance from one moment to the next.   One of the few traits that is seemingly constant is that they always appear to be human. No matter what race those they appear to are, or how the sisters are choosing to present themselves, they are always seemingly human. Among their many other mysteries, it is unknown why they would present themselves in this manner.

Apparel & Accessories

Much like their appearance, the clothing of the Weird Sisters can vary wildly from encounter to encounter-- and even from moment to moment. Whatever their manner of clothing, they always appear very plain and humble. The outfits of the individual sisters do not vary any more than their physical appearance. This always makes them identical in every way.   Most importantly in regards to the Weird Sisters' presence is what they are doing. Typically they are seen either as weavers or brewers. As such, they tend to be surrounded by looms and tapestries, or are themselves surrounding a bubbling cauldron. This, too can vary from one moment to the next in an almost dream-like manner.



The Weird Sisters are mysterious figures. None know their past or if they even have a past. As far as any scholars can tell, they seemingly always existed. There is also some debate as to whether they truly are three separate beings or are one that chooses to incarnate into a triumvirate of identical bodies.   There are some stories about them, albeit very few. In Polisia, they are named as Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, collectively known as the Sisters Moirai. Some obscure tales recount that they are the fatherless daughters of Nyx, goddess of night. They only laugh at the notion that they were born at all.   The Bjornlanders refer to them as the Norns, with the names Urdr, Verdandi, and Skuld. According to their tales, the Norns have woven the fates of the gods, including the All-Father, himself. It is said that they are the ones Odin seeks to outmaneuver, as he plots to overcome his doom at Ragnarok.


One of the most consistent sets of circumstances behind the appearance of the Weird Sisters is the ascendance of heroes. Every now and then, they single out one person or-- more rarely-- a small group. These individuals are free to weave their own fates, and have some protection from the machinations of the gods. Those chosen invariably perform incredible feats.   No one knows just what makes one worthy of being chosen by the Weird Sisters. There have been heroes with both grand and humble origins. Some have been paragons of goodness while others have been unspeakably vile. If the sisters have any sort of agenda, it is inscrutable to all. Some heroes have saved Covenant, while others have threatened it.   When the sisters appear to a hero, the meeting is always described as strange, with a dream-like quality. The sisters announce a person as great in some way, and hint at what they might meet in the future. They spend most of this time bickering between one another in a very confusing manner, made even worse by the fact that the individual sisters cannot be told apart. One thing that is always consistent is that the hero's life will never be the same again.
Divine Classification
True Neutral
Female (presumably)
Gray (usually)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft. 2 in.
90 lbs.

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