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The Fifth Town

A settlement abundant in fish and lumber with a charming small population

The lowest town in the river valley, known for its fishing, which is its biggest export. Generally looked on as lesser educated and less reformed than the other towns. Has the second biggest population of sailors/navy officers since it is also on the sea. It is where Winnie, our narrator, comes from.


The Fifth Town does have a bridge upon the main entrance, and another to the Eastern entrance. Otherwise it is only accessible by boat, however the length of the river is not very large and can be done pretty easily. Still, some people are put off by only two ways to get into the town via land.

Industry & Trade

Inhabitants are often fishermen and women, and fish is their most important export. Lumber is also heavily exported. They have farms and greenhouses, but still need to import gemstones and such.


Because it is a small town, there is primarily main street with some basic shops and the harbor, and then residential streets. There are not formal districts like in the First Town.


Fishing Harbor and Trade, Fish Markets and Restaurants, and lumber camps in the outskirts. The town hosts an impressively defended bank, in part because the town itself is hard to get to.

Guilds and Factions

There are four main guilds: The Artist's Guild, the Merchant's Guild, the Sailor's Guild, and the Healer Guild. Each guild has a representative that speaks to the governor for their interests. There is also the Navy faction, which makes up about a tenth of the population and help protect and defend the town and law.

Points of interest

In the heart of the city is the Township Council Hall, which all the towns have, however this one is one of the tallest buildings in the town and can easily be spotted due to its domed roof. Frescoes adorn the inside along with locally mined agate and opal gemstones. It is easily the most beautiful building in town, since it was built to impress important visitors. There are suites in the hall for political visits, which can hold up to four separate parties of travelers. No one lives here permanently, but the Governor lives in the building next door, which is almost equal in abundance but does not have quite as many gems.  
Though the city really only has one main street, an off-shot of it is the fish market. Here you will find fresh salmon and other fish, herbs, shellfish, and more for sale. Though it is primarily a market for food and restaurant stands, occasionally there will be a jeweler making bracelets out of shells or someone selling supplies for a small boat.
  The main temple is for the Mother Goddess, which sits on a hill on the outer rings of the city. It is next to a school and a shelter for those who need it. The temple is not a well-known one, all things considered, but it is important to the local worshippers. People go there to give gifts, have an oracle read their future, hire a scribe, and more. It is a beautifully made building with intricate columns, lighting that never fades thanks to magic, and a beautiful courtyard garden in the center.  
The main street boasts a fish fry restaurant, the tailor and seamstress, an apothecary, two taverns (one with a dancing hall), a candlemaker and a small library run out of the church for the Mother Goddess.


There is not a lot of tourism, but people do come for the navy history and the food. Sometimes explorers have come to map out the mountains. There have been attempts to mine the mountains, but few have been successful.


Buildings are primarily made of natural materials like stone, wood, and concrete. Glass is used sparingly as it is expensive, but rich manors have them. Magic can be used to make sure the structure is sound and to decorate it in moving frescoes or fountains that never run out of water - but again, these decorations are reserved for the rich. The richest houses have courtyards and columns involved in the structure, often dedicated to a certain god the family is a patron of.


It is a forested landscape and mountainous. Part of what separates the Fifth Town so much from the others is the forest people have to traverse through in order to get to the main city entrance.


The climate is prone to rain and storms in the spring, but not cold enough for piles of snow in the winter. The summers get hot but not humid and often remain cloudy. Autumn is harvest season. There is fog in the fall and winter or early mornings in the spring and summer.

Natural Resources

The Fifth Town is known most for its natural resource of fish and lumber however they are also abundant in seaweed, shells, sand, stone and moss.
Large town
About 20,000


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