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Post-Istanbul is the Capital/Central of Human Purists society. In the Cradle of Humanity, all roads lead to Post-Istanbul. It is the central hub of local trade and the bed of order for the HPs.   The city takes up the area of the Past-Istanbul's border, as well as extending past it, along with an aggregate of localized settlements near the city limits for various functions. The architecture and layout within the borders of Past-Istanbul are fairly maintained and refurbished, with various outcroppings and additions to them to account for the change of function and technological level.   The technological level of Post-Istanbul is much more advanced compared to Human Vampire settlements as well as the Human Purists own myriad outer settlements. Being the hub of Humanity that does not utilize the safe measure of Vampiric Cleansing for the Blood Curse, their reliance on technology to stave off the curse provides Post-Istanbul with a wider understanding of old and new tech. This adds to the mix matched nature of the cities layout and function.

The Microphone

  The Microphone is the Assembly Building and is a central location within Post-Istanbul. It is where all laws, declarations, and plans are discussed and announced. It is the most common way for the Speaker to relay the will of the Past to the people.


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