
Blood-Forged is the umbrella term for those who find faith in the Blood God.   While members are predominately comprised of Netherborn, individuals or even groups of other ethnicities have been known to pray to or worship the Blood God.   Any sects in the Overworld that were not founded by a Netherborn or a hybrid are looked upon with immense skepticism by Blood-Forged. This is because Overworlders tend to focus too much on the "blood" aspect of the Blood God, and construe him as a senseless, savage, dominating creature who is ravenous for bloodshed and violence.   Any Netherborn, hybrid raised by their community, or anyone who researches the Nether at its source knows that this is far from the truth.   Blood-forged recognize the Blood God for the protective and intelligent entity he is. The Blood God is the most active in his community, besides The Ender Lord of course, and his actions and values are imparted onto his supporters.   The following are near-innate truths for Netherborn  Blood-Forged, as learned from the Blood God:
  • Protect those you care about with your life.
  • Death is the only constant. It is not to be feared but to be respected.
  • Those in power must work to prove they deserve it
  • their word and actions are their honor
  • there is more strength in community than solitude
Heads of families and clans are determined by strength, but not merely the physical kind. Typically, they are given the title by the community for their resilience, their knowledge, their adaptability, and their fortitude. Physicality is an added bonus, of course, but strength of mind and will is very important as well.   Blood-forged do kill and hunt, but never for sport, it is either for necessity or self-defense. They do compete often in physical trials and sports, but not to establish dominance (typically they compete to better themselves and to push those around them to improve as well.

Tenets of Faith

  • Beware those of other realms. They only seek to hurt or exploit.
  • Protect those you care about with your life.
  • Death is the only constant. It is not to be feared but to be respected.
  • Those in power must work to prove they deserve it
Religious, Other


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