Ender Prince


Public support, education, a public testimony given to the current court members.


A direct thesis must be consistently displayed, possibly developed, and planned. The enderian people judge the thesis first, before carrying it to the court to prove it's worthiness and connectedness to the problems of the community's majority. The current court look over the thesis, give guidance and pointers, and check with Ender Lord xemself, of in xeir absence, the Ender Dragon.


The Ender Lord gives a public decree announcing the passing of the thesis, the position(s) they qualify for, and an avenue to vote. The people vote directly on whether or not the person receives the title. If they are appointed, they are given time to celebrate but must come with a plan on how to utilize their position to study their thesis and honor the people's trust in their endeavor to better their community.


Must give consistent updates as developments occur with their thesis.


Diplomacy! Interrelations!! Moderating/debating!!


Funding for the research, full access to Ender's Archives

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Enough civilians bring the motion to revote on relevance and the thesis/it's developments aren't voted on favorably. A new thesis is offered and brought, approved and offered the same position, allowing for a revote on whoever else holds the position already.
Civic, Diplomatic
Source of Authority
The ender community and residents
Length of Term
Until revoked or retired
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