Hound Army Organization in Crafting New Lives | World Anvil

Hound Army

The Hound Army is the official name of all the dogs that live in and around the Antarctic Commune that have been trained and domesticated by the townsfolk. Technoblade started this unit by simply adopting and raising lots of dogs, eventually calling them an army as a joke, but the name stuck.   Every household has at least one dog that serves as the guard of primarily any children in the family, but also protects their adult owners as well. Many dogs are named after ancestors and predecessors, to keep their memory alive and to give the spirits a connection to their family. Puppies are often given to preteens so they can do training together and form a strong bond.   Any townsfolk that are allergic to dogs are given pendants to counteract the allergy.   Despite their predominately domestic lifestyle, the Hound Army is genuinely trained for defensive situations at a minimum. Some dogs and owners go a step further and train to hunt as well.

Victor Ululatibus (the victor howls)

Military, Other
Alternative Names
Howling Defenders
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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