Starlit Children

Starlit Children are Death's official worshipers, and are the only ones she recognizes herself. While she cannot control who worships her or how they abuse her powers, she can favor those who respect her. If that brings about the end of those who abuse her powers, all the better.   Starlit Children see themselves as those who complement Death's work: as she comforts they dead, they aid the living in learning how to live in the wake of loss. They also aid those who respawn to find their way back to their belongings, protect them and help them retrieve anything no longer there. They understand that just because an item is nonmagical that doesn't make it valueless, and endeavor to help retrieve any stolen items or replace what they can of what was lost.   Within the Starlit Children, there are different roles one can fall into or explore.   The Novas are the force and protection of those in need, helping adventurers and those in need stay safe until they can return to their belongings and fighting off any adversaries who disrespect the honor of the dead. They believe that any fight stops when someone respawns, and that everyone should let the person return to secure belongings before continuing; they will force this rule if someone attempts to break it.   The Comets are those that retrieve items on behalf of the respawned if they do not feel safe enough to return in such a quick manner. They excell at getting in and out with large amounts of items, and securing as much off of a person as they can. They go through a lot of training and have the same crew of Novas that they train with in order to be trusted enough to retrieve all the items and not pocket anything. It is a highly respected position due to the difficulty and the high pressure of the situations they find themselves in.   The Constellars are those in charge of the respawn anchors and those who commune with spirits most heavily. There are not many who actively commune with spirits past their death, but some are known to aid those in limbo and keep them company until Death comes to retrieve them. Some rogue Constellars have aided in retrieving those in limbo before Death can greet them, and while that brings heavy complications for everyone involved it can happen. Those procedures are most often in ruined communities where they have already acted in that way without being prepared for consequences.   Overall, the Starlit Children understand that they are there to aid those in dealing with death and that Death loves the living and they will try to protect the living proactively more than retroactively.

Protectors of Living, Stewards of Death

Religious, Organised Religion


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