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The leylines of Crathlond are ethereal conduits that traverse the very fabric of existence, permeating all realms with their arcane essence. They defy conventional notions of space and time, omnipresent yet elusive, existing in a liminal state between reality and the metaphysical realm. These mystical currents, shaped by the divine decree of the God-King Alonsus, serve as the foundational force underpinning the natural order of the universe, wielding boundless magical energies that shape and govern the laws of nature.


The manifestation of the leylines remains an enigma, shrouded in mystery as no mortal has been able to traverse their inscrutable plane of existence. Yet, as magi channel their arcane powers, they tap into the reservoirs of magic flowing through the leylines. The essence of magic takes on myriad forms, shaped by the intentions and needs of the caster. However, the raw essence of this mystical energy often reveals itself as an ethereal blue shimmer, an intangible mist suffused with boundless potential.


The leylines permeate every corner of existence simultaneously, rendering them indiscernible as individual entities. Their pervasive influence imbues the universe with magical energy, sustaining the very fabric of reality. Although it might be assumed that they intersect frequently, such occurrences are rare and known as convergences. At these points, the leylines exhibit even more enigmatic and unpredictable behaviors, as evidenced by the cataclysmic Unraveling, which gave rise to enduring and anomalous phenomena.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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