The Koradrim is known by different names amongst different peoples, but it is always synonymous with death. Worshippers of the Death Trinity—Zon-Kuthon, Pharasma, and Urgathoa—leaders of the Koradrim are either necromancers and anti-paladins or liches and death knights, with the singular purpose to extinguish all life on Creacia. The death cult plays the long game, however, rarely killing indiscriminately but rather planning behind the scenes and often posing as important figures in open society. The last time their plans began to come to fruition took place in the power vacuum shortly after the fall of the Voran Empire but were thwarted due to the Soul Weavers in the Battle of Annihilation which caused the splintering of the Weavers into the more heretical Goldoath Knights. Diametrically opposed to the Weavers, the Koradrim draws power from the death magic of the Bodron trees, infused with Soulveins corrupted by Urgathoa. The wood of the Bodron empowers the necromantic abilities of the members, allowing them to prolong their undeath or to animate the hoards of undead waiting to rise. While the Koradrim mostly works in the shadows of underground temples, it is believed that its agents have influence amongst the Reavers and the Lidless Eye, even if those organizations are unaware. With the Desolation of Hett, however, the Koradrim has found its true and perhaps final expression in the Grimm of that dead land.