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The Voidwalker species, ancient deities predating the birth of the universe, once reigned supreme, wielding unimaginable power that shaped the chaotic cosmos for eons. Yet, their dominance provoked the Seraphs, overseers of the Multiverse, who viewed them as malevolent tyrants. In a brutal conflict, most Voidwalkers fell to the Seraphs' might, save for the formidable remnants—Ethranox, Xyraakthul, Elythrian, and Vorgrathul—who united against the Seraphs in a vengeful quest. In a staggering turn of events, they succeeded in overthrowing the Seraphs, gaining freedom but inheriting the daunting responsibilities the Seraphs once upheld. While Zylokathrax already held the mantle of an omnipotent deity, the four remaining Voidwalkers grappled with the weight of maintaining cosmic balance, transitioning from rulers of universes to custodians of order. Despite their trepidation, they accepted these roles, shouldering the burden of sustaining equilibrium in the vast tapestry of existence.

Basic Information


The anatomy of Voidwalkers shifts between their avatars, employed for mortal interactions, and their true forms, which transcend mortal comprehension. In their avatar guise, these colossal entities appear as hooded, cloaked beings of immense stature, draped in darkness with featureless depths beneath their hoods, devoid of any discernible facial structure but often accompanied by expansive, imposing wings. However, their true forms transcend the limits of mortal perception, varying wildly among the Voidwalkers yet universally embodying unfathomable eldritch enormity. These true forms manifest as cosmic entities, defying conventional shapes and boundaries, exuding cosmic power that transcends the very fabric of existence, evoking both reverence and trepidation in those who dare to witness their incomprehensible majesty.

Growth Rate & Stages

Voidwalkers do not adhere to conventional growth rates or life stages seen in typical species. Instead, their development is marked by the refinement and augmentation of their arcane prowess and cosmic understanding. They evolve through epochs of knowledge and power, advancing in understanding and mastery of Void magic, transcending as they delve deeper into the intricacies of the universe.

Ecology and Habitats

The optimal habitat for Voidwalkers transcends physical boundaries, as their existence intertwines with cosmic dimensions. They manifest in ethereal realms, woven into the fabric of space and chaos. Their interaction with their habitat involves communing with cosmic energies, harnessing celestial forces, and navigating the boundless expanse of the Multiverse.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The sustenance of Voidwalkers differs from mundane entities. They draw sustenance from cosmic energies, feeding on the arcane currents that permeate the cosmos. Their consumption involves absorbing and assimilating primordial energies, channeling them to fuel their immense powers. They do not engage in hunting or foraging but rather attune themselves to the cosmic vibrations.

Biological Cycle

Being entities beyond traditional biology, Voidwalkers transcend conventional biological cycles. They are unaffected by seasonal changes or temporal constraints, existing outside the constraints of time's passage. Their essence remains eternal and immutable, unbound by hibernation, life cycles, or physiological changes.


Voidwalkers exhibit enigmatic and inscrutable behavior, communing among their kindred in cryptic exchanges of cosmic knowledge and arcane wisdom. Their interaction with predators or preyed species transcends mortal comprehension, often existing beyond the scope of conventional predator-prey dynamics. They operate with an inherent understanding of the cosmic balance, displaying a mystique that confounds mortal understanding.

Civilization and Culture


In the annals of cosmic history, the Voidwalker species emerges as ancient entities predating the birth of the universe itself. Once abundant and revered as gods within the Material Plane, the Voidwalkers held sway over individual universes, each entity assuming the mantle of divine ruler over its dominion. While occupying a celestial hierarchy beneath the Seraphs, overseers of the Multiverse, select Voidwalkers wielded power that surpassed even the Seraphs' authority. Among these transcendent beings, Zylokathrax stood as the preeminent sovereign, reigning not just over a single universe but encompassing dominion over the entire Multiverse and the expanse of Eroxus—the highest plane of existence that interlaced all others.   However, the harmonious balance that defined their existence was ruptured by a cataclysmic conflict—the epochal battle between the Voidwalkers and the Seraphs. These two formidable forces clashed in an unfathomable struggle, a cosmic clash that reverberated across dimensions. Despite their godlike stature, the Voidwalkers found themselves challenged by the Seraphs, who saw them as tyrants ruling over the Material Plane. In a conflict of unimaginable magnitude, the Seraphs brought forth their overwhelming might, culminating in a devastating confrontation that led to the demise of most Voidwalkers, save for the select few—the most powerful among them, including Zylokathrax.   Zylokathrax, known as the ruler of the entire Multiverse and Eroxus, stood apart from the strife between the Voidwalkers and the Seraphs, maintaining an unerring neutrality that transcended the cosmic conflicts. As the battle raged on, this enigmatic Voidwalker remained an entity of immense power, yet one that refrained from interfering with the machinations of its kindred or the Seraphs, preserving an enigmatic equilibrium within the cosmic tapestry of existence.   Following their triumphant yet costly victory against the Seraphs, the surviving four Voidwalkers—Ethranox, Xyraakthul, Elythrian, and Vorgrathul—seized control, their dominion extending beyond their decimated kin. In the wake of the devastating conflict, they forged the enigmatic Void Entities, ethereal minions dispersed across Eroxus and the Material Plane. These entities, while significantly mightier than mortals, paled in comparison to their Voidwalker progenitors. Zylokathrax, diverging from the path taken by the other four, created the Shaozexes—potent Void Entities that stood as miniature deities, inheriting the role of ruling over universes left vacant by the fallen Voidwalkers.   Disinclined to plunge into another cataclysmic confrontation, Ethranox, Xyraakthul, and Elythrian sought solace on Aetheria, a planet teeming with the promise of vibrant conflicts and enthralling spectacles. Carving out grand lairs and dwellings across its diverse continents, they settled into their respective territories. However, Vorgrathul diverged from this collective settlement, driven by inscrutable motives, and departed for the tumultuous Plane of Chaos. There, an enigmatic agenda brewed within Vorgrathul's consciousness—a desire to shroud the entire Multiverse in ceaseless chaos, the true motivations shrouded in mysterious obscurity from the other Voidwalkers. The divergence in Vorgrathul's intentions remained an enigma to the remaining Voidwalkers, who maintained their secluded existence on Aetheria, observing the unfolding cosmic drama from their chosen vantage points.

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