Maidens of Destiny Character in CREATION | World Anvil
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Maidens of Destiny

The Five Maidens of Destiny are five Celestial Incarna who are second in power only to The Unconquered Sun, though Luna is considered an equal.    Their duty is the maintenance and administration of Fate in Creation. Each maidan has a specific role within the Bereau of Destiny.    The Five Maidens are:   
Mercury, Maiden of Journeys
Her color is yellow and her work includes travel, roads and messages.    
Venus, Maiden of Serenity
Her corlor is light blue and her work includes marriage, love, sexuality, joy and other pleasures.  
Mars, Maiden of Battles
Her color is red. Her world emcompasses all of battle, ranging from technology to logistics to strategy. She is grenerally considered an inferior warrior but superior strategist to the Unconquered Sun.  
Jupiter, Maiden of Secrets.
Her color is green. Her work is secrets, secretive and a secret.  
Saturn, Maiden of Endinds
Her Color is Violet. Her work covers change and endings, whether it be the death of an animal or the Usurpation.
Divine Classification

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