Godspear of All-Searing Noon Item in CREATION | World Anvil

Godspear of All-Searing Noon

THe Godspear of All-Searing Noon is one of the four Fulcrums of The Unconquered Sun, representing his virtue of Valor.  
While in the hands of Sol Invictus, this artifact has powerful effects on the most high. While holding it, The Unconquered Sun cannot engage in the following behavior withotu willful suppression of his nature:  
  • overlooking or tolerating any challenge or disresprect to his authority, no matter how small
  • (engaging in a challenge against him is not intrinsically disresepctful, though besting is always so)  

    The Unconquered Sun
    Item type
    Unique Artifact
    Raw materials & Components
    Glories of the Most High Vol. 3 - The Unconquered Sun


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