Rogue Chapter 1 Prose in CREATION | World Anvil
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Rogue Chapter 1

Rogue, A-Part Of Kagami

  MASS: has changed the description of the group
MASS: has added VENGE to the group
MASS: has added CHAND to the group
  We write the Realm Year 831. The Civil War of the Realm's Great Houses in their Battle for the Throne has left its permanent mark on the entire Creation. Ever since the supreme ruler of the Blessed Isle vanished without a trace 10 years ago, the world has been slowly descending into chaos. City states and empires have come and fallen in that time and the Realm has been too weak to keep the peace that was absolute during the height of their power.   Now, everything is changing again. 6 weeks after the Return of the Scarlet Empress.   Now, the Stars have fallen and the world is entering a new Age.   MASS: You are both in the City of Iktaliv, the flower of the desert. Built upon a hill next to an oasis, it is the last station of civilization in the south before the desert ends in vast volcanos and blazing dunes at the very edge of the world. Remote, this city remains far from the reach of the Realm.   The majority of the population looks southern. Dark complexion, beards and turbans are just as often represented as bayars. The city guard carry spears and shields, and also scimitars, depending on where you meet them.   A gilded ring around stylized dunes and hills serving as the background to an eagle head appears to be the sigil of the city, which you see mostly over the gates and upon the banners and shields.   VENGE: Having left my lofty bastion in the night, I land outside the city near dawn. With my cloak wrapped around me, I enter the city unobserved. My first goal is to find out where I am. I mingle into the crowd of people inconspicuously, just to look around. I'll try near the caravansary and its surroundings, to discover the world around me and catch up on the news of recent events.   CHAND: Saanvi would pay her weekly bill with her innkeep like usual and then make her way to the library. On her way, she'll - like every day - make a detour to explore one more shop in search for the artefact.   MASS: You two just stroll around the city, each on your own way.   TO CHAND Unfortunately, you don't really find any useful clues on your way. You were fully aware from the start that this will be a long and difficult search, since you have nothing but a name and a vision to guide you. Still, everyday it's an interesting experience to join the people of this city. With your white hair and fair complexion, you stand out wherever you go, although the locals you interact with seem more amazed and amused than hostile.   Overall you notice very soon how open hearted the natives are. It won't take long until you discover the reason for it. Soon, you'll learn that this city frequently receives caravans bringing in all the wonders of the world, so most of them seem thankful and curious to see new things and meet new people.   After another afternoon looking through shops trying to find information, your stomach is grumbling and you go to a tavern for food. Do you have a regular spot by now?   TO VENGE It will be very easy for you to mingle into the crowd and observe and be unhindered in your path across the city. It's a very busy place, there barely seems to be a person who isn't going about some business or errant, and depending on where you are right now, you hear loud calls in Firetongue and Riverspeak by vendors praising their goods.   Soon, you'll be witness to the open heartedness of these people who don't seem in any way unkind towards foreigners. Still it doesn't escape you how hot blooded and spirited these people are, when a few women start fighting each other for goods being offered at a low price.   You too soon feel famished so you decide to go to the next tavern to find some nourishment. The fried gecko they sell on the street doesn't really tickle your fancy. Perhaps you'll have some luck in a well known inn.   CHAND: Yes, there is a tavern she frequents because of the sheltered backyard apart from the hectic streets and because the innkeeper rarely makes a ruckus if she stays there for hours at a time to just have some drinks and read in peace. Sometimes one of his personnel even takes the time to tell Saanvi a bit of the story regarding this place.   MASS: "Ah! I was wondering when the Southwind would finally blow in this snowflake! What's it for today?" You are greeted by Ali, the Innkeep in his friendly manner as always.   CHAND: "The same as yesterday, please! It was superb! Is my table available?" She winks at him and is already on her way to her favorite table while taking off her heavy leather satchel.   VENGE: Indeed I just remembered that it has been days since I had last eaten. I look down to my pouch with the dried meat and then back to the tavern and decide fairly quickly that the tavern would be the better choice. I ask for an inconspicuous table from where I have a good view over the place and start observing the people in here while waiting for the specialty of the house.   MASS: Your way leads you to the Tottering Camel. A rather big tavern with a backyard canopy made from dyed linen to cast some much needed shade. The tavern is well frequented right now and the innkeep Ali seems to be in the best of moods.   During your exploration tour through the city you've discovered all kinds of interesting figures, among them a creature known as the Terrorbird. A huge ostrich large enough for two people to ride in, with mighty claws and a beak to easily break through the strongest bones. Still, one of the creatures here immediately catches your attention, because she has snow white hair that really stands out in this southern region.   A few moments later comes a boy of perhaps 16 with a tray filled with all kinds of southern delicacies. Even from afar you can smell that it was something spicy, with pita on the side and a jug of white, milky fluid. The boy puts it down before you.   "Specialty of the Tottering Camel for you, Master! Learn for yourself why we are famed for our fermented camel milk! Please enjoy!" He grins at you and then leaves.   MASS: TO CHAND You would have been given something similar some time prior with the special drink of the house, fermented camel milk, what else?   VENGE: I look at my plate with slight disgust. Fermented milk doesn't sound very appetizing. The spicy food doesn't rouse my fancy, either. I can only think about the consequences of what will happen if I take strong scented food right now. Still my hunter and curiosity wins. so I try something while keeping that white haired woman in my sight. A traveler from so far away always brings news. Perhaps she can tell me how best to get back to the Realm.   MASS: The food is high quality, even though it's of a foreign cuisine and made in a way you would have called base.   CHAND: Saanvi would have taken over the entire table. Apart from two heavy books on the table, she has another one in her hand in which she reads. Occasionally she tears a piece of bread and dips it into the food and puts it entirely in her mouth and keeps reading while chewing. The movement seems practiced, almost exactly like the natives. Sometimes, she puts one book away, mutters something under her breath and looks something up in another book. Then she nods understandingly and turns back to her main read.   MASS: As you two sit there, all kinds of people come and go. You overhear pieces of conversation, the interesting thing you pick up is that according to rumor, an unusually large caravan has been sighted on the road.  
MASS: You may both roll wits + socialize
CHAND: [Dice Roll:2 Successes]
VENGE: [Dice Roll:4 Successes]
  VENGE: While I observe this woman, I'll try to see what book she's reading. Which language is it? Which details do I make out? For no particular reason, only curious.
VENGE: (Perception + Investigation + Specialty = 9 Dices)
VENGE: [Dice Roll: 7]
CHAND: The young woman appears large, even while sitting. It could be because of the straight posture she keeps. Almost noble she seems as she sits there. Her long, snow white hair is tied in a messy bun to keep them from falling into her face. Otherwise some strands of locks fall down to her waist. Her wardrobe is simple, but made from the best quality and rather noble. More curious are the many pouches and bags on her belt. Some of them had to be removed for her to sit down properly.   Her face is fine, but square. She isn't what people call a true beauty, but her charisma makes up for her imperfection.   CHAND: The book she's reading seems to be in Old Realm and has rather many depictions of different chakra-points and centers, as well as explanations of it. Also the book has depictions of different amulets, bracelets and other trinkets. Occasionally she reads in another book in High Realm as if to look up some stuff.

VENGE: (*hearteyes*)
  MASS: TO VENGE With your amount of successes for the roll on the caravan, you get an uneasy feeling when you piece together that the large caravan isn't one of the Guild, since the whispering man is of the Guild himself and seems alarmed. Who else would have interest to send a large caravan here beside the Guild? The Realm might be a reasonable explanation, although you have no idea why the Realm would be sending caravans here of all places.   MASS: TO VENGE You may roll wits + investigation + specialty to see what info you can find out about Saanvi. TO CHAND Manipulation + performance please, if you want to hide that you're from the Blessed Isle.

CHAND: [Dice Roll:0]
CHAND: No chance. She probably knows that her noble blood is showing.
  MASS: TO VENGE You're pretty sure that you know this white haired person. You can't tell for sure where you know her from, but you're very sure that you've seen her on the Blessed Isle before, perhaps even in Blind Love. You can even guess that she's probably from the House Ledaal or Pelebs. You notice that she's obviously trying to make her origin less public with the best of her abilities, still people can just tell that she's high born.   MASS: As you both sit in the tavern, more or less enjoying your meal, you notice very soon a figure entering the room. The only reason this young man of perhaps 20 years stands out is that he is very obviously looking for someone or something. He wears light and well worn travel clothes and looks as if he just entered the city. By itself it isn't something unusual, he has short black hair that just peek out from under his headwear, some kind of shawl to protect him from the sun during travel. Beyond that you notice him wearing light armor that looks like that of the Guild, but definitely isn't of the Guild. Also he has a satchel over his shoulder like a messenger that often travels through Creation.   He lets his gaze wander over the tavern until it lands on the white haired person, his gaze will linger there for a while, then he nods and makes his way towards her place. He bows slightly before saying in a friendly manner:   "Well met! I'm looking for a certain lady by the name of Saanvi. Am I right with my assumption?" Then he observes Saanvi for a moment as if not necessarily waiting for an answer, but for something else. As agreed with your brother, he is waiting for the secret signs to confirm you as Saanvi.   CHAND: The secret hand-signs would be a series of rather "common" movements. She sweeps back her hair, moves a pair of imaginary spectacles up her nose and adjusts a necklace. "If you think so, then I am the one," is the correct answer to prove herself.   VENGE: Oh, this sounds interesting. Why would a Lady of House Ledaal be here? (She doesn't seem to be a Peleps, lacking that arrogance and that militant bloodlust.) I'll try to eavesdrop subtly, acting as if studying my food.   MASS: You may both roll perception + investigation
CHAND: [Dice Roll: 5]
VENGE: [Dice Roll: 5]
  MASS: For a split second, it seems he is waiting for another sign, almost as if he isn't completely sure about the order of the signs. Then he reaches into his bag and pulls out a cylindrical container for a parchment roll with the seal of House Ledaal on it.   He gives it to you, saying "As you wish! Do you wish to send a message back? Then I'll return at a later hour if my Lady would tell me where she's staying for the night." He bows again. "It would be my honor to be of service to you!" Then he waits for your answer and his reward. He seems very eager to get a new order from you, perhaps because your House pays well and he really wants to get back to the Blessed Isle. You have to spend one Willpower to deny his request.   TO VENGE Something is wrong. It almost seems this guy there just finished his first errant, though his clothes and gear suggest a different story. Besides, he seems too eager to get a message back. You don't buy his entire act.   CHAND: "I'll meet you here tomorrow - given that you can spare your precious time!" She gives him a handsome tip. "Same time as today."
  VENGE: I'll activate Judge's Ear (allows the user to hear all lies and half truths) just now and then I'll take a look at how the Ledaal reacts. Does she seem like she needs help? Does the Ledaal answer out of her own free will, or does it seem she doesn't know how to get rid of this guy?
MASS: Well, it's obvious that the man is very charming, if that's your question.
CHAND: I'd say it all seems as if it's a routine for her, though not exactly with him.
  MASS: The messenger takes his reward and puts it in his pocket before answering. "Yes, of course, milady. Tomorrow, same time, I'll be here. A good day to you, milady!" Then he bows again before turning around and prepares to leave the tavern. But he hesitates.   CHAND: Saanvi rolls her eyes and clicks her tongue, irritated, and says "So much for the discretion of messengers.... I might as well have shouted my name into the room...." as she opens the scroll.   VENGE: I get up from my table and approach her so I'm directly in her view. I wink at her briskly, then come to a halt right before the messenger. "You're quite right, milady." Though I say the last word in a whisper. Then I turn to the messenger. "Go now, the Lady has had enough of you! Or do you want to force an answer from the Lady?"   CHAND: Saanvi lifts a skeptical eyebrow, rolls her scroll back together unread and puts them in her own bag.
CHAND: (Would you like to describe your character?)
VENGE:The newcomer is a grown man, very charismatic and very good looking. He has long blond hair and blue eyes. A short beard is on this sharp jaw and his skin is rather light, but weather-beaten. He looks more like a Northman, rather than one of the local people. His clothes are mediocre, not poor, but far from luxurious. A cloak around his shoulders hides most of him, but you can make out his tall and broad frame. The leather satchel he carries hints at a profession similar to that of the messenger. He displays no visible color, badge, or sigil of any kind.
  CHAND: (*hearteyes* *heart*)
VENGE: (Yeah, who doesn't love Thor?)
  MASS: The messenger turns around in surprise and surveys the newcomer rather annoyed. Then he lifts an eyebrow and throws a questioning look at Saanvi.   VENGE: While his back is turned, I form with my lips the word "Argus" and then point towards myself.   CHAND: Saanvi gives a coy grin and gracefully pushes a chair on her right a little away from the table with her foot. "I thank you for your service for now. You are dismissed for today. Argus, good man, come sit with me."   MASS: The messenger shrugs, then turns around and leaves the tavern.   VENGE: Of course I observe the messenger very carefully. How does he move? How does he act? Does he say anything else?

VENGE: I use Unblinking Sentinel Gaze (allows the user to instantly recognize the target as Creature of Darkness). Is he a Creature of Darkness?
  MASS: He seems rather irritated by the way you spoke to him, but otherwise does nothing but leave the tavern.
MASS: No, he's not.
VENGE: (Dammit!!!)
VENGE: Is she a Creature of Darkness? The Ledaal I mean.
MASS: No, you see no Creature of Darkness here.
VENGE: Okay.
  VENGE: "Forgive me, thy noble Lady Ledaal," Argus bows lightly and speaks in a hushed tone. "I wisheth not to intrude, but I did see thee being troubled by this man. I beg thy pardon for my trespass. And I thanketh thee for this most gracious invitation." Then I sit down with her.   CHAND: "Please. My name and my origin I would rather have kept secret so far away from home... But messengers these days apparently don't learn discretion anymore..." again she rolls her eyes in a way nobles of the Great Houses had for generations reserved for the incompetence of their staff.
  MASS: (XD)
  VENGE: "How may I address you then, mistress?"   CHAND: "My name is Saanvi. And you are Argus?" She smirks. "Another snowflake in the desert. Are you a messenger as well?"   VENGE: Argus places one hand on his chest in greeting. "Yes, Mistress Saanvi. I am Argus and I came in service of my Lady to find someone. If you would allow me this inquiry for I am beyond curious to know what machinations would have led a Led-" he stops himself just before saying your name. "- Lady unmarried to this part of the world. I ask not to test your patience, Mistress, but because the person I seek often studies tomes such as you carry."
VENGE: Argus makes a reserved but very friendly impression. He seems certainly trustworthy. He also seems like a man who understands discretion because he talks in a hushed voice all this time, but still very clear and understandable to you.
  CHAND: Again, she raises a skeptical eyebrow.
CHAND: All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight (allow the user to perceive Essence) - Is this person before me Dragon Blooded? that it might be something else other than Dragon Blooded or Mortal doesn't seem very possible to Saanvi.
CHAND: [Dice Roll: 7]
  VENGE: It isn't distinct if the person before you is a Dragon Blooded. Neither his appearance nor his Essence points towards an Exaltation. But you can see a thin veil over his natural Essence, strange, but not distinct.   But you can make out other effects very clearly. Argus wears a mighty artifact around his neck, somewhere beneath his clothes. Also on his wrists, you see Essence glistening. Now that you watch him more closely, you notice that he is wearing magical clothing that includes every single piece of his wardrobe.   CHAND: Briefly her eyes light up with surprise. Then she recovers. "... and your Lady is... who? How come she's only given you a description but not a name?"   MASS: (So intense!)   VENGE: Argus lowers his head as he picks up another piece of bread from the plate. "My Lady would rather see herself veiled, for it is unbecoming for a Lady of her stature to desire such things as she has tasked me to achieve. So would the name of my charge be hidden for now. Please forgive me, Mistress, you would understand that Creation is full of dangers and I dare not reveal the name of my Lady so recklessly."   He tilts his head towards the book Saanvi was reading. "But I was given enough details to understand that you might be of great help. I wish not to impose, Mistress, or imply that your help would come without cost. I would be of service to you, for as long as you have need of me." Argus appears rather embarrassed to ask this of you.   MASS: How long since Kagami last slept?
VENGE: (Great, just reveal my name now, why don't you! >_<)
MASS: (seriously? What is this campaign called?! XD Like she doesn't know already! Now she really knows thanks to you who Argus is! :P) VENGE: (LOOOOOOOL)
VENGE: (1 or 2 days ago. still gotta little time. XD)
MASS: (hahahahahaha)
  CHAND: A mix of understanding and irritation flashes over her face. "I see.... But nevertheless I too don't just tell what I am and what I do here recklessly´. So I fear if we only reveal things about us so long as the other does the same, we'll go in circles. And... thank you, but I have no need for a servant who serves a mysterious lady." A small vein on her forehead bulges and she drums her fingers on her book impatiently.   MASS: (nice, Chand!)
MASS: TO CHAND You see more than what VENGE described. In addition to their description you see a veil of silvery Essence that rests very softly on him. You may roll Intelligence + Occult if you want to know what it is.
CAHND: [Dice Roll: 3]
MASS: You recognize it as Lunar Essence. Someone apparently casted something onto him, although the Essence seems to be waiting for something before showing its effect.
  CHAND: "... although something about you tells me that I can trust you...." She seems to be looking deep into your soul.   VENGE: Slightly puzzled, he frowns. He almost seems frightened, as if he noticed your anger with him. Immediately he changes his behavior and you recognize the humble posture drilled into every servant in the Realm, as he lowers his head and adverts his gaze from you.   "Please have mercy, Mistress." He mutters softly under his breath. "I did not mean to anger you. It is only…” Indeed the confident man who rescued´ you seems to disappear and you see him as a pitiful lowborn. "My skills have limits. I have come now to the end of the world and desperation drives me to be foolhardy. Creation is vast and I know not where to seek this man. Would I to tell you the truth, may I count on your world not to betray me?"   CHAND: Saanvi seems to ponder over it. Then she rises, throws a couple coins on the table and gathers all her things and tells Argus with a gesture to follow her. With him in tow, she strolls towards an alleyway behind the inn, which she discovered a while ago.   "Fine, I'm listening."   VENGE: Is she telling the truth?
CHAND: Absolutely.
  VENGE: Like the obedient servant Argus follows her in respectful distance. When they are in the alleyway, he'll look around to make sure they weren't followed   CHAND: Saanvi too looks around, then sits down on a box and waits impatiently for him to explain.   MASS: Then make the rolls, pls.
CHAND: [Dice Roll: 1]
VENGE: [Dice Roll: 9]
  MASS: You're sure you're alone. You are both in a small back alley. A couple of baskets and sacks and other stuff is lying around near the wall. This seems to be one of those alleys where a savorer of fermented camel milk comes to let it go through his head again. But since it's really hot here, only traces remain and you don't smell it anymore.   VENGE: (ew)
VENGE: Do I remember now where I know her from? Ledaal, young, mage, realm, short fuse... may I roll?
MASS: Aki may have mentioned that he finds it odd and even outrageous in a scheming way, that the House Ledaal sometimes even send their mortals to the Heptagram, not as servants, but as assistants. The description would fit, but the woman from his tale had flaming red hair. It never bothered him personally that mortals are admitted to the academy, and you know his stance on Exaltation, but he still wondered.
VENGE: Then I'll try to remember Saanvi Ledaal only. Any unusual stories about her? Why she would be alone at the end of the world? (But it's no big deal if I don't remember)
MASS: TO CHAND What rumors did you and your brother spread about you?
CHAND: According to rumors, Saanvi Ledaal eloped from the Blessed Isle with an unknown lover of hers. Supposedly she's heading somewhere north and withdrew from public eyes and secretly married this mariner. The family was shocked!
VENGE: (*thumbs up*)
MASS: (*shocked face*)
CHAND: There were even people they bribed so they would claim to have seen a redheaded woman with a mariner, fleeing at night, smoothing on his ship.
  VENGE: After Argus had made sure that they weren't being followed and no one listens in, he again places his hand on his chest and bows. "Most noble Mistress, you are gracious," he hesitates again, "It is not that I seek to deceive you, only that the goal my Lady would wish completed is one that demands the highest of secrecy."   He leans towards her and lowers his voice to a whisper. "She follows the tracks of a man whom she loves. He has turned from her, not out of indifference, but driven from affection for he would not risk her status. But she loves him still and she too fears the perils that threaten him. Bound by duty she dares not seek him herself, oh believe me noble Mistress, my Lady would were she free to do so. I wander in her stead with the quest to find him and protect him, the man who yet holds my Lady's heart. ""
VENGE: (This is a monologue. I'm making a Social Attack. I appeal to her compassion, so she'll trust me and help me.)   CHAND: "... and what exactly has this to do with me? Who are you looking for exactly? I can hardly help you if you won't tell me who this is all about...."   VENGE: "Mistress, I must ask you for your word in keeping this a secret."   CHAND: Again she rolls with her eyes impatiently. "Yes, yes! Now Talk!"   VENGE: ( I assume you're not lying?)
CHAND: (nope.... Manipulation 1, she can't even lie even if she wants to. *rolf*)
  VENGE: Then Argus nods and learns towards you. The first time he whispers the name so quietly you can barely hear it. Then he clears his throat and whispers again, so it's just audible.   "It is Aki, Mistress. Aki of House Mnemon, the one they call Storm of the White Sand. He is the man I'm seeking." Then he looks at you expectantly, as if you should know the name. He almost looks like a child who just said something he shouldn't.
  CHAND: ( i take this name is familiar to me? May I roll?)
MASS: (Oh my god! I haven't even finished reading everything and I'm laughing my ass off! I need a little before answering.)
VENGE: (What's there to laugh about? This is all very dramatic! >_<)
MASS: (That too! But I love how CHAND plays out her Temperance 1. With Manipulation 1 it's even more awesome.)
VENGE: (Yeah, super awesome! Such cool in character play!)
CHAND: (Thanks. Roll, yes? no?)
CHAND: [Dice Roll: 7]
CHAND: Oops, I take everything back. Int 5, Lore 3. 5 successes. (Tell me more about Aki!)
MASS: TO CHAND You know Aki very well! Not personally, only by reputation, but you've seen him at the Heptagram often, occasionally he has more or less volunteered to teach the one or another classes. You also know that people had long and often tried to convince him to lead the Heptagram or join its inner circle in more than just name only. People describe him as a natural talent among the Dragon Blooded mages.
CHAND: Do I know where he's usually staying? Something known to me about his marital status? Wife? Children? Sexual orientation?
MASS: Normally he's on the blessed Isle, people claim that he has a summer palace in Blind Love. The last you've heard of him is that he has finally taken up residence in the Imperial Palace in the Capital and accepted a post in the Imperial Court. Mostly because Mnemon herself has commanded him to be there and that he has for the first time in a long while taken an official concubine and has actually taken her with him to court. Supposedly someone from the Great House Cynis.
  CHAND: "Aki? The same Aki who's recently taken a concubine? ...Won't be hard to find him I'd say. We can send him a letter." She seems a little skeptical and not believing the entire story.   VENGE: Argus stares at the noble lady as if she just lost all her wits. "Mistress, please do not jest. Could I send a letter to Master Aki, I would not have traveled to the end of the world." He lets out a sigh. "Yet if you jest not, then my disappointment is heavy." He hangs his shoulders. "Then you have no knowledge of where Master Aki might be? I am forlorn then. Even more so to have wasted your time."   CHAND: Saanvi appears confused. "He's probably still in Imperial City, by Mnemon's orders.... If he's not there, try his summer palace.... Is he gone? Since I started my travels?" Then she suddenly appears as if something came into her mind and she's already opening her bag to retrieve the unread scroll. "But I can ask my contacts, I suppose."   VENGE: Life returns to Argus' eyes and he tries to throw a casual glance at the letter. "Sadly Master Aki is no longer on the Blessed Isle. Many things happened.... since you left the island. Many things...." He surveys you again very closely, then shakes his head.   "No, perhaps I have been overeager in my desperation. If you have no knowledge of Master Aki, then I must be on my way. I merely hoped that you would know him and perhaps have granted him sanctuary for you both study the same scripts." He again places his hand on the chest and bows low. "Please forgive the miscalculation of this humble servant. Now, I am at your disposal, to atone for the time that I have demanded of you."   CHAND: She shakes her head casually, completely taken by the parchment scroll. "I'd say you have a lot to do if you want to find this man for your Lady. But you could tell me what I missed - especially what traces you have found of Aki and where they end."
CHAND: Saanvi listens only half heartedly with one ear, with the other she scans over the parchment.   VENGE: Argus frowns. "What use would such news be to you? Yet I wish not to waste more of your time. Perhaps I may tell you of things that do not bore you, were I to know what brought you here? Not that I wish to sound loose, yet your disappearance from the Realm was no small scandal and I wonder now if you are the woman I take you for."   VENGE: Social Attack: Please tell me what you're doing here. You can trust me.
VENGE: [Dice Roll: 5]
CHAND: (What do I do again?)
VENGE: (Do you expect something like this? What is your Mental Defense Value?)
CHAND: (4, so no chance)
  CHAND: She seems to think on how to phrase it. "Let's just say... I'm not eloping with a man.... And I also won't call the Wyld Hunt upon you for the traces of Anathema that you have on you." She says that very quietly and carefully.   VENGE: Something hardens in the eyes of Argus, but otherwise he appears completely unbothered by your threat. As he draws closer towards you, you can see the lines harden around his mouth and his hisses barely audibly.   "And who do you want to yell for, so far away from the Realm? I very much doubt that a defiled mortal of a languorous house has such power." For this instant he does seem threatening, how he stands in this shadowed alleyway and his voice vibrating disturbingly low. VENGE: (This is intimidation. CHAND, I'm so sorry! *teary eyes*)   CHAND: "No, you misunderstood me. What I wanted to say is that I won't call them on you, if you don't call for them... because of me." She seems now a bit more uncertain than before. As if she's entrusting him with the fact that she's suffering an embarrassing illness.   VENGE: [Temperance roll: 1]   MASS: You both notice someone passing by the alley, throwing a glance at you two and then moving on.   VENGE: Argus clenches his teeth and almost appears as if he's considering attacking the Ledaal. "What secrets do you carry that the Wyld Hunt rides because of you! What does a servant of the Heptagram seek so far from the Realm?" His hand goes under his cloak and his expression is grim.
VENGE: TO MASS Is CHAND's Charm is still on?
MASS: Yes.
VENGE: (I'll use Irresistible Questioning Technique (compels the target to answer with the truth) for my questions. CHAND, you may resist with MDV, or spend 4 Willpowers to resist the effect.
VENGE: [Dice Roll: 10]
CHAND: (ouch)
  VENGE: As Argus hisses, Essence gather in his words and reaches out for Ledaal. When his orders were voiced, you feel his will bearing heavily upon your own. His Essence reaches into your thoughts and compels you to reveal the truth to him.
VENGE: (Unfortunately, this is unnatural mental influence. Or you can do something cool, get stunts and push your MDV higher.)
MASS: (With the Successes you rolled, she has no chance at defense, unless she gets 3 dices and rolls 6 successes.)
VENGE: (It's Exalted. Everything can happen! XD)
  CHAND: Saanvi flinches back first, then fights against it and snaps with anger. "Stop trying to influence me, you moron! I virtually told you that I'm an Anathema! And if you keep forcing your will on me I'll be forced to show you who and what chose me and how effectively I can kill now! So stop this and I'll hope you find Aki or refuse and die a pathetic death in a back alley behind some tavern at the anus of the world!"   VENGE: (oh god, I want answers! but MASS!!!!! Give her stunts!!!)
MASS: 3 stunt dices!
CHAND: 5 Successes
VENGE: You roll ONLY the stunt dices and add the successes to your basic MDV
CHAND: Ohhhh.... I see.... then 2. So 2 Suc from stunts + 4 basic mdv = 6
MASS: then you have to spend 4 Willpower or follow's Argus' orders.
CHAND: (.... ow fuck it! I follow!... I'll just kill him when he attacks me- as promised.)
VENGE: (YEAH!.... oh wait....)
  VENGE: Argus rises to his full height, his friendly face turns dark and serious. One step after another, he approaches you. Yet he draws no weapon.   "Answer my questions!" he commanded. "Who is your Lord and Master, who chose you? And what are you doing here?"   CHAND: Saanvi too rises to her full height. With a few steps she exchanges her position with his, so she is standing with her back to the entrance of the alley. So passersby can't see her face. She still struggles to speak quietly, to not draw attention towards them.   "You DARE to prance before ME like a peacock, the peasant and servant that you are! Who do you think you are that you dare to place yourself in MY way? First I had to abandon my home because back there I'd be in mortal danger and then there comes this twaddler with leftover Lunar Essence on his puny, magically endowed chiseled abs and thinks himself special to cause yet MORE trouble for me! Didn't you listen to me?" Her Castemark starts glowing on her forehead. "Piss off, you troll! Or I'll keep my promise and make you my first murder!"   The Castemark, a third eye in brilliant gold has opened on her forehead. A setting sun inside a circle, the symbol of the Twilight Solars. She closes her eyes and the Castemark dims down until it vanishes and she starts very pricklishly to pluck at her clothes to order them.   MASS: (Shut up and take my stunt dice! 3!!! ALL OF THEM!)
VENGE: (What for? Was that an attack? OMG! I'm dying of laughter!)
MASS: ( I don't care! 3!!! Whatever she wants to do lol!)
VENGE: ( Seconded!!! I have a bad feeling about this.)
  VENGE: Confused and slightly uncertain, Argus stares at Saanvi's forehead. His lips are trembling, but he only mutters under his breath "... magically endowed chiseled abs.... piss off you troll.... twaddler... what?"   He then focuses back on you, on your Castemark. "I do not fear you." But then he slowly raises both his hands, opening them to show you that he is unarmed. "And you have nothing to fear from me."   His gaze returns to your forehead again and after a while, he tilts his head before you, almost in acknowledgement. "Yet, you did not answer my questions."   CHAND: "Seriously? And you tell me this NOW? After you swaggered all around here like a cock and forced you will on me?" She grunts loudly and puffs with anger. "And as if I didn't answered your stupid questions! I didn't have a choice, did I? And now you immediately take the compulsion off me or I'll show you what we do with misbehaving servants where I come from!" She's downright talking herself into a frenzy and seems to grow more angry the more she talks.   VENGE: "The compulsion fades by itself when you no longer struggle against it." Argus says calmly. Indeed he seems even more at ease than before. "You must understand that a Twilight at" he clears his throat "the anus of the world does rouse a certain curiosity."   CHAND: Saanvi takes her hand between her teeth and bites down to smother an angry cry. "That's none of your business whether I'm looking for an artifact here or not.... Oh dammit! Now it's enough! When this is over, I'm looking for Aki myself... and... and then I'll marry him myself, and this I swear to you! And every new year your Lady gets a life sized oil painting of me and him and our twelve children!"   VENGE: Argus hides a smirk as his shoulders tremble with laughter. "When this is over," he says with chuckles mixed into his words. "But shouldn't you be sailing the northern seas with a pirate? What would the good captain say when his mistress runs back to the Dragons?"   CHAND: Now she seems to explode. The young woman lunges forward and tries to slap Argus in the face.   VENGE: Argus skillfully dances out of her reach.   VENGE: (Do we want to roll this out?)
CHAND: (nah, just for fluff)
  VENGE: After this jest, his expression returns to seriousness. "The compulsion is lifted from you, I allow it. My questions have been answered for now and enough of my time has been wasted."   CHAND: "You laugh about me?! YOU dare to laugh about ME? People like you I've had dogs chase off court before breakfast and that's when I could barely speak! Enough!" She lifts her hand with a bracelet around her wrist into the air and snaps her fingers. In second, the bracelet transforms and a fine chain-glove covers her hand and fingers.   "NO. ONE. LAUGHS. ABOUT. ME!" Her eyes glow threateningly and broad-shouldered, she blocks the way out of the alley.   CHAND: (Gloves of Celestial Touch)
VENGE: (:-O)
  VENGE: Argus simply raises an eyebrow. "Do you intend to murder me because I laughed? Has the Glorious Unconquered chosen you so you may demonstrate his prowess by striking down one unarmed? Is this the might of the Sun and the light of righteousness Creation can expect from you? Has the Lord of Heaven given you nothing of his immeasurable wisdom? None of his everlasting mercy?"   CHAND: Bitterly Saanvi laughs. "Oh no, I will not kill you. I'll give you a good smackdown for your insolence, so we're even! You don't really think I'll help you find Aki and make your Lady happy before you get at least one black eye from me? Such an affront I won't tolerate! Not because I'm a child of Heaven, but because you insulted ME! And if you don't come to collect your beating now, I'll be forced to think about it the entire way about how best to pay you back. That'll cause me mental resources I'd rather not waste."   VENGE: "Oh well," Argus bows. "Then the fault is with me. I provoked you and you did not hold fast. Pity. But if it satisfies your anger, strike me as you will with your own might, not that of the Sun you're so boldly misusing. If you can hit me with your own power, then I deserve the strike. If not, our mutual path ends here."   CHAND: For an instant Saanvi seems confused. Then she looks to Argus then back to her glove. "Wait, you thought that I..." her anger seems to turn into confusion and then she laughs out loud. "Such rubbish! I'm a mage, not a barbarian! It won't do to hit you with my fist! ...You have some vivid imaginations... besides, that's uncalled for!"   She seems completely overwhelmed by the mere suggestion. "... still you offended my honor and invaded my will." She snaps with her finger and the gloves retrieve back into her bracelet. Only now does Argus notice that she wears them on both hands. "You owe me an apology and a good dinner. Especially since I'm keeping my promise to help you find Aki."   With a quick and fluent move her fingers dash forward to poke into Argus' chest. "Above all, you shouldn't dare assume that I act without honor. Or you can go find him yourself until the sun bakes you black."   VENGE: The other of Argus' eyebrow joins the one already lifted. He looks down towards Saanvi's hand and then back to her face. Barely visible he takes a step back and tilts his head. "After all this, what gives you the idea that I would need your help? You obviously do not know Aki, nor where he is. Why should I need the help of a young mage who has in a single afternoon threatened me with death 3 times? Or was it 4 already."   CHAND: This question seems to insult her even more than before. "Fine, then our way separates here! I don't see myself obligated to help someone who doesn't need my help! Even if he obviously needs help very urgently and is desperately grasping for every straw he can find! Farewell!" She turns on her heels and gestures with her hand in goodbye and leaves the alleyway.   VENGE: Argus watches her leave and is silent for a moment. Then he sighs with exasperation and calls out to her. "Or you can just apologize for the death threats and the extradition to the Wyld Hunt and other insults and we can start anew." He says while laughing.   MASS: You may both roll Perception + Awareness
CHAND: [Dice roll: 1]
VENGE: [Dice roll: 6]
MASS: TO VENGE You hear footsteps. Many footsteps that are coming closer fast. The clattering of armor is echoing through the busy city and seems to come towards the tavern. You guess them to be 15-20 men strong.
  CHAND: She turns around one more time - apparently because she can't stand it not to have had the last word. "I've been trying to tell you in a roundabout way that we both hold the same leverage over the other and are on the same side, you dumbass! Who has silvery Essence sticking to them? What is that anyway? Some kind of protection?"   VENGE: Argus ignores what she says and lunges for her. He grabs her shoulder with one hand and the other he wraps around her mouth. Pressed to her very closely, he pulls her towards the depth of the alleyway into the shadow. Close to her ear, he whispers, "Men are coming, too many. Are you wanted?"   CHAND: For a while, she keeps cursing under his hand, then she tries to listen. She shakes her head then, rather uncertain - still with his hand on her mouth - and then shrugs.   MASS: TO CHAND you hear it too now
MASS: As you two move deeper into the alley, you both hear the coming of a small army, one may say. It seems to reach the tavern first, then split into two groups to surround the area.   CHAND: (Oha!)
VENGE: (aw, shit!)


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