Rogue Chapter 2 Prose in CREATION | World Anvil
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Rogue Chapter 2

Rogue, a-part of Kagami

  MASS: As you two move deeper into the alley, you both hear the coming of a small army, more or less. It seems to reach the tavern first, then split into two groups to surround the area.   CHAND: (Oha!)
VENGE: (aw shit!)
MASS: TO VENGE You can make out a smaller group surrounding the tavern, while the bigger part of the army starts to walk down the street, towards the ally.
VENGE: Do I see another exit? A door leading into another house? Does this alley have an end, or is it open on both sides?
  MASS: Just as you both come to the realization of what might happen here and turn towards the exit, you see three figures. One of them is the messenger from before.  
The other two look like this:
VENGE: (I have a bad feeling about this.)
CHAND: (Do any of them look familiar to me?)
VENGE: Are they Creatures of Darkness?
MASS: No, they're not. At least not yet. ;-)
VENGE: Do I know them.
MASS: Though it doesn't end there.
CHAND: Sorcerer's Sight: Dragon Blooded?
MASS: Yes, all 3.
  MASS: You recognize the man as a Fire Aspected Dragon Blooded, the woman as Wood Aspect and the messenger as Water.   All three of them plant themselves in the only exit of the alley, standing in one line to block the space. And the woman asks the messenger, "are you sure these are the right ones?" She speaks quietly.  
The Messenger answers and you can downright hear the hate dripping from his words. "Trust me, I know Anathema when I see them...." and as the three of them make one more step into the alley at the same time, the appearance of the messenger starts to change.   His clothes start to shrink, shifts its form and color into lighter one. Until this figure takes place:
MASS: (no idea what you're talking about....XD)
CHAND: (???)
VENGE: (it's Misu Taru, CHAND!!!)
CHAND: May I roll lore to see if I know them from the Blessed Isle?
  CHAND: "Anathema? Really? Do you mind! I come from a noble House of Dragon Blooded, just like you! And you even know my name! How do you get the idea to call me Anathema!" She straightens herself and places herself threateningly before the three and smiles widely.   Saanvi is trying to distract them from Argus by drawing all their attention to herself, and to appear as innocent and likable as possible without directly lying to them.   MASS: You know none of the three. Besides, their low Breeding which isn't higher than 3 would tell you that they might be lost eggs. You many roll Manipulation + Performance and get 1 stunt dice.   VENGE: Argus follows your initiative and keeps to the background for now. But he's clenching his teeth since Saanvi's lie is more than obvious. He may be blushing a little by terms of second hand embarrassment since her excuse´ really isn't going to fool anyone.
VENGE: (I'll be going into White Veil Form now)
  CHAND: (is there a way I can do this with Charisma instead of manipulation?^^)
MASS: (haha, nice try CHAND. Lying is manipulation.)
CHAND: (otherwise I've got 2 dices to roll including the stunt dice, so I don't even need to try. *sweatlaugh*)
VENGE: (what, you don't have Performance?)
CHAND: (nope)
MASS: (you must have at least 1-2 dots in Performance as a former noble of the Blessed Isle. I will give you 2 dots for free.)
VENGE: (*thumbs up* Performance 1 is minimum for a Scion of the Great Houses. Wanted to write, didn't know you already talked about it.)
CHAND: [Dice roll: 2]
VENGE: (oh well... Argus will be facepalming then)
MASS: hm....   MASS: The 3 Dragon Blooded exchange an amused look with each other. Then the archer knocks an arrow. "Shall we?"   VENGE: "Wait! Most honored and exalted masters and mistress," Argus calls out all of a sudden. He emerges from Saanvi's shadow and bows low with appropriate etiquette.   ( I use Mastery of Small Manners for that.)   "I am a friend, not a foe. I am called Argus, of the Nonames. Even before the glorious return of our most gracious Empress have I been a servant of the righteous. Under the most noble Roseblack I have served and a true companion I was to the exalted fellowship of the Shield of Black, a friend to Tepet Anke and Hea. I am not your target, nor your enemy."   CHAND: Saanvi stares at Argus with dismay, her eyes wide open.   CHAND: (Does any of that tell me anything?)
VENGE: ( I think you must be blind and deaf not to have heard of the Roseblack. She is next to Mnemon and Cathak the forerunner for the Imperial Throne and Mnemon's biggest political enemy.
Young and honorable, Tepet Roseblack´ Eyawa enjoys truly impeccable renown. One of the most noble and capable soldiers of the Realm. The Shield of Black are her companions, each of them a powerful Dragon Blooded handpicked by her.
Mnemon is the eldest daughter of the Scarlet Empress and the most powerful mage in the world. Roseblack Eyawa is that red headed Dragon Blooded in green armor on the cover of the books.)
CHAND: (and with that it's clear who's so hot for Aki... I see.)
  CHAND: Saanvi lifts her eyebrows and is impaling the Northman with her eyes.   VENGE: (yep, he deserves it)
MASS: roll manipulation + performance + 2 stuns
VENGE: I keep the WP.
VENGE: [Dice roll:7]
  VENGE: Every single world is true, with such conviction he speaks them.   MASS: The Dragon Blooded hesitate and are quite surprised. Misu Taru tries to take another step towards you, but the Fire Aspect stops him and to Argus, he says,   "You? You served with the Shield of Black? What the hell are you doing here? ... forgive me, but that is something we should discuss later in private, especially... if she really is an Anathema."   VENGE: "Indeed, my Lord. I held council with the companions of the Shield of Black and with the wise and enlightened Tepet Arada, once the noble Head of House Tepet. I spoke with Lady Roseblack many times. Yet indulge me, Masters and Mistress, the topic of my mission should not be revealed in dark alleyways.   As for this woman, she is an instrument with which I shall fulfill my Lady's wish." I look over to Misu Taru and bow low again. "Forgive me my trespass earlier, Lord. I feared the loss of the moment to do my Lady's bidding. I beg your humble forgiveness for my eyes are week and did not recognize one so high."   CHAND: Saanvi's eyebrows are closing in on her hairline. Every man can see her biting on her tongue to no comment. (I spend one WP to control myself)   MASS: Misu Taru looks at you with fury. The Fire Aspect but says, "Well then, please allow us to escort you to a more comfortable place, so we may speak in peace." Then he makes a step to the side, so there's a small gap and makes an inviting gesture towards you. Now you see the 20 men army standing ready behind them, with shields and swords, just waiting for orders.   VENGE: "What of her? I dare not steal your glory, Masters and Mistress, yet this woman has information that will be crucial to the success of my mission."   MASS: "We will for now - in your name - take her into our custody. An invitation I'm sure she won't deny, am I correct?" The last part he says to Saanvi.   CHAND: She continues to bite on her tongue, but nods.   VENGE: Argus nods approvingly and turns towards Saanvi. "Please, go with them and I give you my word that no torture will befall you. Today, there shall be no blood."   CHAND: If eyes could kill, Argus would die a very slow and gruesome death right now. Instead, she only scowls at him. Then she walks towards the entrance of the alley with her head held high.   MASS: Misu Taru cuts in and snaps, "Shield of Black or not, you should know better than make promises you cannot keep. This is a decision to be made by us, not you."   Then he draws his sword and points it threateningly at you. "Your weapons, both of you. Put them on the ground." Then he turns around to yell orders at his troops. "Bind them both! The white haired, you'll gag also! With just words an Anathema can wreak havoc and fell even the noblest of men!"   VENGE: Argus straightens himself, but hesitates visibly. He looks to the other two, especially the Fire Dragon Blooded, but still pulls his dagger from under his cloak and drops it on the ground.   To not argue any longer, he offers his wrist but mutters loud enough to be heard by everyone. "Of course, as you wish, Lord. I will make sure to mention every detail of you assistance in my report. I am certain my Lady will grand you the most deserved reward."   CHAND: This is the threat that finally breaks the last straw. "Excuse me? Enough of this! I am not a monster! I'm an honorable woman! ...who admittedly was elevated by someone else than expected... but I won't let myself be treated like vermin only because a god recognized the potential in me!   This is outrageous! Does anybody here actually realize that I could simply flee any moment I want but am not doing it because others might suffer for it?" She clicks her tongue angrily.   MASS: One of the soldiers comes forth to collect the weapons, while another steps forth with robes and gagas. You can't really see their faces because they all wear helmets, but you could just make out that they're all about the same age. 20-30.   MASS: You may roll Perception + awareness
VENGE: [Dice roll: 5]
CHAND: [Dice roll: 0, no success]
  VENGE: Appalled, Argus stares at Saanvi as if he can't believe what she just shouted.   Mass: You both hear a hiss through the air and in the next moment there is a vibrating impact behind Saanvi. Quick as lightning the Wood Aspect has loosened an arrow, direct past Argus and coming to close to Saanvi that the cut on her cheek only opens after the arrow hit the wall.   "You shut your trap right now and only open it again when we give your permission, you scum of an Anathema! Be grateful that we don't execute you right now, in the middle of nowhere, between filth and vermin where you belong!   But if I so much as twitch with your lashes, the next three arrows are going to be sticking in your head and silence your accursed tongue! Do you now understand the situation you're in? Now is the time when you nod, slow and silent!" Even as she speaks, she knocks the next arrow.   CHAND: Saanvi's eyes are stuck to the archer. (How close is she?)   MASS: You may both roll Valor. She is about 10 meters away from you, surrounded by soldiers.
CHAND: [Dice roll:2]
VENGE: [Dice roll:2]
MASS: Although the situation is dire, you both stay cool.
  VENGE: Slowly but surely, Argus looks a bit like Saanvi, and becomes impatient and slightly irritated. Before the guards reach us, I mutter so quietly so only Saanvi can hear me. To her I whisper in Old Realm, "can you really flee? I'll cover you."   CHAND: This chance Saanvi uses to nod very slowly, just as the archer asked.   MASS: After that, the guards approach you as ordered, even if they slightly intimidated. The Fire Aspect now has his hand on the pommel of his sword, standing ready, although his gaze isn't laying on Argus, but on Saanvi.   He says to Argus then, "you better step aside so not to be in harm's way. Please stand by us, or behind us, you never know with Anathema."   VENGE: TO MASS Can you describe this alley to me? We're surrounded, aren't we? Where is the archer? And where are the other Dragon Blooded?
MASS: The alley is about 15 meters "long". On one side is the wall of the building "Tottering Camel" which is about 7 meters high. On the other side is the wall belonging to a much bigger building, some kind of warehouse. This wall is 15 meters high. Behind you the way is cut off by another wall, and at bottom are all kinds of clutter like baskets, boxes, sacks and barrels and random stuff. Same is along the wall.
In front of you is the only exit, now being blocked by the three Dragon Blooded and their soldiers. Beyond that there is a window leading to the tavern, about 3-4 metes away from you.
  VENGE: Completely casual and with absolute serenity Argus approaches the group slowly. Before he reaches the guards, he mutters. "I don't have time for this!" And to Saanvi he yells "Now!"   With a fluent motion, he swirls around his own axis as his hand dances over his own chest, pulling out a long, golden chain from noting. Like a water drop falling back into the sea, Argus sinks down, out of the direct vision of the guards and pulls the chain taunt before his face.   One of the 3 knots tied into the chain untangles itself, and with a cry of shrieking fury, a burning bird of blazing brightness blasts down from the sky, directly towards the group of Dragon Blooded.   (I use the spell Brilliant Raptor that's captured in my chain.)   CHAND: Saanvi uses this opportunity. She goes down on her heels in seconds, stretches out one leg and uses the momentum to bring the soldier behind her to the ground and catches herself with one and to not lose balance. Her other hand, she leads to her lips for a whistle.   She turns so she is in the start position for a sprint and pushes herself off, and dashes as fast as she could towards the wall of the tavern. She first jumps onto the boxes and barrels, then pulls herself up the window and uses it to get higher. Her goal is the roof.   MASS: You both get 3 stunts each.
TO VENGE Pls roll your damage with the max pool, since none less than Mnemon herself gave you this spell. RIP DRAGON BLOODED
TO CHAND I'm not sure what you're trying to do and what your actions are. So far I see a kick and a climb in one round. You can divide your stunts between them, since you split your actions.
CHAND: and the whistle is for the cloud that I'm climbing towards.
CHAND: [Dice Roll:3, for kick]
CHAND: [Dice Roll:4, for climb]
CHAND: [Dice Roll:12, for conjuring the cloud]
MASS: You can't do that many actions in one round and cast a spell. Nevermind, ignore me.
VENGE: (I'll take the WP and that mote^^. How much overdrive dice do I get?)
VENGE: [Attack roll: 9 + 5 automatic]
VENGE: [Damage roll: 14 lethal ]
CHAND: (ouch)
  CHAND: As Saanvi climbs, she calls down, "Come on!"   MASS: I'll resolve this with storytelling before we get ourselves into dice orgy, okay?
CHAND: (seconded)   MASS: As the flaming bird with this ear shattering scream stuck the Dragon Blooded, there's a huge explosion of fire, and the heat boils like waves through the alley and set the surrounding things on fire. Even Argus' clothes are scorched and you feel the flames reaching for you. Almost at the same time you just the shocked screams of the soldiers, their clothes and armor now burning.   Saanvi just managed get herself onto the roof and feels her spell coming to fruition. In the next moment, you hear a loud hiss as flames start getting higher and turning the alley into a small inferno, burning so brightly people had to turn their gaze.   Then the flames start to take shape and turn into a great bull that seems to breathe in the flames around him, until it becomes the Anima of the Fire Dragon BLooded, who stands in the middle, engulfed by Fire.   Obviously he has thrown himself in front of the spell and has parried most of the damage with his blade of red jade, which prevented most of the damage but also spread the fire to set all surrounding people on fire.   CHAND: (*shocked face* *sickened face*)
VENGE: ( Ehm.... I don't wanna be petty now, but the spell can't be parried? Only dodged? In a, alley?)
MASS: (I thought it was the other way around. Can't be dodged, only parried? Besides, he used an charm, a Perfect which allows him to parry unparriable things, so it's all the same^^)
VENGE: (okay, then it's all the same^^ Actually you can only dodge it, that's why the alleyway was important to me. Because, no space. XD But I'll take this too.)
  CHAND: Saanvi whistles a final time for her cloud on the roof and conjures it with a snap of her glove and yells down, "Argus!"   VENGE: Argus doesn't even look back. "Flee if you do not wish to kill. Leave this to me. I take no prisoner today."   CHAND: Shocked, Saanvi stares down into the alley.   MASS: When the flame and smoke finally fade some, you see the 3 Dragon Blooded standing there with their weapons drawn. The rest are either running away while burning, or are on the ground, unconscious.   VENGE: Did they take any damage?
MASS: All three of them at least took some minor damage, yes.
VENGE: (Yeah! Then they all get -1 on all their successes, because flames are running through their veins. *Thank you, Mnemon!*)
  MASS: The Fire Aspect steps before the rest of the group and shouts. "Take care of the one up there, I'll take this one here!" Then he draws his second blade and begins his Kata and readies himself in the Fire Dragon Style. He kisses the bigger of his two blades and says to Argus, "You want to dance? Then let's dance!"   Just at this moment, a cloud conjured by Saanvi comes down from the sky and hovers directly before her in the air.   MASS: TO VENGE Join Battle please.
VENGE: (aw shit, Celestial Martial Arts... that's tough to beat.)
VENGE: [Join Battle Roll: 9]
(Summary of the battle scene played via video chat)
  Facing each other, Argus had no choice but to fight. As Saanvi steps onto her cloud, Argus dances with his golden chain to catch the Fire Dragon in its grasp. Yet in his pride and still unused to his new strength, he overreached and missed the target. The son of Dragon took his opening to lunge for Argus, who failed to parry the blade of red jade.   Despite Argus' fluent fighting style aimed to confuse his opponents, deep wounds were dealt to Argus. Instead of red blood only golden light poured out of him, its intensity piercing through fire and smoke which surprised Argus himself.   Saanvi, high upon her cloud escaped the grasp of Misu Taru easily, who though agile, could yet not chase after a cloud. She hovers over the battlefield below her, still unsure of what to do. To not leave Argus to his fate, Saanvi remained close and started casting another spell.   Argus would not yield just now and sought his vantage points from the air. As he too made for the rook, he skillfully picked the arrows of the archer from the air. When he was above them, his golden chain vanished in a heartbeat and 4 exceptionally made Chakrams appeared around him, each seeking the death of the Fire Aspect. Only a single one made it past the Dragon's parry and stuck him in the chest, steeling the breath from his lunge.   Argus, knowing that he alone cannot face all three of them and feeling his strange wounds gnawing at his strength decided to flee the battle after all. Saanvi on her cloud pierced through the sky and caught the man as he flipped onto the roof and then onto her cloud.   None of the Wyld Hunt would relent however. They pursued the them, the Wood Aspect shooting one arrow after another. In her full might, Saanvi was faster than any arrow. She yanks forth her arms as her spell finally came to fruition and a swarm of deadly butterflied of sharp obsidian wings engulfed their enemies.   Those who did not perish by fire had now certainly lost their life. A picture of slaughter marked the alley. Black were the walls and blood is all that remained. Visibly shaken, Saanvi brought her cloud higher in the air. She trembled as they flew without course, her eyes empty and her heart heavy.   Though wounded and deeply shamed by his defeat, Argus took the reigns and placed a steady hand on Saanvi's shoulder. "There, land over there," he said, pointing towards the backyard of a seemingly empty building. When they arrived, Saanvi refused to leave her conjured cloud, less it disappears and left her stranded.   For once, Argus did not argue. He scouted their surroundings and found them an empty warehouse, the lock easily picked with his Essence-infused fingers. The entire time, Saanvi did not speak a single word.
  VENGE: Argus half collapses against the wall once you're inside. Fatigue and exhaustion are visible on his face. He presses his hands firmly over the wounds on both his arms, yet still golden light pours out through his fingers. Wincing, he reaches into his leather satchel and pulls out a woman's blouse in dark color and rips it into shreds to bind his wounds.   Only then does he take a gulp of water and leans feebly against the wall. Again and again, he grimaces in pain. In his feature one can see the unease and rage of his recent defeat.   CHAND: Saanvi still refuses to step down from her cloud. But hovers inside and cowers down on it. With glassy eyes she observes Argus and seems to digest what just happened.   VENGE: Their eyes meet and for once, Argus cannot hold the gaze. To avoid her eyes, he picks at his own makeshift bandages. But in the end, he comes to her, offering his water.   CHAND: She takes a deep drink and seems to calm down a little. "... they... they are all dead, right?" It seems as if she's pleading for him to say the opposite. "... and we did this...."   VENGE: "It's better this way," Argus says quietly, but solemnly. "They would have brought more misery had we spared them."   CHAND: "... and that makes it better?" Again it doesn't like a question, rather like she needs something to calm her conscience. "... and now?"   VENGE: Argus puts a hand on her shoulder. "The first time is always hard. You will get used to it." He sighs. "I fear we cannot linger. We must leave the city. It will not be long before they hunt you anew."   CHAND: She hides her face in her hands with a deep sigh. "When I used to wish to be Exalted like my brothers, I would neve have thought that it would mean I have to be on the run as an outcast." Then he clears her throat and starts to adjust her hair. "How about Ice now? I hear it's lovely there this time of the year...."   And then suddenly it seems something came into her mind. As if stung by a bee, she gasps. She pulls the parchment from her bag and finally starts reaching her brother's letter.   VENGE: "Weep another time. We have none to spare and none to dwell on. Hide your hair and gather your things. We must be unseen."   CAHND: "... just a second...." She keeps reading. "... where do you want to go? And most importantly, how?"   VENGE: "I don't know yet...." Argus returns to the window, gazing into the distance seemingly preoccupied. "Wherever Aki is, I suppose. But most of all, I would rather avoid another confrontation with the Wyld Hunt. It is astonishing how easily they found you, even so far away from the Realm. You must have left clear tracks for them to follow you to the anus of the world."   CHAND: "I have a bad feeling that my brother wasn't careful." She mutters while reading.
CHAND: (so Mass, what's in there?)   MASS: (it'll take some time for me to write it, though it won't be anything unusual, only that it has become very difficult to contact you in secret and some summary of the latest, sad events. Pls give me time until tomorrow to actually write this letter.
And it will be a long letter and Saanvi will need at least an hour to properly study it and so on. So I doubt that you'll have the attention for it now.)
  VENGE: Argus will try to scan over the lever while Saanvi is distracted. After that he kneels down to her, so they're at eye level again. "What are you doing here, if your heart is still in the Realm? Are you fleeing? Or do you follow a mission?"   CHAND: "Something of both. My Exaltation was a little... unusual. What actually happened there I still don't know. Although I know that it has something to do with an artifact. I got a vision from it, but everything happened so fast and it was so overwhelming that I can't even begin to understand everything. This city seems the best place to start, though I can't be sure why I think that."   VENGE: Argus sighs. "I'm very sorry it came to that. No one should have died such a violent death. But it is your path now. They will never stop hunting you. And at this point, I dare not leave you alone." He sighs even deeper. "But if you so will, I can go and respect your wishes. Only know that you are not alone in this world."   CHAND: Saanvi looks into his eyes as if searching for something. "To be honest, I don't quite know what to make of you... You work for a Dragon Blooded, glows golden if hurt and have some kind of silver magic on your and you wear entire armor of magical artifacts. ... What are you?"   VENGE: "I have many faces and I have many names. Many I have served and many I call my servants. What is important is only that I am like you, a Child of the Unconquered Sun."   CHAND: In disbelief she stares at him, her eyes wandering all over him. "I never thought I would meet another one like me."   MASS: As you both sit there, more or less shaken from the recent events, you get a moment of respite. Argus will use this time to take a breath and care for his strange wounds. I hone of some diversion, Saanvi takes the scroll from her brother and starts reading.   Like every time the letter isn't only written down, but styled in an aesthetically pleasing way with calligraphy and round symbols. Its meaning can only be decoded by Saanvi and is protected against unwanted eyes.  
Beloved Sister Saanvi,   still my heart is heavy form the doom that befell you. I often wonder why the Dragons spurned you. For the longest time, I have though it a disgrace, that you deserved better and I have taken long thoughts in it and sought and answer.   But I find myself starting to believe that this might be better for you. Perhaps there is more truth hidden behind your doom than what the doctrines of the Dragons taught us all our loves, for neither my heart nor my mind want to mark you an Anathema.   I hope you are well, wherever you are. I'm sure you're better off, wherever that is, than here back home. Sad irony, isn't it?   Everything has changed since you left. The life on the Blessed Isle is no longer as it used to be. Security is now only a phantom of the past, although welcome, it is fleeing as the wind, never to be caught again.   My worst fear has come to pass. The Battle for the Throne between Mnemon, first among equals and the Roseblack have ended in all out war, one that our family too could not escape.   (At this point you see traces of dried tears and his handwriting starts to tremble.)   A high price has been paid, my dear Saanvi. Very high. Yet to what end? Now, there's only you... and me. Our brethen were taken to the path into the next life much too soon... Please forgive my penmanship... A soul that ha accompanied me since birth, one who should have walked every step with me, one who followed the call of Mela in the same breath as I did, has now gone forth without me.   Our brother, my twin... Vivaan is now with the Dragons. I... have failed. I could not protect him, or the rest of our brethren. A war so devastating not even the most potent magic could heal what it left behind took them from us. Without leaving so much as a body for me to bury.   I saw it with my own eyes... one moment he was standing there and the next he vanished without a trace, washed away by pulsing Essence.   Yet in the moment I believed everything forlorn, too late yet just in time, She returned! The Scarlet Empress has returned! She stepped between Mnemon and Roseblack and ended the war that would no doubt be the death of all of us. She has now reclaimed the Throne of Creation!   Ever since then, none has seen Mnemon. Word is she fled the Isle to escape the Empress' wrath. But Roseblack, the hero of the people knelt and was cleansed of her crimes and is now our Minister of Reconstruction. The right hand of the Empress, tasked to rebuild our glorious Empire.   I should be happy that She has returned. With her, she'll bring back the phantom, right? Security. Glory. Splendor. Yet.... I know not why, my instincts warn me that this is all just dust and shadow.   Please, do not worry for me if my next letter will not reach you soon, I fear it will be some time before I discover a new secure way to contact you. I will write as soon as I am able.   I hae left some jade for you at the Guild-deposit of the City, the Guild messenger I entrust this letter to should be able to lead you should you require his service. Please take good care of yourself and only contact me if it means no threat to your body, for you are all that I have left.   My the power that saw you as worthy watch over you with more care than the Dragons who spurned your prayers.   Your loving brother, Kiaan.
  MASS: TO VENGE Int + Investigation, difficulty 7 to read the letter.
VENGE: I've got Larceny or Linguistics to offer.
MASS: Linguistics is fine.
VENGE: [Dice Roll: 5] (I guess I don't understand everything)
MASS: (unfortunately you don't understand a thing. XD)
VENGE: (Dammit, but I see it's from the Realm?)
MASS: (yes)
  CHAND: Saanvi literally scans over the text as if it's easy to decode it. Her expression speaks volumes. She seems more sad the longer she reads. Silent tears run down her cheeks. "my brothers have fallen... Were you there on the battlefield when the Empress came?"   VENGE: Argus remains silent, although he keeps looking like he wants to say something, but stops himself. Eventually, he decides to leave Saanvi to her grief. Again he withdraws to the side and takes his time to check their perimeter.   CHAND: "... you are closer to the events than I am. Is it good that She is back."   MASS: (Good Question!!!)   VENGE: "Is that a question?"   CHAND: "Yes... forgive me, I'm just a little... Is that good? And, does your Lady deserved to be celebrated as the hero of the people?"   VENGE: A dry laugh escapes Argus as he gazes out of the window, his eyes immeasurably sad. "Time will tell if she deserves it...." he looks back to Saanvi, solemn and serious. "The coming of the Empress is the Doom of our age. Her might is great and her goal terrible. Many died when She came and many will die when She stays."   CHAND: Slowly Saanvi nods. "I see... Then I should get everything and everyone I hold dear away from the Blessed Isle as soon as possible...."   VENGE: "If flight is your first choice, then perhaps you should do that. Yet if there is still courage in them, there are those who still fight." He comes back to you. "You have suffered enough shock for one day. We must be on our way, fine a safe place and gather our thoughts."   MASS: "Indeed. It just so happens that you seem to be in need of both protection and sanctuary," a soft female voice sounds in the room, speaking in Old Realm.   Shortly after, a figure materialized before you, just a few feet away. A young woman with southern features, milk coffee for complexion and dressed like a belly dancer. With silk and veils and golden bells jingling at her hops, she hovers before in you in midair, barefooted and beautiful. She makes an elegant and inviting gestures.   "Please indulge me, Lawgivers, it was not my intention to eavesdrop, nor did I want to interrupt you. Yet I could no longer watch in silence after the chaos that you have wrought in my city." she inclines her head slightly. "I am Sherazier and you are in my city. I bid you welcome."   CHAND: Saanvi rises on her cloud. "I'm very sorry. I wasn't my wish to wreck such chaos. In the last few weeks, I've come to love this city. My name is Saanvi. It is my pleasure to meet you. This is your city, you say?"   VENGE: Argus bows as well, but otherwise says nothing. He is guarded and stands ready to fight.   MASS: TO CAHND With your stats, it's easy for you to confirm that she at least claims to be the god of this city. MASS: "I know, but you need not be sorry, since it wasn't completely your doing. Perhaps we can talk more about it at a safer place, however long it remains safe." She seems worried when she says that. "And you, master of many faces, need rest. If you take my offer, I would love to grand you sanctuary, at least as long as it is possible for me to do so."   VENGE: "You have my thanks, Goddess. I accept your offer." Argus then looks questioningly at Saanvi.   CHAND: She meets his gaze and nodes. "I'd love to, thank you."   MASS: Sherazier looks at Argus. She seems to study his wounds, or what's visible of them. "Hm... are you fit to travel?" She asks Argus. "I can send for someone to accompany you, or, if you're willing, I'll take you with me."   VENGE: "I can travel. Though I will not decline the offer of easy transport."   MASS: The goddess turns towards Saanvi expectantly.   CHAND: (Sorcerer's Sight - what exactly is going on with the wounds?)
MASS: roll Int + occult pls
CHAND: [Dice Roll: 4]
MASS: With 4 successes, you'll identify the light coming out of the wounds as pure Essence, but sadly that's about all that you can make out.
  VENGE: Argus would follow the goddess. He's visibly hurt, but can still keep himself upright. His arms are barely of any use right now.   CHAND: Saanvi would offer him a spot on her cloud she's still standing on.   VENGE: (sure, I'll take it. If it's all the same to you, I'm for a fast-forward.)
CHAND: (seconded)
  MASS: She brings you to a central part of the city and leads you to her temple unseen. It's a big building made from red sandstone in a mix of indian and arabid style, with a long spiky rook. At the windows you see wind chimes with bells.   She leads you towards the inner part of the building and through a corridor that's hidden behind a large statues, into a very pleasantly luxurious room with many floor pillows and incense bowls hanging from the ceiling. In the middle of the room stands a large shisha with even more pillows surrounding it.   VENGE: Argus would take a spot from where he can see all entrances and exits, including the windows. Since his wounds are still really bothering him, he'll keep looking at them and make sure they're well hidden. Then he'll very closely, but passively, listen to the goddess and Saanvi.   CHAND: The young Solar regards everything with great awe and wonder. She follows the goddess.   MASS: The goddess invites you with a gesture to sit with her at the shisha. "Be my guest and rest. For a day I can offer you lodging to regain your strength. Yet I have a request to ask. Please help me with the Children of the Dragons."   CHAND: Saanvi jerks upright and lifts her eyebrows. "Children? Plural? Dragon Blooded? How many are we talking about? What exactly is the problem?"   MASS: Sherazier stares at Saanvi with surprise and some annoyance. "What do you mean by What Dragon Blooded´? Those who attacked you, of course! Those who came to my city because of you. With the recent events I cannot tolerate the presence of the Realm how many there might be, otherwise we will soon share the fate of many other cities before the disappearance of the Empress and freedom will be a long forgotten concept!"   She gazes at you, but seems preoccupied for a moment. "With your demonstration of might, you have given them enough reasons to lust for righteous´ revenge, especially since you killed one of the brotherhood. I might very well hope for you help to keep them away from my city, it's the least you could do."   CHAND: For an instant, her eyes glow with her terribly bad conscience. Then she gathers herself. "As long as we're here, they'll keep coming.... The smartest would be to leave and for a while, to leave behind some tracks so they can be sure.... Or we stay and fake a trace of us leaving the city for them to follow.   Through the second one - as much as I regret to say - is completely rubbish. I have not yet found what I was looking for in the city.... And do you know if all three of them died? Or did someone survive?"   VENGE: "Common tracks will not fool them for long. They employ higher power than simple tracking." Argus grunts bitterly. "Though how they possess such might still, I do not know."   He sits upright and says to the goddess. "I offer you my service, for your help. I will do what is in my power to scare your city a life beneath the scarlet banner." To Saanvi he says. "The faster we discover how they followed you, the sooner you can travel without fear."   CHAND: "Well...." she sighs heavily. "My brother has either chosen the wrong messenger or the messenger betrayed him or back at home, they suspect him of being in contact with me and they watch him. Either way, I can't even warn him... Too dangerous. Not that they come to call him a traitor...."   MASS: The goddess turn to Argus with gratitude and approaches him. "I thank you, I knew I could count on the righteousness in your heart. I now not if it will help with the healing process of your wounds, for those are indeed curious, but it will ease some of your pain if you make use of my shisha."   Then she'll get comfortable in the pillows and take one of the many pipes and take a deep breath. "Food and drinks are on their way and as I said, you are welcome for tonight and I will make sure you remain undisturbed. As for the molesters....   I'm reasonably sure that you've slain at least one of them, which is why I mentioned them thirsting for revenge. As for their leadership, I very much doubt their coming by divine providence, if the rumors are to be believed." She makes a grimace while saying this.   "But enough of business. What gives me the pleasure to welcome you two to my city? We are so far away from any meaningful events of the world, it is most rare for me to great not one, but two of such high Exaltation."   VENGE: Argus eyes the shisha with suspicion, but still accepts the aid in healing his wounds. "The sons of Dragons are not the only ones thirsting for revenge. Weed must be taken out by the root, less they spread."   To Saanvi he says, "if you care for your brother, you should break off any contact. The Wyld HUnt does not negotiate, and they know no mercy. Fanatics and murderers they are, believing themselves in service of a noble cause. But I don't have to remind you of that, do I?"   CHAND: Somber, Saanvi looks down to the ground. "Don't forget that deeds like this of today gives them all the reasons to feel validated in their pursuit. Even if we only defended ourselves."   VENGE: Argus rolls his eyes slightly. "I have no time to waste on fools. Their fate is sealed. They will die. And I've said enough of it."   MASS: The goddess listens to your words as she enjoys the shisha. She takes a breath and blows out a large cloud of smoke into the air that slowly beings to take shape. Belly dancers made of smoke hovers in the air, and slowly evaporates.   "I relinquish the choice to you, as to how you want to deal with the Dragon Blooded. If the live or die, my city would not care. As long as none of them set a permanent foot into my domain, I shall be content."
MASS: TO VENGEAs you use the shisha, you notice immediately how your muscles start to relax and the pain in your body subside. You many ignore your wound penalties for the rest of the day.
  VENGE: "I've made up my mind," says Argus, slightly more relaxed now. He inhales with gusto and visibly enjoys the environment now. "But.... I would not deny you the pleasure of convincing me of the opposite, Saanvi. After all, it is you they were after."   CHAND: Saanvi looks down to her wrists and deep in thought she caresses the bracelets she wears. "... actually I'm not done with my search in this city. And with some luck we have bought ourselves some time before we have to leave, if all three of them are dead...." she seems very indecisive.   "My heart is unhappy with the decision, but my head knows that we should show them what it looks like 7 feet down.... especially that foul tongued one of a tree hugger!" Wounded pride glisten in her eyes.   MASS: ( the wood aspect is dead, just so you know.)
CHAND: ( really? the better! *sweatlaugh*)   VENGE: "Good, then we will send them to their next reincarnation, hoping that they will gain some wisdom." Argus takes another deep breath from the shisha, then he speaks with a swollen voice. "I'm not heartless, Saanvi, nor am I merciless. But remember, if we do not take them out, they will depart to hunt others like us.   Perhaps their next target is no noble woman from the Realm or someone who does not fear them. Perhaps it's a young girl, newly awakened. Or it's a lad, too young to have tasted a woman's kiss. Remember how many of us they have hunted over the years and how many more they will hunt.   Such is the way of their cult full of liars and butchers! All for the glory of their Empress and the splendor of their realm! But it is our blood that had dyed their banner crimson scarlet!"   MASS: The goddess nods with acknowledgement.   MASS: 2 stunt dices if you want to roll
VENGE: certainly! Presence or Performance?
MASS: if your attack is aimed only at Saanvi, then Presence.
VENGE: [Dice Roll: 6]
VENGE: ( I take the motes)
MASS: who did you attack?
VENGE: Saanvi. I want to motivate her to have no compassion for them and do what needs to be done!
  CHAND: Saavie's gaze turns more steady and she nods with determination. "You're right. Who knows how many of us they have killed. One is no less responsible just because one believes himself right!"   MASS: Sherazier rises from the pillows after taking another long breath from the shisha and then starts to hover on the smoke. She slowly encircles you, taking this moment to observe you closely. "When do you intend to depart? The sooner you take on these troublemakers, the less time they'll have to lick their wounds."   Her gaze lands on Argus. "You should not embark on this endeavor carelessly, especially since it would be pleasure for me to grand you further hospitality, in this incarnation. Perhaps then I can even aid you in your search.   Regardless, you are welcome in my home for the rest of the day. After the business with the Dragon Blooded is dealt with, I'd be happy to prolong my invitation." Then she stops in midair. "If you would excuse me now," she sighs, "duty calls."   She inclindes her head towards you in a friendly manner and then disappears.


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