Rogue Chapter 3 Prose in CREATION | World Anvil
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Rogue Chapter 3

Rogue, a-part of Kagami

MASS: "If you would excuse me now," Sherazier sighs, "duty calls." She inclines her head towards you in a friendly manner and then disappears.   CHAND: Saanvi clears her throat and then sits down next to Argus a the shisha. "Well? You're obviously more experienced than me - how do we want go about it? My first impulse would be to lay a trap and then a precise and powerful strike, as powerful as we can manage. Is that reasonable?"   VENGE: "If you think you can overwhelm then with the raw power of your might, then 'tis a good strategy. I would prefer to approach the matter... more subtly." Argus ponders for a moment. "Although... perhaps we should take advantage of your spirited temper. You are a mage, are you not? For sure you must have one or two helpers who could give us an edge?"   MASS: I think Saanvi should roll Temperance, because for someone with the goal to "understand what keeps the world together" it doesn't seem to bother her much that she knows next to nothing about Argus, except that he has strange wounds.
VENGE: (Seriously?!)
MASS: Yeah, for someone with that concept, she's letting herself be brushed off way too easily and never really dived into her curiosity, don't you think?
CHAND: (Actually, she's driving the low&slow train. She just have to stay close to him then she'll get out of him what she wants. *evil grin* Using Sorcerer's Sight again and again, you now. So: Time for it, isn't it? May I?   CHAND: That truly depends on what you want to do. It really isn't easy to learn Sorcery if you have to teach it to yourself, by yourself and only from what you've seen your relatives and friends do.   Fortunately it seems that despite being an Anathema, as they call me" She smirks and makes the quote unquote sign with her hands, "I'm pretty good at figuring out what the Dragon Blooded can do."   VENGE: "I'll take that as a no. Pity. A summoned demon or two might have been helpful." Again he looks down at his wounds. "I have to strengthen myself to regain the full service of my arms. Then I'll take a look at where and what the Dragons are doing. If you can regain their attention, I can strike from the shadows."   CHAND: "... You want to take a look? And how exactly do you want to do that? by the way, I would ask your assistance with the confirmation of a theory of mine: Do you have that artifact you wear since your Exaltation? I have to apologize for my ignorance, but there weren't many books about the likes of us. And I'm thinking about writing one."   MASS: (you may use Sorcerer's Sight whenever you want. :-) Your Charm, not mine.)
CHAND: (So I didn't get any motes back.... so using the Excellency us cancelled. Is there another possibility to gain more dices?)
MASS: (You're both full. Besides, you didn't spend any motes in the fight, right?)
CHAND: (I did. All 28 of them^^ But yeah, I can spend 10 motes to buy dices, right?)
MASS: (Remember, you can always describe what you do to gain bonus dice and motes.)
CHAND: [Dice roll: 13]
MASS: What did you roll for?
CHAND: (Sorcerer's Sight - a closer examination of Argus)
  MASS: As you examine Argus closely and as the Essence allows you to see the truth of all things, you can suddenly barely believe your own eyes. You hold your breath when it is revealed that Argus is unlike anything you've ever seen.   Normally with this ability you can see the Essence flowing through all living things. Meaning that with normal mortals and animals, you can see the flow of their Essence, and with Exalted it allows you to tell what kind of Exalt they are.   But with Argus, it's more. First you see this silvery Essence again. Now you concentrate on it, you can make out that someone is trying to contact Argus, but it can only happen when he's sleeping.   Then you look at Argus himself. At first glances, he looks just like you. Solar Exalted. But then, as the ability of this Charm allows you to question the truth of all things, you see that he isn't realm. Neither are his wounds. Not really real at least.   Argus himself seems to be the image of a Solar, consisting of pure Essene. His wounds are nothing but places where that Essence has gotten out of form. You can see how those are trying to close themselves, albeit very slowly. A process one can certainly interact with, if one knows hot to manipulate them on a physical level.   Now you can also see that the appearance of Argus is somehow disguised with Essence, and that the person beneath it actually looks different. And finally, you see that the head-chakra of Argus looks as if it's not working properly. As if it should be connected to something or someone else, but isn't.   As if Argus is not completely whole.   CHAND: Again Saanvi lifts her eyebrows slowly towards her forehead and she observes Argus closely. Then she pulls her notebook from her bag and starts a drawing with a very thin colepen. Again and again she looks to Argus, then back to her drawing. Then she reaches into her bag and takes out a small box. She pens the lid with her thumb and forefinger, taps with her ring finger into the paste inside and brings the color onto specific points on her paper very carefully. Then she closes the lid.   Then she does the same with another box. One of them is a chalk-like color with glistening pigments, the other is a dark, yellow one with similar effect.   The notebook is thick and well worn, as if she is using it very frequently.   MASS: 2 stunts if you want to try something specific.
CHAND: (She's simply recording what she sees. So a silhouette with two different auras and so on. All rather kept simple, so she can understand her descriptions at a later time and remember all this visually.)
MASS: ok, fine by me.
VENGE: Do I notice her behavior? If yes:
  VENGE: Argus places a hand on her sketch to stop her from continuing her drawing and says softly, "Please don't."   CHAND: She looks up, with scientific curiosity burning in her eyes. "I'd say you can tell me why you're running around without your mortal shell."   VENGE: "I owe you no account." Argus is now visibly irritated and stops. "if you don't mind, I am going to take care your your pursuers." He then withdraws into a corner and starts his preparations for another hunt.   CHAND: "Right - but if you remain silent, then I'll make my own inquiries. Which means that the one or other secret of yours will come to light. So? Where is your body?"   VENGE: "What business is that of yours while hunter are on your heels?" He snarls at her. "Desist from this nonsense, now! I lend you my skills as a fellow brethren under the Sun, nothing more binds us."   MASS: (so bitchy! XD)
VENGE: "He's hungry and he's hurt. He's basically a glorious man-child right now. *sweatlaugh* *lol*"
MASS: (hahaha, so true!!!)   CHAND: Saanvi chuckles mockingly. "Oh my! I must have struck a nerve! Who would have thought. Seems like your secrets are of explosives' nature. Also what else we have in common: we both bring miscredit over others. Me over my family, you over your Lady."   VENGE: "Your curiosity is unwelcome. Now is not the time to study me...." he hesitates for a heartbeat, then lifts his brow. "Or is this your awkward way to court me? If so, we'll have time for it after the battle. May I humbly remind the noble mistress that rabid Dragons are after us?" He then bows at her in mockery, an exaggerated gestures, but most elegant and fitting for a Patrician of the Realm.   MASS: TO VENGE How many health level do you still have?
VENGE: 2. 3 including Incap.
MASS: TO CHAND With so many successes you rolled before, you'll know that Argus isn't as well as he pretends to be. His wounds are healing very slowly without help. And if he doesn't rest, they'll heal even slower.   CHAND: "EXCUSE ME? If I'm courting...?" Saanvi's eyes turn big and for a moment she seems to lose all control because of the anger. Then her mood turns spontaneously and she breaks into rousing laughter. Her laughter is light, warm and full of honesty. (Charisma 5)   "I like you - you are the first man next to my brothers to stand up to me." She wipes a tear of laughter from her eye, then takes a few steps towards Argus and breathes a kiss onto his cheeks, which was threateningly close to his lips. "But you should rest for a while. If however I can aid you in healing, you need only ask."   VENGE: First, Argus regards her with suspicion, then his mouth tilts up and he joins her laughter. He stretches out his arms in a welcoming gesture which allows Saanvi a very good at his magically endowed chiseled abs.   "If you need a reason to touch me," he sits down and grins, "who am I to rob you of that pleasure?"   CHAND: "Can you undress yourself, or do you need to keep those clothes on? Sit down here. Perhaps I can help"   CHAND: (May I roll something, just to see if I can somehow "heal" him?)
MASS: With the successes you had before, you think you can care for his wounds with mundane techniques, but only because you can manipulate Essence on a physical level. So it's not his "body" you're healing, only his Essence. If you activate Sorcerer's Sight and use your gloves, you may roll Intelligence + Occult to close his wounds.   VENGE: Argus again raises his brows and smirks. He touches himself on his chest and his clothes and armor starts to disappear until he sits before you with bare chest. You see a perfectly cut gem on a chain around his neck.   The gem is about the size of an small egg and appears as if mist has been caught in a casing of transparent stone. He exposes himself to you and you are suddenly faced with his flawless body. He does truly have chiseled abs.   CHAND: As soon as Argus sits down as ordered, Saanvi pulls out more vials and flasks from her bag. "A memento of the Blessed Isle," she explains as she takes out the corgs. "Reminds of of the days when I had a personal bathhouse for my daily use."   The scent of orchids hangs in the air and surrounds them both. Saanvi lets some of the fluid father in her hand and rubs them together, faster and faster. Then she lays her warn and lubricated hands on his chest. A couple centimeters over his wounds.   "I think when I direct your energy towards your wounds, it'll heal better.... At least that's the theory. As soon as your energy flows correctly, I'll care for your earthly wounds." Slow and carefully she caresses the muscles of his body - towards the direction of his wounds, but staying right before touching them.   VENGE: "Does anything about me look earthly to you?"
VENGE: (ehm... remember I look like Thor. :-P)
MASS: (rub* faster! XD So awesome!) * word joke in original language
  CHAND: "So you have nothing earthly about you? How come I can feel you?" The young woman looks at her own hands with concentration and tries to act as apathetic as possible.   VENGE: "That's your interpretation." Argus says slowly, perhaps even a bit lasciviously. He leans back and takes a generous breath from the shisha as Saanvi massages him. "Can you feel the light of the Sun inside you? But is it earthly?"   CHAND: "So what I see is a gift of the Unconquered Sun?" Curiosity again flickered in her eyes and suppresses a strange gaze that had been in her eyes before. "What happened to your body? Are you cut off from it?..." She seems to want to say more, but stops herself and the strange gaze in her eyes returns.   VENGE: Again Argus raises his brows. "What makes you think I'm cut off?"   CHAND: "Something about your head-chakra is wrong.... I have a suspicion that it is the connection to your earthly body that isn't working." She talks slower as before and seems distracted by something. Again she looks back to her hands while she massages Argus' strong arms.   VENGE: "Hm, interesting. You mentioned Lunar Essence. What else do you see?"   CHAND: "Are you in contact with your Lunar? It seems to be some kind of telepathic connection. But the current state of your mind is too overpowering. I guess it only works when you're unconscious or if you sleep."   MASS: (nice!)   VENGE: "What about you? Are you in contact with yours? How long have you been one of us?"   CHAND: "I know that Lunar Exalted exist and somehow belongs to us like day follows night and vice versa. But before you, I've never met someone so Exalted. A couple months since I had my Exaltation. Not long enough to understand everything. I've left the Blessed Isle long before the coming of the Empress.   And now you're trying to distract me with counter questions, yes?" she smirks a little. The strange gaze in her eyes fades sligthtly.   ARGUS: "Not to distract you. Only curious. You seem not to hide your nature, if more, you seem to want to boast about it. So I assumed you have much to tell, or better, want to tell. Furthermore, you wear the status as an indoctrinated child of the Realm like armor. You'll see that it protects you little so far away from the Realm."   CHAND: "... don't forget that it's no shame to be a child of the Realm. I have lived with my family. And enjoyed doing whatever I wanted as long as I can explain how it adds to my education. That the Dragon Blooded are wrong concerning Anathema... well, that's another topic."   VENGE: "Perhaps you should rectify it by not referring to yourself as Anathema. Or me, for that matter."   CHAND: "That's just talk... indeed I feel very honored that the Unconquered Sun realized the potential in me - even if I have hoped all my life to be chosen by someone else." She winks roguishly. "You haven't told me yet if I'm right with my theory - what's with your real body?"   MASS: TO CHAND Whenever you're ready, you may describe how you're trying to heal Argus. Unless the "rubbing" is the description. Then pls roll Int + Occult.   CHAND: Saanvi massages very dutifully and very delicately cares for his muscles. First soft, then move vigorous to reach even the deepest of the tension. Her hands will turn warm. And her touch will feel almost like Sunlight on his skin. Argus might think that he saw her hands glow with golden beams./b]
CHAND: (I'll spend 10 motes. Saanvi will canalize her own Essence into her palms and as soon as his muscles are tender, she sends her Essence into him to reach even the deepest places.)
CHAND: [Dice roll: 7]
MASS: As if Essence is alive, they spread though Argus' body. The wounds grow like a plant and in seconds, they are closed and no trace was left.   MASS: Argus heals 7 health levels.
TO VENGE Saanvi's touch feels wonderful, even more so when she starts to manipulate your Essence and to direct them and to strengthen them. If feels like you're bathing in Sunlight and your mind drifts until you're in the state of half-sleep. The whole session takes about an hour.
TO CAHND You can observe how the silvery Essence first lays on his head like a shroud, then spreads until it disappears into Argus' Essence. A few minutes later, Argus wakes completely healed.
TO VENGE You feel an overpowering urge to write something down. If you want to resist, it costs you 1 WP a day.
VENGE: (another one!? *shocked face*)
MASS: (You like it! XD)   VENGE: Argus moans as Saanvi cares for him. When he seemed preoccupied before, now he's completely relaxed. He relishes your touch in a very inappropriate way, as if it rouses something else in him. He even lips his lips. When he opened his eyes, he himself seems surprised.   "Never in my life I've felt.... such bliss! Your mouth is that of a rough sailor, who would have thought that your hands are those of a goddess. You have my thanks. Would it only be that such gift does not only follow pain... hm, I might be persuaded to throw myself into every blade."   CHAND: Saanvi smiles coyly. "Thank you.... I think." His obvious signals seem to influence her greatly, but she tries vainly to hide it.   VENGE: He looks down to his wounds and studies where they had been. Then he'll let himself fall back into the pillows and close his eyes. "You should rest for a moment as well and gather your strength. We attack at dawn."   CHAND: The young woman nods slowly. "... alright"   CHAND: (are there extra bedrooms, or just this one?)
MASS: If you look around, you'll see a door leading to several bedrooms.
CHADN: okay, then Saanvil will look for a room and hit the hay.
VENGE: I won't spend that WP. I need it. So I give into the urge.
  VENGE: Argus waits until Saanvi has left the room. Then he'll get up and look for a piece of paper and start writing. Since he can't really sleep, he'll write poetry, completely driven by his heart.
VENGE: ( i can roll, if you want)
MASS: (nope, as soon as I have time, I'll tell you what happens.)   MASS: TO VENGE You follow the compulsion and begin writing. Contrary to your expectation, you can't decide what you write down, almost as if someone else is directing your hand and you can only watch with awe how your hand flies over the paper.   Actually, you don't even think of the words before they were brought to paper, instead you see your own hand composing a letter addressed to yourself, written not even in your own handwriting. In relatively elegant penmanship (Linguistics 3), following words appear on the paper:  
Dear friend,   as I promised, I needed no more than 3 days to find Aki's trail. He doesn't seem to be running from what I can tell, but he isn't really taking his time either, and mostly he travels alone.   He is on his way towards the very South of Creation. Sadly, I haven't been able to track his exact location, someone or something is hiding him from my sense.   If you still care about finding him, I suggest we follow his trail together. My instinct tell me that he has gotten himself into trouble and is completely out of his depths.   Here are the coordinates where we should meet. (coordinates follows) I'll wait for your answer.   Ever your friend,   Dale
    MASS: As soon as you penned this message, the compulsion is lifted from you.   VENGE: Irritated, Argus reads it again with annoyance. He memorizes the coordinates and then throws the parchment into the fire. I'll find a map and use the help of my Personal Assistant to find out where exactly he is.
CHAND: (VEN, do you want to do something else other than the coordinates. Otherwise we can make a fast forward to next morning?) VENGE: (depends on the GM. But if it's up to me, sure.)
MASS: The coordinates point to this place.
VENGE: (dude! Where the hell is this guy?!)
MASS: (always these mages, dude! *smirk*)
VENGE: (figures)   VENGE: Argus won't sleep long, but studies the map instead. Even before the sun rises, Argus will start with the preparation for the battle. He washes himself, dresses himself properly, checks his equipment and slip into armor. Then, he goes to wake Saanvi.
  CHAND: (what time is it? When did we want to leave?)
GRATRUA: (before dawn^^)   CHAND: Saanvi is still sleeping soundly in her bed. Her belongings are stacked neatly beside her on her bedside table. She wears her hair in a braid to not rumple them too much in her sleep.   VENGE: Argus will gently grasp her shoulder and give her a jolt. "It is time."   CHAND: She opens her eyes slowly and blinks at him sleepily. "Already? Fine..." She sits up softly and starts to ready herself. She disappears behind a certain and you hear rustles. Short time later, she tosses her underdress out, in which she slept. You hear wat splashing soon.   "Well? What's the plan? I bow to your instructions."   VENGE: "I'll go forth to investigate our enemy's movements. You wait close by. That is the plan. When I need you, I'll send you a message. But if it is possible, I'd like to avoid a spectacle.   CHAND: Water is still splashing. The classic sound of a washing basin. "You know where they are?"   VENGE: "I'll find them. Or is this something you have knowledge of?"   CHAND: "No, not yet. Do you have the means to contact me?"   VENGE: "I'll think of something."   CHAND: Saanvi nods slowly.   CHAND: Can she remember a place not far outside the city where she can plan an ambush perhaps?
MASS: you may roll Wits + War or Wits + Investigation
CHAND: [Dice roll: 5]
MASS: You remember a place to the north end of the city with a rather plaza, surrounded by buildings, where usually caravans make a final check before leaving the city.
But then you notice that it'll be difficult to find a suitable place for an ambush if you don't know your enemy. After all, you two have no idea how many Dragon Blooded you have to face or how big their entourage actually is.   VENGE: Argus keeps silent and looks closely at Saanvi's belongings, focusing on her weapons´ if she has anym. "You seem hesitant. You don't like my plan?"   CHAND: "I'm simply inexperienced in the making of plans that end in murder. That's why I trust in you and your skills. So my emotions won't stand in the way of all this."   VENGE: Argus smirks slightly. "If you don't want to kill, I will not force you to. Nor do I wish to put you in harm's way. Please forgive me, but are you schooled in the arts of the Imperfect Lotus? Can you fight?" He starts pacing the room. "To deploy you effectively, I need to know the limits of your abilities. There should be no surprises in battle."   CHAND: "UNFORTUNATELY, I have rather learned to defend myself instead of attacking. Still, I'm no dead weight in a fight, if that's what you mean. And I'm very aware that I need to learn to kill without hesitation if I want to survive."   She comes around the curtain with only a towel and sits down on the stool before the mirror. Then she loosens her braud and starts to brush her hair.   VENGE: Argus comes to stand behind you, so you can see him in the reflection of your mirror. "Can I count on you to do what needs to be done when the time comes?" He doesn't seem in any way to be affected by your nudity, but only looks straight into your eyes.   "I don't want to bother you with needless questions. So how about you tell me where your strength lie? And please, no more excuses I need to interpret this time. I'm trying to make a battleplan."   He positions himself at the window again and starts observing the street outside, to get a better feeling for the lay of the land. "To give you some ideas: I am a Master of the Imperfect Lotus. Few can see me unless I wish it so. And when life is to be taken, my blades are sharp and fast."   MASS: ( a master of imperfect lotus is a way to say one is highly trained in martial arts)
VENGE: (oh, yeas. Should have mentioned it.)   CHAND: "That I can see Essence you know already. Ghosts and spirits are rather uninteresting here. And you've seen my butterflies too. Give me a weapon and I can barely be hit - prefer a staff. Mine is still in the inn, but it has no emotional value to me."   VENGE: Argus snaps around sharply. "You left traces behind!? In the inn?"   MASS: (XD Argus triggered!)
VENGE: (XD so triggered)   CHAND: She nods gloomily. "My staff and some travel supplies are still in my room."   VENGE: Argus massages his temple. "Is there anything that can be traced back to you? Or to your family?"   CHAND: "No. I have nothing but these few things I always carry with me that can be connected with my origin."   VENGE: He sighs with dramatic relief. "Then we can spare them" He musters Saanvi again. "Will the mistress be needing much longer? Dawn approaches and we mustn't linger."   CHAND: She disposes of her towel with annoyance as she rises from her vanity and starts to dress herself. Then she binds a very large belt around her hips, with buckles and lugs she uses to carry all her pouches and bags. In addition, she fastens a knife to her back. "Fine, we can go. What I wanted to say primarily is: I'll need another staff to be of use."   VENGE: "Would that be a magical staff? Or just plain.... wood?"   CHAND: "Just wood. simple and boring. The only thing of value I possess are these bracelets, that's why I never take them off."   VENGE: Argus nods, then shakes his head after all. "Why again do you need your staff? If it's only... wood?"   CHAND: "I can use a plank or bedpost, but they don't usually handle well." She smirks. "But if you want to present me with a magical artifact - I welcome it! Though I think we better leave that to the moment you ask for my hand." She can't stop the giggle from coming. "Oh yes, before I forget: Does "Oorabilis" mean anything to you?"   VENGE: Argus smiles to himself and again lifts his brow at Saanvi. "Is that the custom among mages? The gifting of artifacts as a token of love? Interesting."   He then smiles at her wickedly. "Oh but noble mistress, although I am easy, I'm afraid we're not there yet. And am I to hold for your hand, I'd hardly only present you with an... Oorabilis? I would offer you the truth, and perhaps, if you fancy.... a city."   He winks at her playfully. "So shall we? To not waste more time, may I suggest we depart? As coincidence so will, my search begins at the tavern, which also holds your staff."   CHAND: "The inn with my room is a few houses down from the tavern. But yes, we can make a detour there. And a city takes too much work. Gift me with something that'll bring me joy. And do I hear it right, you don't know what that is? This world has been stuck in my head since I was Exalted. And I have no idea what it is." As she talks, they troll towards the exit.   VENGE: Argus starts to leave the sanctuary. "No, I don't know what this is. I've not studied magic, nor did I spend much time gathering knowledge of the occult. What I know, I know of necessity." He looks a lookout for the goddess. "... and how did you come to the idea that I would present you with gifts? Perhaps it is I who is waiting to be showered in them?"   CHAND: "We can make a competition of it," she suggests with a laugh. "Whoever presents the best gift, wins. Do we walk not, or travel by other means?"   VENGE: Argus turns towards her and fixates her with his intense blue eyes. "I have nothing to give. I'm neither rick, nor powerful. I can not grant you status, nor any glory." he shrugs. "So you have won this competition already." He is still looking for the goddess.
VENGE: ( We should wait for MASS now I think)   CHAND: "And you think jewels or gems would be what makes me swoon? Please! All that I could have had as many as I would want for all my life! Father's only daughter. So? What do I really want? Books! Fighting lessons! And when my father denied me a specific thing, I simply took what I wanted - and now I'm here because of it. Knowledge.   You fascinate me. A mysterium hidden inside a secret. With a tongue as sharp as a katana." Saanvi too is looking for the goddess.   VENGE: "Interesting. Life as a mortal must have been hard for you. In the House Ledaal, among sons and daughter of the Dragons."   CHAND: "Life is boring if you can have whatever you want and then still be the little bird in a golden cage... What about you? Where are you from?"   VENGE: "From the Realm."   CHAND: She gazes at him questionably, as if he didn't answer her question.   VENGE: "You don't believe me?"   CHAND: "I do. How you behave yourself, that's true. But I was hoping that I don't have to worm everything out you again. Where exactly? Were you a slave? A servant? How come that you're even working for such a renowned Dragon Blooded?"   VENGE: "From the eastern coast originally. You're from the Realm, you know the situation. The Civil War was drawing close and I could no longer sit on the sidelines, watching in idle silence. My skills elevated me into the path of powerful person. And I made the best out of it. Does that answer your question?"   CHAND: Satisfied, she nods. "... I heard how bad it must have been since I'm no longer at home.... It's music to my ears that some Dragon Blooded apparently are smart enough to accept our help, instead of hunting us."   VENGE: "Whatever you heard, it was worse." He looks to the side, mournful and haunted.   CHAND: Sorrowful, Saanvi looks down to the floor. "I pray that my brother is still alive."   VENGE: "We'll find out. If they found you through your brother, they'll have news of him."   CHAND: "I shouldn't have involved my brother in this... But I had no other choice."   MASS: You start to hear chanting songs. A choir in worship of the goddess of this city. It has a pleasant tone and penetrates the stones to reach you and as you look around, you see the goddess Sherazier starting to materialize.   She sways her head in rhythm of the music and dances in the air, which seems to please her greatly. With a soft smile she opens her eyes and looks at you, then she seems surprised. "Oh, you're still here? I thought you wanted to attack at dawn, or something like that?"   VENGE: "That is what we intended. We want to offer our personal gratitude again, for granting us hospitality. And ask if you have more information that could aid us? Do you know where Saanvi's hunters are? It would spare me from searching for them."   MASS: Her expression turns serious in a heartbeat. "These misguided fanatics and their army have for now made their camp outside the city, only because the Guild and the city watch has denied them entry, on my orders of course. But that will not hold them for long."   She seems worried. "We are here in this city so far away from the political machinations of the Realm, we have never really needed an army of our own. The people coming here, by chance or design, come in search of peace, enjoying our freedom and our trade. If it should ever come to that, I doubt that we can resist for long." She bristles.   VENGE: "They are outside the city? Hm, an army does complicate things. But I have an idea." Argus bows before the goddess and turns to Saanvi. "Shall we?"   CHAND: Saanvi nods and bows as well. "Thank you for everything."   MASS: She looks at you from top to bottom again, with acknowledgement and nostalgia in her eyes. She take a few steps towards you. "I... I have long hoped and awaited to meet your kind again, and yet I have imagined our reunion to be different." She seems sad and worried.   CHAND: Saanvi let it happen and threw a glance back at Sherazier. "Someday we will see each other again under better circumstances. Even if it's in the next life."   VENGE: As we are leaving the sanctuary, Argus takes his cloak and wraps it around Saanvi. "You're too conspicuous. Allow me?" He points at her appearances seems to want to lay hands on her.   VENGE: (I'd like to make a Dexterity + Larceny roll, to disguise Saanvi. So she doesn't stand out like a special snowflake.)
MASS: roll pls
VENGE: [Dice roll: 11]
MASS: (lol....! How is this possible? XD)
VENGE: (haha, YOU of all people should know this better than anyone!)
MASS: (so many successes!)
VENGE: (Dex 5, Larceny 5, specialty disguise 3)
MASS: ( and there I thought Fortuna is my bitch! ok... I'll lend her to you for a change. XD)
VENGE: (everything for Saanvi. :-P)
  VENGE: Saanvi now looks like a completely different person. Her face has dark smudges of soot from the lamps and torches. her colorful clothes are now hidden under the cloak. At key spots, her clothes has been turned inside out, so it seemed less noble. Her hair is tied back and covered by the hood. And her chin is hidden behind a shawl. If anyone sees any of her hair, one would think she's an old woman.   CHAND: Saanvi makes the effect perfect by bowing a little and makes herself a hunchback. "Not bad, I wouldn't have thought of this."   VENGE: "Are we ready? Since they are in the city and came with an army, we'll need more intel. And a proper plan."   CHAND: "Yes, let's go!"


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