Rogue Chapter 4 Prose in CREATION | World Anvil
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Rogue Chapter 4

Rogue, a-part of Kagami

VENGE: "Are we ready? Since they are in the city and came with an army, we'll need more intel. And a proper plan."   CHAND: "Yes, let's go!"   MASS: You two leave the temple of Sherazier on your way to spay on the enemy and to gather more information. The temple is built rather in the middle of the city, so on your way to the edge you'll have the opportunity to see how far the city has changed since the Dragon Blooded arrived.   It won't take long until you see a small delegation serving the Dragon Blooded on their way to the Guild House. None of the Dragons seem to be among them and a troop of five soldiers are escorting a diplomat.   VENGE: Argus observes the delegation and draws closer in a subtle way to eavesdrop on their conversation. He alerts Saanvi to their presence, but whispers into her ear. "I'll follow your lead, milady. After all, they're pursuing you."   CHAND: She giggles and nods. Then she bows more to show off her hunchback and pulls the hood deeper into her face, and shuffles closer to the delegation. She reaches out with her hand, as if to beg from the delegation. But she doesn't say anything to not betray her youthful voice.   MASS: Immediately the guards close in on you to place themselves between you and the diplomat. The diplomat, a lord around his 30s, with long black hair styled into a long braid and some thing beard, looks down at you in disgust. Then he turns from you without a word.   Following his silence, the guards say to you, "be gone with you! Can't you see that we have no time for this!" Then they appear to want to push you away, if you don't make way.   CHAND: She makes way and creeps behind them for a while, like you see with beggars all the time.   VENGE: Argus sneak with them, but far away from Saanvi. I'll activate the Charm Easily Overlooked Presence Method, so I'm nigh invisible in a crowd.   MASS: The delegation pays you no mind.   VENGE: Good. Then Argus can follow them for a while and listens to what they have to say and if there's anything important about them.   MASS: They would, as it often is with drilled staff, say nothing. Not do they hesitate, but be on their swift way towards the Guild House.   CHAND: Follow them! In front of the Guild House Saanvi stops and sits down below the window to "beg". She gestures with a hand towards Argus, meaning that they are inside now.   VENGE: (she can't see Argus. Does she? She may roll.)
VENGE: (sorry, she may not. Unless she is using magical means, she simply cannot see him.)
CHAND: (the better)
MASS: TO CHAND Let's make a Manipulation + Performance. I think Saanvi has never even thought about begging before.
CHAND: (Do I get bonus dices because of this legendary disguise?)
MASS: (no, that just makes the difficulty lower.)
CAHND: [Dice roll: 4]
VENGE: (dude! How! You have only 3 dices!)
CHAND: (murphy's bitch, remember?)
  VENGE: Argus will sneak away, away from Saanvi and into the Guild House. He will activate his armor to change his appearance.   MASS: TO CHAND No one seems to doubt your role, some even toss some change your way. However you do see that people coming and going from the Guild House are apparently not about to tolerate your presence here. You're aware that you probably can't stay very long.   VENGE: I'll get into the Guild House and take a look around. Then I'll look outside and see if I can see Saanvi.   CHAND: Saanvi collects the money and tries to eavesdrop on some words from the window. She doesn't raise her head, so she can't reveal her face. And she'll stay there until people chase her away with dogs.   VENGE: I'll make my way between the servants of the Realm and whisper a word into the crowd here and there. "Anathema" "Traior" "Spy" and perhaps even "disguise" are words that can be heard.   MASS: You both see, Argus and Saanvi, that the delegation has come to the Guild House to negotiate the admission of the army into the city. Right now, the delegation is in something like a waiting hall. With the background Argus has, he'll definitely know that the Guild is trying to delay these "talks" for as long as possible. The diplomat himself seems to have noticed it as well, but is trying to grin and bear it.   VENGE: All the easier to distract them and direct their attention towards the beggar in front of the door. I position myself at the window, make sure there are people around me. Then I say in the voice of an innocent onlooker, "It's her! The Anathema that burned down the Camel! She's right there!"   CHAND: (Do I hear that?)
MASS: TO CHAND roll Perception + Awareness
CHAND: [Dice roll: 4] (with only 2 dices. *smirk*)
MASS: (Yes, you hear that.)
CHAND: How many people are around me?
MASS: I want to mention as this point that Saanvi is perfectly disguised, since Argus rolled legendary success. In addition, her act is really good.
TO VENGE This means you'll have to really put your back into it to make them believe you. And to give them courage to take on an Anathema.   MASS: The surrounding people in the Guild Hall and the diplomat look outside towards the begging woman. The diplomat pulls a grimace of disgust and says "Someone needs to remove that filth!" Then he looks into the room expectantly, towards the men of the Guild.   CHAND: Furious, Saanvi mutters to herself. "This damn.... I always knew you can't turst good-looking men... always the same... men...." She groans fake and limps away. In the direction of the slums.   MASS: TO VENGE The Diplomat turns to you and says very condescendingly, "that's not something to joke about, young man! You shouldn't make such accusation in jest!" Then he says to one of the men of the Guild. "This is outrageous! I think this gentleman should be escorted out, if he doesn't have some urgent business here!"   VENGE: I turn towards the diplomat and bow. "Of course I would not say such things in jest, my Lord! Do you not wish for the Anathema to be found? I thought, I thought you masters seek it? Or would you let such a demon slip through your fingers? Look at her, Lord! Her robe is of silk, even if turned inside out. No dress for a beggar woman, I'm sure you'll notice. She's here to spay on you!"   MASS: The diplomat surveys you very carefully.   VENGE: (I'll spend some motes so this guy calls for the Dragon Blooded.)
MASS: (How many do you spend?)
VENGE: (I'll buy dices)
MASS: (ok, just to remind you all, please announce how many motes you want to spend and on what before making any rolls. :-))
VENGE: (annnd because of this chat, I'm now on the wrong subway....)
MASS: (hahahahaha)   CHAND: Saanvi in the meantime is shuffling towards the slums, cursing to herself. MASS: (I can imagine this so vividly!)
CHAND: "When I get my hands on this cock in the body of a god, I'll snap his neck! From the crunchy buttocks I'll make bacon for my breakfast....from the magically endowed chiseled abs I'll make a roast and his strong arms I'll cook in a soup!   And... and then I'll give it to the poor people here. And if anyone asks me what's in there, I'll just say nothing special, just some bloated cock!´... or even better! I'll spank his tender ass like a little kid! Humiliating for him, pleasant for me!   Dammit, why must he be so good-looking! Saanvi, you really should stop reading EVERY kind of book... These inappropriate novellas really do rouse your scientific curiosity way too much! What would your future husband say? That you theoretically know everything about copulation already! He'll never belive that you're still....."   People passing by this eldery woman might think that she's crazy by the way she mutters to herself.   MASS: (HAHAHAHAH! Shut up and take my stunt dice!)
  CHAND: "Oh what am I actually talking about? Where should I magically find myself a husband now? As if anyone would want me like THIS!"   VENGE: In the meantime, I'll observe her as this crazy person stomps away. The more she acts like that, the less people will believe her to be an dangerous Anathema. Time to get to work, then.   I'll start another try to reach my goal. I lean towards the diplomat and whisper to him in a conspiratorial low tone, "This is your chance, Lord. Just think about how the Sons of Dragons will reward you, if YOU bring them this demon. They will show you gratitude and elevate you. But if you hesitate now, this chance will pass and with it all your dreams of glory."   MASS: Manipulation + presence + 3 stunts
VENGE: (I'll spend 6 motes to buy 5 dices. And I take the WP) VENGE: <Dice Roll: 8>   MASS: TO VENGE For all the others present, the diplomat seems unimpressed. But you see through him. Your words have hit the mark, a drop of sweat is forming on his nape, from panic. He crosses his arms in a way so his hands are in his sleeves and he appears at least calm. But it doesn't escape you that he's fumbling with something inside his sleeve. With your knowledge of people, you know that he's calling for help, one way or another.   And soon, you hear a very faint sound from his sleeve, as if a small piece of wood was broken. Now you know what happened. Very often, or whenever it's necessary, diplomats and ambassadors of the Realm are given small one-time-use´ tokens so they can signal the Realm or the Dragon Blooded. After the events of the last days, it's only reasonable to give a diplomat something like that for times of emergency.   He then lets out a very loud and annoyed sigh. "Gentlemen, this is exceedingly outrageous and absolutely inacceptable! I am not just some diplomat! I represent nothing less than the Scarlet Empire itself and still you dare to treat me with disrespect!" After that, he lifts his hand threateningly, showing off the badge of his office. "You have sealed the fate of this city!" He hisses at the men of the Guild.   With a nod for his guards to follow, he turns around on his heels and marches out of the building. But just before he leaves, he turns to Argus. "You there, follow me!" He orders without so much as a hint of doubt that Argus will follow.   VENGE: I thank him with a nod. "You have my thanks, Lord. There is always trust in the honor of the Realm."   MASS: TO VENGE You and the diplomat leave the Guild House and then move across the City.
TO CHAND As you curse your way through the city, you'll see the usual business going on. Vendors going about their day and such. And sometimes later you turn into the main road. And you see a figure coming towards you.  
She immediately stands out, since the crowd instantly makes way for her and the 10 guards flanking her. Not to mention that the Blessing of the Air Dragon Melo is strong upon her and visible to all eyes immediately. Her short blue hair blows in the wind as if she's standing in a storm and she seems to glide over the ground, rather than walking on it. Occasionally, small lightning of electrical charge flicker around her.   She wears the sigil of the Heptagram and the Realm on her clothes and is very focused on marching towards with, with utter determination. Her gaze flashes towards you, but does not linger. She halts in the middle of the road, about 10 meters away from you, and starts scanning the crowd.
  MASS: roll Perception + Awareness pls
CHAND: [Dice roll: 0]
VENGE: (oh, another one! This complicates things.... :-O)
MASS: TO CHAND How does Saanvi react?
  CHAND: Saanvi pulls back into the alley she just came from. she's keeping up with the charade until she's (hopefully) out of sight. Then she turns tail and runs. She runs as fast as she can, from one alleyway to another, skips over corners and then jumps from one item to the nest in hopes of getting to the roof.[   MASS: TO CHAND Just before you turn around to pull back, you see her nod. You get a few steps in before you see a group of people about 20-25 being pushed back by the troops of the Realm. The troops cut your and their escape short and start pushing you back towards the main road. Only now do you see that something similar is happening all around you with all the other alleyways.   The troops of the Realm are trying to build a circle to jam you and all the other people back onto the main road. Armed with shields and spears, they push you forward, until you're all gathered on the road. In short minutes, the troops of the realm have surrounded you and the 50+ people around you.   CHAND: Saanvi reaches into her bag, pulls out all the money she got from begging and a handful of more coins and tosses them into the air. Then she throws herself onto the ground and starts at the same time to put her finger between her lips and whistle for her cloud.   MASS: roll Int + Occult to see how fast you can summon it. However you character has enough knowledge in occult to know that another mage may cast spells to counter yours.
I give you 2 stunt dices for Dexterity + Stealth by using the confusion to stay hidden.
CHAND: Oh yes, especially since she has the counterspell too. Does she see another alternative? A basement window, entrance to a potato cellar or something?
CHAND: [Dice roll: 3 for stealth]
MASS: Well, it depends on what kind of escape you're looking for. I can tell you the difficulty of Dexterity + Athletics roll you need to "climb out" of this situation.
  CHAND: After she throws the money, she'll snap with her finger and the gloves appear. She'll look around for a basement window or the entrance to a potato cellar. If she doesn't see one at first glance, she'll start to whistle for her cloud.
CHAND: (I'll spend max motes for the cloud)
CHAND:[Dice Roll: 18]
  MASS: You feel the Essence gaining from, manipulated by you, and your cloud is conjured instantly. Even as you throw yourself to the ground, you see the cloud descending from the sky, flying directly towards you.   Then you hear a female voice. "I see, you have accepted our supremacy. You will not escape me!" The Air Dragon Blooded makes a lunge forward, spins around her own pivot as she's in the air and brings both her arms before her body as she lands. Like a push similar to martial arts, she thrusts a wave of Essence from herself.   Vaguely, you see the shape of a coiling dragon manifesting from the Essence and striking directly at your cloud and consuming it. For a moment, there is thundering crackle and splinters of magic as your spell broke. Now the people around you threw themselves onto the ground as well, frightened and seeking at least some protection.   MASS: TO VENGE This is the moment the delegation comes to this road and watch this entire scene.   The Chosen of Mela stands upright and straightens her clothes. "Show yourself, coward! I, a Prince of Gaia, will not allow you to escape so you can destroy this world! Show yourself, or meet your end here!"   VENGE: I'll act as if I too am surprised and impressed by what I see before me. But of course I won't interfere and stay with the diplomat.   VENGE: Do I see the others close by? After all, it seems to me that they had formed a perfect brotherhood. So somewhere here has to be the Chosen of Pasiap, the Earth Aspect.
MASS: You may roll Perception + Awareness
VENGE: [Dice roll: 6]   CHAND: Saanvi stays with the trembling people on the ground and acts just like them. Her thoughts circle around a possible escape while being very panicked.   MASS: TO CAHND Manipulation + Performance pls
CHAND: [Dice Roll: 1]
CHAND: (Does this person with the delegation seem familiar to me?) VENGE: (you can't see Argus unless by magical means) CHAND: (may I roll to see if I know the Air Aspect?) MASS: Wits + Socialize + specialty if you have any. CHAND: [Dice Roll: 5]   MASS: TO VENGE With the successes you have, you see Misu Taru camouflaged as one of the troops. You only recognize him because of the bandages that peak out from under his armor. Furthermore you see another figure on one of the roofs of the surrounding buildings. She's one knee and watches this spectacle, she too is very obviously a Chosen of Mela. Otherwise, she seems very plain, everything about her veiled by long robes and a colorless cloak.   VENGE: Somewhere must still be the First Aspect. So there are 4 here. I lean towards the diplomat. "This is spectacular! How many hunters of the Order are here? How many will be necessary to slay an Anathema?"   MASS: TO CHAND You see and feel the panic that spreads through the people around you. A little girl who's being kept down by her mother starts crying and trembling from fear. Another citizen looks around in panic for someone who doesn't belong here, but his gaze passes over you.   The mage however smirks as your eyes meet. You know her. Many times have you seen her going in and out of the Heptagram. Her name is Dilligent Storm, of House Peleps and she is a Master of the Heptagram, one of the teachers there.   Usually, she teaches solely applied battlemagic and has won countless magical duels. Supposedly she has has twin sister who has joined the Temple, called Exquisite Thunder. On occassion, you would have observed Storm giving her lectures of Obsidian Butterflies.   CHAND: Supposedly? Or did I ever meet Thunder? And oh, okay, so that's where Saanvi learned the Butterflied.
MASS: You've never met Thunder.
CHAND: What is/was Storm's stance on House Ledaal and her brothers?
MASS: As far as you know, she's never been very involved in the politics of the Great Houses. She's all about the Realm and Magic, everything else is not worth her time.
  MASS: Storm's eyes fall on you, she seems to doubt for a moment, then speaks to the crowd. "Reveal the Anathema if you know it! Show yourself, Anathema! I know you're hiding here! Otherwise your death will demand a high price from the city!" Then she stars casting. You know immediately which spell she's casting: Death of Obsidian Butterflies.   CHAND: Counterspell!!! Saanvi jumps up and thrusts her hands forward. Everyone watch Storm before could see that the movements seem surprisingly similar. Storm but will know the movements by heart. The sequence of the hand signs, the posture of the body, the "thrust" of the Essence - an exact demonstration of how she has taught it.   On first glance even the golden Essense seem to take the shape of a dragon. But then when it opens its mouth to devour the butterflied, you'll see it has a lion's head.   MASS: 3 stunts
CHAND: [Dice Roll: 11]
MASS: [Dice Roll: 6] (Opponent's spell. You win CHAND)
  MASS: Again there is an explosion of Essence, splinters of the spell flying through the air. All surrounding people take 1 lethal damage from the impact of the destroyed magic.   CHAND: Saanvi remains standing and bows before the mage, as is always done by her students. "Master Storm! I implore you: Let no innocent suffer. Let's continue this duel at another place, even if I have no chance against you. You instructed my brothers, and even they were never your match. Now they are dead and I too stand before my executioner. You know I can't flee. But still I ask you for a fair duel - away from those who did not deserve to die. For old times sake, and because my fighting will is not ready to die honorless in some alley.   You and I, we know who will be victorious. But I beg of you, not here, not like this.   I'm sure you know who I am. you've known me since I was a child. Countless times you've smiled when my brothers sent me away after I insisted on watching you training. Do not reveal me - keep the secret of who I am for the sake of my family. They should not be stained by this knowledge. None of them is at fault for this."   She pulls the hood back and directly gazes into Storm's eyes.   CHAND: (I'm trying to persuade her to leave the city with me. By foot or by flight.)
MASS: (very nice! 3 stunts)
CHAND: Charisma + ?
MASS: Charisma + Presence
CHAND: [Dice Roll: 5] VENGE: (nice!)   MASS: The mage harkens to you and with an aura of superiority she looks down at you, full of contempt. She looks into your eyes and you can see the recognition dawn in hers as she realizes your identity. She shakes her head slowly.   "What happened to you? How could you bring such shame to your family and your House?" Then she lifts her fist in a military signal. "Follow us, we will escort you out of the city. But you'll have to do this. Otherwise I'll end your accursed existence right here and now."   She reaches into her bag and tosses a pair of cuffs towards you, both of them landing before you on the ground. You see that they are made of white jade and are carved with symbols in Old Realm, banishing all kinds of Essence and Magic in those who wear them.   VENGE: I'll use this moment to sneak away from the diplomat's side. As I move myself through the crowd, I'll spend one mote to activate my armor again and take on yet another appearance. Now I'm wearing a new face and the armor and uniforms of the guards of the Realm. Then I align myself into a row with them, so I can follow them out of the City.   MASS: TO VENGE The diplomat would have told you what there are 5 Dragon Blooded in total coming here, as far as he knows, but it won't need all of them to deal with this Anathema.   CHAND: Saanvi sighs gloomily and accept her fate. She dons the handcuffs but keeps talking.   "Do you really think I'm someone else? Has your soul changed in the moment when you were exalted? I'm no other than I was before. The only thing that changed is the world around me.   I have to leave my home out of fear that my own father could kill me if he found out. I couldn't say goodbye to my brothers, to spare them of this sorrow. And now they are dead. I'll never see them again.... The whole world hunts me like a beast. I'm aware you think me exactly that. I don't expect you to believe me, but still:   I've always looked up to you. You seek knowledge, just like me. I... have studied these bracelets," she lifts up her hands to show Storm the bracelets. "...although it was highly forbidden for me to do. And I've discovered their secret. I have a brown notebook in my bag. Even if you should kill me today: please do not let all the knowledge I've gathered go to waste."   VENGE: (shut up and give her stunts!)
MASS: (wohoo!!!) Are you trying to influence her or manipulate her in a certain way? You get 2 stunts.
CHAND: I actually want her to nap the book right now and start reading. Saanvi write her notes in riddles, more like a thought-support. Storm will notice really fast that 50% of that knowledge goes down the drain without Saanvi.
MASS: Charisma + Presence + stunts
CHAND: [Dice Roll: 6]   MASS: Storm fixates you while you don the cuffs. "You've stolen these artifacts, you mean? With the same power you've stolen from the sun, you unlocked their secrets." She answers. But she comes towards you, reaches into your bag and gets your notebook. She scowls at you with hostility and just as she wants to open the book to read it, you feel a strong wind.   In the next moment, another Dragon Blooded is standing next to Storm, her back turned to you. You hear a slight thunder when she appeared. Even if you can't see her face, you know she is very similar in stature to Strom.   "Never trust the worlds of an Anathema, Sister. For their words confuse our minds and lead us into darkness." The figure puts a hand on Storm and stops her from reading.   CHAND: "Stolen? How exactly am I supposed to have stolen the power of the sun? He gave it to me. Just like the Dragon gave it to you. But fine, I'll remain silent. I don't want Master Storm whom I've always respected to keep me in bad memories.   Honored Master, regard this as my contribution to disprove that all Anathema are monsters. I'll regard it as my honor that I may fight against you once. Actually I've always thought that my dream of being your student will come true one day." She laughs sadly. "Now it is my wish to enter my next reincarnation by your hand, standing upright in battle."   She looks to the other woman briefly, more with curiosity than hostility. "Lady Thunder I presume. Not even gods are capable of influencing a will as strong as that of your sister. I have no illusions that a couple scientific notes on the Gloves of Celestial Touch´, the course of events on an Anathema Exaltation or the structure and working of a Solar corona could in any way move her in my favor."   CHAND: (I'm speculating of course to put down some triggers and make Storm hot for my notes^^)
VENGE: (Are we still standing in the middle of the road, surrounded by 50+ soldiers and 100 panicked people cowering on the floor?)
MASS: (yes, we are. XD)   MASS: In the splinter of a second, Thunder disappears before you. Again you feel a breeze as she suddenly stands behind you, holding a blue jade chakram to your throat, the edge directly against you skin. "Silence! Or I will end your life right now." Thunder hisses in your ear.   CHAND: Saanvi stiffens and does as she's told. Intense, she looks at Storm.   CHAND: (does she bite?)
MASS: You can definitely see that your worlds didn't fall on deaf ears, but she controls herself.   MASS: "From now on, you'll only speak if spoken to and only if we wish it so." She whispers. "Do you so much as flinch," the edge of the chakram presses closer to your throat. "That's it."   Then her chakra disappears and Storm gives the sign of retreat. Surrounded by the guards and with STorm only a few paces next to you, you'll be escorted out of the City.   You see how the citizen are looking after you. The little girl, with tear marks on her face, says quietly to her mother. "Mama... the beggar woman doesn't look so evil....."  


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