Rogue Chapter 5 Prose in CREATION | World Anvil
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Rogue Chapter 5

Rogue, a-part of Kagami

MASS: After Saanvi bowed to the will of the Dragon Blooded, the troop regroup. With the captured Anathema in the middle, flanked by Storm and Thunder, they make a parade out of it as they marched towards the gate of the city.   TO CHAND If you've ever - after your Exaltation - felt out of place on the Blessed Isle, or even cursed, this is a whole new level. Marched off like an abomination, the Dragon Blooded made no attempt to speed this up whatever. Actually, it's almost quaint how everything in the city is suddenly pivoting around this event.   It was almost as if every inhabitant of this city has stopped whatever they were doing and have gathered here in the streets to witness this demonstration of the Realm's might. Even Ali, the innkeeper is standing on the sidewalk, watching. When he recognizes you, pure horror filled his eyes, quickly turning into compassion.   MASS: TO VENGE Perception + awareness
VENGE: [Dice roll: 8]   CHAND: Saanvi tries her best to appear proud and to stand tall, but a small tear still escapes and rolls down her cheek. She's very aware that this might be the last moment of her life. With every step towards the city's edge, she'll understand it more.   MASS: TO VENGE It doesn't escape you that the woman standing in the crowd looks very much like Sherazier. She observes the scene with absolute horror. Her gaze goes to the Dragon Blooded and you see how she clenches her fists, hate and distain plain on her face. Then she turns away from this parade and disappears.   VENGE: Excellent, everything is going as planned. I do not let my satisfaction show, but marches along as if one of the soldiers. I'll try to pinpoint the exact location of the 4 Dragon Blooded.   MASS: The Fire Dragon Blooded you've faced before now joins the show. He approaches Saanvi and positions himself next to her. When he does that, he looks direct at Saanvi.   "Justice will always win, Anathema! You will pay dearly for the death of Emerald Spring!" Then he marches with you out of the city.   CHAND: The young woman lowers her gaze and doesn't answer. Perhaps the Fire Dragon Blooded might have seen the bad conscience she shows through her eyes.   VENGE: (I'm fine with making a fast forward to the camp, btw)   MASS: Before the gate of the city, you're greeted with an unexpected view. Sherazier's fear wasn't unfounded when she asked for your help. Before you is now a war camp, big enough to house at least 150 men. The banner of the Realm, scarlet with the sigil of the Empress upon it blows in the southwind of the desert. A small town of tents are within. Thought there is no stockade, the "town" is still surrounded by something that looked like a stone wall.   VENGE: (did they build another city in front of the city?!) MASS: (XD)  
Mass: Although the wall isn't very high, it still offers decent protection with its 3 meters of height. As dar as you can see, there is only one gate leading into it. Guards protect this one and you see a very notable person standing before it.   VENGE: (*fingers crossed* Please tell me he's a chosen of pasiap! Please! Please! Please! I love those!)   MASS: A Chosen of Pasiap, an Earth Dragon Blooded with a breastplate of white jade stands firmly like a mountain before the gate. He doesn't seem to carry a weapon and appears very stoic with his stony express. (pun intended! XD) You'll be brought into the camp through the gate. When you come close to him, he observes Saanvi without any slip in his expression. Then he joins Storm and the others.   "Hm... doesn't look very terrifying to me. I imagined it differently." He stays with the others as the troops dissemble, until only Saanvi's guards of 10 and the Dragon Blooded remain in the center of the camp.   VENGE: (Do I know him? Or have heard of him?)
CHAND: (Same questions. Do I know him?)
MASS: both roll wits + socialize pls and any specialty you have
CHAND: [Dice roll: 3]
VENGE: [DIce roll: 4]
MASS: Neither of you know him, but you heard that Storm might have a potential lover, at least that'S the talk. Someone called Obelisk, student of the eternal glory, of House Nellens. A lost egg with high breeding for his origin, which is rare. (Breeding 4) He shows great talent as a smith and a craftsman.
VENGE: (Always these Lost Eggs! These lowborn mongrels! Looking for glory... and House Nellens! Really who can take House Nellens seriously!? XD)
MASS: (HAHAHA, XD)   MASS: In the middle of the camp stands an iron cage, in which they put Saanvi and chain her down to the floor with iron links. The cage stands on a small podium, almost like a stage. It seems they might get the idea of setting the entire thing on fire and burn the Anathema alive inside the cage.   After they lock Saanvi in, 4 guards are posted around the cage. Then they Dragon blooded make their way towards the biggest of the tents, apparently their command center. The whole thing has taken its time and now the sun is touching the horizon.   VENGE: I'll stay with the guards, following the Dragon Blooded to their command center. Then I position myself at the entrance like a normal guard and listen in on their conversation.   CHAND: Saanvi's eyes are empty. She seems very lost in thoughts. Quietly, she sings a well known lullaby of the Blessed Isle.   MASS: TO CHAND Pease describe in detail what's going on inside Saanvi and how she feels.   CHAND: Saanvi sees herself defeated. She feels like a caged animal. Or an outcast. Never before in her life has she ever felt so cast out, betrayed and abandoned. Additionally, she's in terrible fear for her last living brother.   As last sliver of hope lies in Storm reading her notebook. But she doesn't believe in it anymore.   MASS: As you sit in that cage and the horizon slowly swallows the sun, you watch the play of colors on the clouds. Your hour has come. Twilight is here. And you can't help but marvel at the beauty of this moment, despite the hopelessness of your situation. You close your eyes, this might be the last time in your life you see all this. This exact thought goes through your head.   When you open your eyes again, you're overlooking a beautiful and magical scenery. It has cost you so much time to build all this. But in the end, you achieved this, you built a beautiful city next to an oasis, in the middle of the desert. You have chosen this place as your legacy to Creation. From up here, in one of the many towers of your manse, you can overlook your kingdom. So glorious, yet so empty.   In wise foresight, you've made your preparations. All you've sent away, your friends, family, subjects and servants. To save them all you have made the greatest sacrifice. You've given them the chance to survive the onslaught of the Dragon Blooded, the Usurpation.   Now, there is only you, the memories you've stolen from then so no one knows of this place and bound it into a great white crystal and the... Oorabilis. This is the last of your work to protect. You turn around and are immediately inside your workshop. Simply because your mind has commanded your manse to so do and you can see it again.  
"One day, I will return. When the darkest of all hours has come for Creation, you will be the Light of Hope." You hear yourself say to the artifact, almost as if to give courage to yourself. For a last time you place your hand on its surface and feel the magic pulsing inside it.   But time is running short, a luxury you no longer have. You concentrate and with a loud whistle you fulfill your sell and your cloud floats down from the sky. Standing on it, you fly out of your manse, over your kingdom.   When you reach its border, you can feel the magical barrier you've put down. When you pass it, all will be forgotten, for everyone but you. For you, only you will keep this memory in your heart, you swear it. "Our age is doomed to end. But if I end, then not without a fight." With this last thought you turn to face your end.   Then you open your eyes and are sitting in your cage again.   CHAND: Overwhelmed by her vision she snaps her eyes open. Again, the fire of her fighting spirit burns in her eyes. "Oorabilis...." she whispers. She tries to remember where this place has been and curses herself to have given up her notebook. She searches through her remaining bags to find something to write so she doesn't forget even the smallest detail.
  MASS: TO VENGE What do you do in the meantime?   VENGE: If I can position myself at the entrance of the tent, I'll remain there for a while, listening in on them. At the first opportunity, I'll sneak into the tend and observe them. I'll do this while standing absolutely still in one of the corners and become invisible.
VENGE: (I'll use Invisible Statue Technique. For as long as I don't move or join combat, I'm indefinitely and completely invisible.)  
Summary of the game played via video chat:   While Saanvi was locked in her cage, Argus successfully sneaked into the command center of the Dragon Blooded by using this favorite Charm Invisibility Statue Technique Unseen, he remained in the corner, listening intently to the conversations of the Dragon Blooded.   Moved by Saanvi's words, Master Storm was eager to study the manuscript of the Anathema, while her sister, the High Enlightened Master Thunder insisted that this demon must be executed at once. That Storm had already agreed to an honorable duel meant nothing to the Immaculate Monk. While the sisters argued, the rest of them stayed quiet, none of them daring to contradict the words of their leaders.   In the end, Thunder prevailed.   Knowing now that Saanvi's life was indeed threatened, Argus finally moved to the second phase of his plan. He focused his will and in a single instant, poured a large part of his Essence into his Charm. The Mental Invisibility Technique was potent, masking his presence from the very minds of those who would overwise perceive him.   Now he walks undisturbed among them. Up to the High Enlightened Master Thunder he came and with a simple touch upon her robes, he implanted an idea into her mind.   The Anathema should not be executed here, at the edge of the world, where no one can witness their height of their achievement. Instead, she should be taken back to the Realm and put to death publicly, to remind all the world of the security the Realm provides.   Now that Saanvi's life is for a while prolonged, Argus turns his attention to Fire and Earth.   Meanwhile, locked in her cage, Saanvi fears the loss of her vision. Panicked and rushed, she tries to scratch her vision into the surface of her metal cage, using only a hairpin, in hope she can preserve as much as possible. By doing so, she gains the attention of the guard who stood close, eyeing her with curiosity.   Inspired by it, Saanvi starts to mutter to herself and reveals the exact events of her Exaltation. Above all, she sought knowledge. And when she discovered the Gloves of Celestial Touch, she must have them. And when she was rejected by the artifact, she pushed on, armed with nothing but her will. In doing so, she proved herself worthy of the Power of the Sun. Again and again, Saanvi emphasized that she did not steal that power.   Still disguised as a guard with dark locks and a plain face, Argus followed Sanji and Obelisk as they retreated to tend to Sanji's wounds. During their walk through the camp, a missive was delivered to them by a messenger of Iktaliv, bearing an ultimatum of their goddess.   "Be gone by dawn, or face the consequences!"   Astonished that a minor city goddess dared to defy the will of the Princes of Gaia, the Dragon Blooded laughed. Sanji thought that the goddess is not to be worried about, after all, what could she do. However Saanvi's companion worries him, for this one could be close.   This statement caught Argus off guard and suddenly, he was overcome with the realization that Sanji was less hurt than he appeared and that his weakness was nothing but an act to draw him close, into a deadly trap1. Just as Argus decided to end this quickly by assassinating them both from behind, his courage left him2. Remembering the last time he faced multiple Dragon Blooded alone, he chose to withdraw for now, to follow his plan B.   1: Argus botched his medicine roll, ending in critical failure
2: Argus botched his valor roll, ending in critical failure   With almost nonchalant ease, Argus sneaked into the kitchen instead, his Charm overpowering the mortal cook immediately in its power. Having his mind in mind, Argus mixed laxative into the dinner of the camp, smirking to himself. But because he was not a heartless man, he could not subject the entire camp to this terrible stew before him, made by an unenthusiastic cook. So for once, Argus indulged in his passion of food-making and transformed this stew into a delicacy, albeit a poisoned one.   Then he stole all the torch oil he could find and together with some candle, he built his traps. He spread the oil onto flammable items at key locations within the camp, then cuts the candle just so they would all burn down into the oil in relatively close succession.   Even as he worked, he saw....   Now that Saanvi had the undivided attention of the guard, she tried to use all her natural charisma to charm him. Like a damsel in distress she appeared to him and managed to gain at lest some compassionate glances from him.   She revelated to him that she herself was mortal once, before the Unconquered Son had given her his power. With her scientific knowledge she tried to open his mind to the truth and drive the indoctrinated teachings of the Immaculate Faith from his mind, appeasing endlessly to his curiosity for knowledge.   Sadly, her expertise in the occult was far above his capability of understanding, waking only little comprehension in him. Still, the guard was sympathetic and asked for the food that was being given out around camp. Subtle and definitely against his orders, he slipped the bow of delicious stew into her cage, saying that at least she would not die hungry.   Little did he know that the food was poisoned.   With horror, Argus observed them from afar. For a heartbeat, he considered keeping her from the food and saving her some very uncomfortable hours. But eventually, he decided against it, for time was of the essence and he had little to spare. "Forgive me," he prayed and trusted in the supernatural constitution of her Exalted body to resist this mundane poison.   Yet when the stew was brought in for the Dragon Blooded also, due it their excellent taste, Argus prayed his poison was strong enough.   Half an hour drew close quickly. When he finally reached the stables, the first of the soldiers were already running towards the latrines, dug far from the center of the camp. Argus cut the horses loose and drove them wildly into the camp, surrounded by tents now blazing with flames. He smiled to himself, knowing that no soldier could be claimed by fire, yet kept away from their Dragon Blooded Masters by them. It provided just the right distraction and gave him freedom to move back to the central command.   3 of the Dragon Blooded were gathered in the center, drawn out from the dinner by the commotion. Only the Fire Aspect Sanji still remained, his weakened body fighting and struggling against the poison. The Son of Dragon could scarcely avoid his body betraying his indignity and Argus almost chuckled out loud as he crept close. The assassin steeled his mind and with one clean cut from behind, severed Sanji's head from his shoulders.   In the moment Sanji's body fell, Saanvi saw the assassin in the entrance of the tend. Their eyes meet, and another vision overwhelms her.  
Surrounded by enemies in the thousands, the Saanvi of another life fought alone. She felt abandoned and betrayed and believed that her end was truly nigh. Yet from the corner of her eyes, she saw a shadow swiftly approaching, and in its wake, Dragon Blooded fell. From the ranks of her enemies, Rha Ô the Shadowjudge rose, the Castemark of the Night shimmering golden upon his forehead.   When he opened her eyes and saw Argus standing there, still wearing the face of a stranger, Saanvi believed that a new friend had come to save her.   As a statement of defiance, Argus placed the head in the middle of their dinner table as a demonstration of his skills. He knew that Sanji's sword brethren would instantly feel the loos of their brother and counted on this shock to retreat into the chaos. Yet just as he raced to deliver Saanvi from her cage, a uniformed solider dashed forth, his armor melting away to reveal Misu Taru. He stood before the chained Saanvi and lifted his blade to execute her. Immediately, Argus swung his chain to check him, but his blade pierced through water where flesh should be.   With his Anima of a black Dragon coiling around him, filling the cage, Misu Taru commanded to Argus, "One wrong move and she dies."   In a gesture of surrender, Argus lifted his hands calmly. "As you will. If you would rather murder an unarmed girl, then I will leave you to it and perhaps sharpen my blade more of your brethren." As he spoke, shadow and smoke rose around him, enveloping him the darkest of nights, hiding him in a shroud. When Misu Taru struck at Argus, his blade met only mist.   Argus had long abandoned his position. Within this darkness, he came hastily to Saanvi's cage, breaking her locks with essence infused finger's. Argus's own face emerged from the darkness, beautiful and grim. "Fight for flee," he hissed. "It's your choice now."   With new courage, Saanvi dashed from her cage and snatched a fallen spear from the group. Even before Misu Taru could lunge for a new strike, she drives the top of her spear through his body. With his last breath, Misu Taru whispered. "Why? First I ought to die as sacrifice to your kind, now that I have left and survived, I still die by your hands! Why!"   Filled with remorse and compassion, Saanvil pulls her spear out of him. She took her time to lay him down gently on the ground, folding his hand over his chest and placing his Daiklave upon his body. then she closed his eyes and muttered. "I am so very sorry."   Master Storm was the first to recovered from the shock of loosing yet another sword brother. She pierced out of the tent, her eyes immediately falling on Saanvi kneeing over the dead body. "You!" she hissed, "I was about to grand you mercy, yet you betray me!"   The duel of the mages would happen after all, though Saanvi visibly hesitated. "You know me, Master Storm! I stole no power! I am not evil and I'll never be! I don't want to kill you, but I WILL defend myself!" Her plea fell in deaf ears. Master Storm opened her arms and ice formed from thin air. Huge cones as sharp as blades pierce through the camp, directed towards Saanvi and Argus.   Again, Saanvi's casted her counterspell. With her Anima now fully emerged, Saanvi unleashed her lion upon Storm's magic. The mane of the animal reflected the Sunlight inside her and the ice melted in its heat. "Master, I will not fight against you!" Saanvi cried. "I am good! I've always been good! And I don't want anything evil! You don't have to do this!"   But Master Storm would not be moved. Not when Saanvi still stood over the body of her sworn brother, whom she slew. "You who have who stolen the these power, you demon, you Anathema, I will never harken to your lies again!"   Finally, Sannvi snapped and screamed with all her might. "I DID NOT STEAL ANYTHING!!!" Her scream was loud and terrible, as the ground trembled with the might of her Essence, the two mages prepared themselves for another round.   Protected by Saanvi's counterspell, Argus immediately merged back into his shadow, seeking the other opponents he knew were still there. On his mind was the High-Enlightened Master Exquisite Thunder, who as a trained Martial Artist posed their most dire threat. Knowing she, as a Chosen of Mela must also be a master of air, Argus finally unfolded his wings and took to the sky.   As he circled above the camp as a dark cloud of shadow, 4 chakrams soared through the night air. A golden chain pierced out of the cloud to deflect them, catching 3 but missing one. The sharp edge of the weapon cut through his thigh and again, sunlight poured out. On the rooftop of the central tent, Master Thunder entered the Air Dragon Form, determinate to take Argus's life.   Hovering before her, Argus' face merges into the firelight. "Lower your weapon, Master Thunder, and I will show you mercy. I have prevailed over far worse than you."   "How dare you command me, Anathema!" She cursed. "I am a child of Mela and I will check every evil."   "Ah yes, the Immaculate Philosophy," Argus replied. "Long have I discussed these theories with the Head of your Order, the Mouth of Peace. I am not your enemy here. If you truly wish to check every evil, then turn back to your home. You know of the events on the Isle. Together, enough blood has been spilled."   For a heartbeat it seems Master Thunder wavered. Then she prepares again for battle. "I am a Prince of Gaia! I will not be led astray by the temptation of an Anathema! Tonight, you die!"   Disappointed, Argus sighed heavily. He withdrew into his black shadow and with a might voice, as if by many voices in a choir, he boomed. "So be it."   Even as Argus lifted his chain to strike, Obelisk rushed onto the scene at last. The young Earth Dragon Blooded dashed onto the battlefield, making a huge Tetsubo from the very earth beneath his feet. Immediately Argus abandoned his battle position to land before in front of the young man in the blind of an eye.   "Fight not, child." He spoke, his voice clear and his face fair. "Your soul I can yet save." Empowered by his Essence, Argus' Anima Totem awoke to life. A divine figure with 4 faces on each side of his head formed, his shape made from smoke and light. In his 4 arms he carried the symbols of the 4 virtues, as did his patron, Sol Invictus. Driven by compassion, the Anima Totem laid his Laurel of Entwining Mercy upon Obelisk' head, to keep him from harm.   Amazement and awe filled Obelisk as his weapon fell from his hands. He collapsed to his knees, his eyes shifting from Argus to the divine shape before him. Thunder took this change to strike anew. 5 chakrams sped through the air, their speed and accuracy surpassing the skills Argus could muster in this moment. Yet a wall of sand merged out from the earth, rising to block the projectiles. Surprised by himself, Obelisk stared at his own hands, sunken into the ground to cast this protection.   At the duel of the mages, Saanvi has finally had enough. None of their spells had hit true, always torn apart by the other before it landed. When Storm again casted the Death of Obsidian Butterflies, the Solar mage simply ripped it out of the air with a casual gestures.   Saanvi has come to the end of her patience. She abandoned Storm's way of casting spells, something she had done to honor the Dragon Blooded. She no longer tried to convince Storm of the truth and in her heart, Saanvi had found her confidence, knowing that no power of the Dragon Blooded could endure in the might given by Sol Invictus.   Yet Master Storm would not relent. Again and again she casted, one spell after another until he was almost spent. When she again raised her arms to cast, a shadowy figure ripped her from her feet and pressed her firmly against the ground. Argus held one his blade against her bare throat and in the same powerful voice, he addressed this mage's sister.   "Enough! We can remain here and fight until dawn, or we end this now! You choice, High-Enlightened Master Thunder. Your pride, or your sister's life!"   Enraged, Thunder almost struck again. Yet Argus' blade on Storm's throat pressed closer and the monk hesitated. She lowered her arms and recalled her chakram. "Fine. Release my sister. We will leave the city soon, just let her be."   Argus held firm, yet Saanvi approached to also address the Dragon Blooded. She was commanded into silent by Argus in a wordless gesture, his Anima Totem lifted its hand and stomping its Aegis of Unconquered Might between her and the rest.   "I know of the lack of honor within your brotherhood. I cannot trust your words. Go. Now." He looked around the burning camp. "You don't have much to pack." He then gestured to Storm in his grasp. "She's a mage. She'll have means to travel with speed. Until you're far enough, she is my hostage. And unlike you, I will treat her with dignity."   Finally, Thunder makes the sign and her voice echoed magically through the camp. "Men of the Realm, gather your belonging. We are leaving!" To Argus, she said "Is this enough?"   Argus nodded and dismounted from Storm. He pulls her to her knees and bound her with his golden chain.
  CHAND: A mix of relief and grief mark her face. Her Anima is now dimming. She wipes the sweat and soot from her face and adjust her hair. Then she looks to Argus. "We'll talk later. For now: Thank you."   VENGE: Argus pulls the chain tighter around Storm's wrists. "Saanvi, get the cuffs from the cage. That'll spare her the gag."   CHAND: She nods and does as she's told.   VENGE: (Must I attune to handcuffs?) VENGE: If I can, I'll shackle her with the handcuffs, Then he'll remain there with Storm in his grasp until the troops of the Realm left.   MASS: Thunder will regard you one more time. Sorrowful she nods at her sister Storm. "I expect my sister back at dawn, Anathema. Otherwise, by the Dragons I swear and by all that is holy to me, there will be no place in Creation where you're safe from me!"   VENGE: "Spare me of your threats, I keep my word. When the army touches the horizon and has departed from this land, I will let her go. No harm shall come to her that she does not provoke."
VENGE: (Is Obelisk still here?)   MASS: He's standing a bit apart and watching all this. You'll see Thunder glaring at him, murdering him with her gaze. "You heard my orders! Move!"   CHAND: Saanvi will use this conversation to go back into the command center. There, she'll start to pull the corpse of the Dragon Blooded outside and start to very carefully lay him out next to his dead comrade. (including head)   VENGE: Then Argus will look at Obelisk. "Your freedom is yours, child. I offer you a choice. Join me and forsake these fanatics. Glory and honor can be found in more than just murder." I keep talking to Obelisk. "You'll find little welcome in the Realm now. Your gallantry will not be rewarded there. Yet threats still loom over us and in fighting it, I can use your strength. Chose your own path."   MASS: TO VENGE Charisma + presence + 2 stunt
MASS: (after this, we'll make a fast forward) VENGE: [Dice roll: 5]   MASS: Though Obelisk will not follow Thunder, and thus separates from the other Dragon Blooded, he won't join you either. He snatches a sack with his things and then hastily leaves the camp. As soon as he leaves, the wall around the camp crumbles.   Thunder would have sent men to collect the bodies of her sworn brothers and then march away with them. The soldiers, now somewhat recovered from their poisoned food march with sagged shoulders, in shame and defeat.   Storm remains silent the entire time, she seems to be lost in thoughts.   MASS: Where do you want to take her?
VENGE: Is the command tent still standing?
MASS: Yes.   VENGE: Then I'll pull the prisoner with me into the tent. Saanvi I'll ask to attune to the handcuffs and then put them on Master Storm. Until that is done, Argus won't loosen his chain or let go of it and he keeps his eyes on Storm the entire time.   MASS: (You know it doesn't work this way with attuning to artifact, right? Not while they're attuned to someone else.)
VENGE: (so they won't work?)
MASS: (exactly)   VENGE: Argus takes the cuffs and tosses them aside again, after he notices that he can't really use them. "Shame," he mutters. "Then I fear this night will not be comfortable for you. If you would swear to me to behave yourself, I'll desist from gagging you."   CHAND: Saanvi seems to contemplate for a while, then says. "Master Storm is a woman of honor. She won't do anything stupid as long as she sees no threat for herself. I'll make sure of it and I'll vouch for her.   And.... I'll go and get something to eat.... that is not poisoned."   VENGE: Argus throws a glance full of disapproval her way. "Honorable, to defend your enemy. But I was there when these Princes of Gaia´ exchanged their honor for glory. Do I have to remind you that she and her sister were perfectly prepared to execute your like a petty criminal, even after an honorable duel was promised to you in front of witnesses. I would not be so gullible."   CHAND: The young woman was almost at the entrance to the tent when she snaps around and pokes Argus vigorously in his chest several times.   "Are you even aware that this is the second incarnation where you've abandoned me just to appear shortly before the end as this shining - well, shadowy- knight to then lickety-split save the day? YOU have gotten me this shit! And then you watched as she" she points to Storm without taking her eyes off Argus "almost butchered innocent people just to catch the evil Anathema! Or did you just happen to buy a fried gecko at that time?   I really though I'd go down in history as perhaps the most inglorious Exalted of the Unconquered Sun. This is the second time you've treated me as if I'm your playing ball!" Again and again and even more vigorous her finger drills into his chest. "But just because I'm not familiar with the task Sol Invictus game me doesn't mean you can treat me however you want!"   VENGE: Argus looks down the poking finger upon his breastplate and remains unimpressed. "You allowed it all. If you do not appreciate the god given power and use it for the right thing, then you deserve to be butchered," Argus rattles his chain that still binds Storm, "by the likes of of her. If all that you can do remains whining and hoping to be saved, then you do not deserve this power! Then perhaps she should end your pathetic existence and I pray that Sol Invictus acts with more prudence the next time he grants his might."   He pushes Saanvi away from himself, out of his personal space. His posture and expression changes, becoming harder and darker as he spoke. "Do not talk to me about past lives, foolish girl. I have been fighting this battle a lot longer than you and have endured evils and horrors you dare not even imagine. Begone with you and leave me to my trade. I have enough of your empty bravado!"   CHAND: "Empty bravado? Listen, you megalomaniac Adonis! I certainly won't just toss my power around if I might hurt innocents with it! I don't know if you've been living with your head in the shadows for too long, but protecting innocents by surrendering myself IS the right thing. It has nothing to do with being pathetic!   Honor, decency and humanity do not only apply when the odds are in your favor! I'd rather die with my head held high than live the rest of my life knowing that my pride killed dozens of people who are only at the wrong place during the wrong time! With that Dragon Blooded I had no choice, but I would have spared him if I didn't already know that he'll stab me in the back!"   VENGE: "And why exactly, do you think you're still alive?" Argus snorts scornfully.   CHAND: She halts for a second then gives him a bitchy "I said thank you already... but that doesn't excuse the fact that you got me into this situation in the first place!   ... Doesn't matter now! We shouldn't discuss this in front of our guest!" It looks like a silent surrender.   VENGE: "Had I not forced your hand, you would not know to treasure the gift of our Lord. Nothing I despise more than one so unworthy!"   CHAND: One can see her brain working. "Wait a second... This was a test?! You... you did all this on purpose! To test me?!" Again she boils with anger, but at the same time understanding and comprehension are in her eyes.   Then her gaze turns empty. "... I don't know if I should be angry, disappointed or sad. Is this the we how we´ treat each other? We lay traps for one and another, put each other in mortal danger an cast spells on each other?"   VENGE: Argus snorts with annoyance and lets himself fall into a chair. "Yes, Child, it was a test! I wanted to see what you are made of, who you really are! Only a greedy little girl who stumbled upon this great power, or if you really deserved this! You have repeatedly tested my patience and I have no time to waste on fools!"   He shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "And don't exaggerate now, I was always close." Then he lets out a deep sigh. "Why am I arguing with a child?" He massages at his temple. "Now don't pout. Your might is great and your burden is heavy. THIS is only the beginning."   CHAND: Lost for words, Saanvi stares at him as if she's trying to determine the truth of his words. "... you must have seen and done so many terrible things to be so cold-hearted. And probably lost many of us my making dumb mistakes."   VENGE: Argus barks out a laugh, yet his laugh breaks and turns into bitterness. In a feeble low voice, he says. "Go now, find yourself some food that isn't poisoned. Leave me be."   CHAND: Compassion awakens in Saanvi's eyes. She nods and leaves the tent.   MASS: (very good character play from both of you.)


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