Rogue Chapter 6 Prose in CREATION | World Anvil

Rogue Chapter 6

Rogue, a-part of Kagami

VENGE: Argus barks out a laugh, yet his laugh breaks and turns into bitterness. In a feeble low voice, he says. "Go now, find yourself some food that isn't poisoned. Leave me be."   CHAND: Compassion awakens in Saanvi's eyes. She nods and leaves the tent.   MASS: (very good character play from both of you!)
TO CHAND I assume this is the moment Saanvi thinks about the mission of the other Castes for the first time. If that's true, then pls roll Intelligence + Lore.
MASS: (Then I'd like to make a fast forward)   MASS: Storm would not be particularly conversational, unless you force her or prove her. Instead, she appears rotationally annoyed, devastated or confused. You can see the broken pride in her, especially during the hasty preparation of their retreat. In less than half an hour, they are organized and marched in formation. In them too you see the broken pride. In the meantime, you and your prisoner get settled. Storm would not defend herself much, but let it all happen and follow your instructions without a word.   MASS: Where do you want to put her? You still have some time until dawn. Concerning that, you have many options, depending on how "obvious" you want to be. The burned down camp, the retreat of the army and everything wouldn't have stayed unseen. It depends on you if the city learns whose deed it was.   VENGE: Argus will spend the night with Storm in the command tent. He has no intention of returning to the City and has no means to inform the city without leaving Storm of his his sight.   He'll just make himself comfortable in the tent and help himself to their wine. Of course he'll offer some to Storm as well, and at least try to make conversation. ( I assume she saw our argument.) So Argus will appear honest and face her without hidden agenda for once.   "Can you tell me how you found Saanvi?"   MASS: She accept the wine. "Perhaps, I could, but I see no reason why I should do this." Then she remains silent for a moment. "You have defeated me in battle with the power that you stole, but my spirit you will not break! I may not be able to stop you, but I will not help you destroy the world, Anathema!" Then she smiles at you in a very friendly manner and drinks the wine.   CHAND: "Then another topic," Saanvi sighs with resignation as she again pulls on her belt with her stuff. "Please tell me of my brother's death. I still can't believe that they are all dead."   The entire time, Saanvi will behave very politely and with respect. Again, she put her notebook on the table as a silent invitation for her to read. Only after Storm has read it or refused would she write her vision into it and gives it to Argus, so he'll read it but not her.   VENGE: "I am not trying to break your spirit," says Argus. "You should answer me because I asked politely. I would be hasty with accusations born out of your indoctrination and propaganda. After all, right now you have the unique opportunity to ask not one, but two Children of the Unconquered Sun. Of course I would understand if you would rather hold onto your narrow minded doctrine without a single thought about what your kin might have kept from you and your brethren."   VENGE: 'tis a monologue. I would like to make a social attack. To wake her curiosity about the truth.
MASS: Alright. You get 2 stunts because it's a good argument. Announce your social attack, then I'll announce her defense.
VENGE: (I just did, no?)
MASS: TO CHAND She'll read the notebook as soon as she has the chance to.
VENGE: (I'll buy dies with my last motes. I'm oom.)
MASS: (Then it's not a monologue. It's either attack or a monologue, but not both)
VENGE: (monologue is social aim, right?)
MASS: (yep)
VENGE: (then I'll announce my attack now. I'll make it performance, since I want it to be for Saanvi as well)
  VENGE: Argus sighs. "I am no mage, nor am I a student of Lore, yet I too have had renowned teachers. Does it not interest you why we exalt and how we gained our powers? Do you not wonder why my mission is, that Sol Invictus entrusted to me? And why we put ourselves in your path?"   CHAND: [Dice roll: 2] (for Int + Lore to determine the god given mission)
MASS: TO CHAND With the successes you have, you know that originally every Caste was given a specific mission by Sol Invictus. Yours is among other things to make the world a better place with the knowledge you and by intructing others.
Night Castes, in a fashion, got the most ungrateful mission of all. They should not only just act behind enemy lines, but also keep watch over corruption in their own ranks.
VENGE: [Dice roll: 8] (against storm)
  CHAND: Saanvi's notebook: a rather big tome, bound in dark leather.   She has written down absolutely everything that might need to be preserved for prosperity. Meaning, how she exalted, wht the gloves do (including drawings), what vision she had, what her mission as a Solar is, how she learned magic by imitating Storm and her brothers, what else she can do....Everything that might be of interest to another Solar who can also do magic.   VENGE: (TO CHAND What are you trying to achieve here with your book?)
CHAND: (She should read the truth, if she doesn't want to believe it with words. Storm is just like Saanvi, seems to believe in "science"(magic). That's what she would perhaps believe a book more.)
VENGE: (But we're in the middle of social combat here.)
  MASS: TO VENGE Storm will try to parry:   "Anathema, do you think I haven't been warned since birth not to listen to your words, for you can manipulate even the mightiest of midns? I know you're trying to exploit every oppoitunity to lead me from the right path, as you've done with those of lesser purity." You can see the deep disappointment when she said the last part. She is speaking of Obelisk, who was her lover. Then she makes a pause. "But please, be my guest, let me hear more of your lies!" MASS: Your attack was successful.   VENGE: "When I tell you from your birth that the sky is red, does it make it true? When you step outside, raise your gaze towards the heaven, see the blue in it, will you still claim the sky to be red, for that is what you were taught since birth?   Like you, I was chosen by a god who deemed me worthy. It is as natural as your second breath. Unless you have knowledge of the doctrine of the Most High, the Unconquered Sun, and have harkened to his words, how could you then so ignorantly claim that I have stolen a power? How could you say with certainty that I aim to destroy the world? Have you not also a choice to do with the power that was given to you as your own mind dictates?"   Argus rises and learns over the mage. "We are your enemy, because you are ours. You hunt us without questions, without conscience, without mercy. I do not wish to take an eye for an eye, but I will not surrender without a fight. If you would but for a moment yield your hatred to compassion, you'll see that we are not the monsters you should hunt. Perhaps then, there may be peace between us, the defenders of Creation."   MASS: 3 stunts VEGNE: ( I take the motes and buy dices. Charisma or Manipulation?)   MASS: Her parry is:   "How much do you know of Creation and her history? Or did you forget it was us, the Chosen of the Dragons, that once brought you down to protect the world from your evil!" She seems to struggle, as if she's running out of arguments.   MASS: (were you honest?) VENGE: (Ahahahahahaha BOOM!) VENGE: [Dice Roll: 10] VENGE: (yes, I was. I rolled Charisma) MASS: What do you want to achieve with this attack? (At social combat, pls always announce what you're trying to achieve, if you're successful) VENGE: (That I'm telling the truth and that we Solars never stole any power. And otherwise exactly as I said.)   VENGE: "Yes, I know what happened back then. I was there. I remember." Argus says darkly.   MASS: She's listening very attentively, even if she's trying to hide it, her curiosity wins. "Hm... What do you want then? What are you up to with this power that was supposedly given to you?" She challenges you with her eyes, from Argus to Saanvi and then back.   CHAND: Saanvi sits down and lets Argus talk.   VENGE: "I was imposed with a holy burden!" Argus says and starts to pace the room. "Once, I was but a little cog in the machinery of intrigue and schemes. Once, I was blind and naïve, drifting, foundering in a sea of lies and treachery. But my eyes are open now! My gaze is clear and my will strong.   I was chosen, to be the enemy of corruption. I care not where it dwells, in brilliant halls of decayed slums. In heaven or on earth. In words or in deeds. I care not whose heart it taints, be it noble or slave, god or mortal, my watch none will escape. For the judgement of the Lord of Heaven is with me, and it is with his wisdom that I do judge. Are you free from evil, then you have nothing to fear from me."   MASS: "Those are big words, yet only words, and nothing but smoke and mirrors. Do you have any evidence?" Storms sips her wine and looks to Argus defiantly.   VENGE: Argus barks out a laugh. "Do you really think that I leave evidence of my work behind? There is no glory in what I do."
VENGE: (What House is Strom from again? Peleps? Ledaal? She's not a Mnemon, that I'd know.)   MASS: "I see. Just so we're clear. You kill several members of my brotherhood, threatens me and my sister with death, tell me with big worlds that you're the enemy of corruption, on a holy mission, but you have nothing to give your words any weight whatsoever, and you expect me to just believe you and not to doubt you? While my indoctrination´ has written and historical accounts that supports it? Did I miss something else?"   She looks to Saanvi. "Did he lead you astray with this?"
MASS: (Peleps, the other mages. XD)   CHAND: "Believe it or not, I just met him a day ago and before I've never had any contact to another Solar."   VENGE: Argus looks to her with sadness, then crouches down to her so they're on eye-level. "Believe, or do not believe. Even if I tell you the truth behind your indoctrination, you would not have believed me. If you really want to know what I fight against, find your kinswoman Gloria Taxin of House Peleps in the Scarlet Fields. She'll tell you more of this, of what I did."   MASS: you may both roll perception + investigation.
TO VENGE: Specialty details applies
VENGE: [Dice roll: 4]
CHAND: [Dice roll: 5] MASS: TO CHAND She seems a little... forced. As if she's being influenced.
CHAND: Sorcerer's Sight - is somethings strange with her aura?
MASS: Int + Occult
CHAND: I spend most for dices. I'm OOM now.
CHAND: [Dice roll: 16]
VENGE: Did I get any motes back?
MASS: Let's just say you had 2 hours before this conversation, to regenerate motes.
  MASS: TO CHAND With so many successes, nothing is hidden from you. You can study the exact patter of her Essence, and you discover this:   For a Dragon Blooded, she's very strong in Essence, especially if you consider that she's only 60 Years old. (She has Essence 4) Furthermore, she's wearing a Personal Assistent, a jade chain shirt and her boots are enchanted so she can walk on water. You also see the brotherhood bond on her.   But beyond that, you can see that she's being influenced by a very powerful Charm, which seems to have demonic origin and is forcing her to stay loyal to the Realm and the Empress.   VENGE: ( OF COURSE!!!! WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF IT!?!?!?!?)
MASS: ( no idea. XD Why didn't you think of it?)
  CHAND: Saanvi takes her notebook and starts to draw this aura. "Master Storm... what do you know of auras?"   MASS: "Excuse me?" She's very surprised by this sudden question.   CHAND: "Have you ever seen something like THIS?" She dabs the last of the color onto the page to describe the demonic layer.   MASS: you may roll Dexterity + Craft Air (I'd offer you Linguistics, but you're handling colors and shapes, not words)
CHAND: (not to self: buy craft)
CHAND: [Dice roll: 1]
VENGE: (ROFL!!!! You drew a stick figure!)
CHAND: (meaning just green color dapped onto a silhouette.... so nothing that properly describes things.)
  MASS: She looks at the picture, looks back at you and appears rather shocked. She seems to want to comment, but hesitates and gives the book back to you.   "Perhaps you should try it again. Despite recognizing something that I guess are chakra lines and some demonic Essence, I.... which makes no sense and is impossible, by what you just depicted."  
VENGE: (You mean like this?)
VEMGE: (I'm sorry, I'm sketching on the side and just couldn't resist!)
MASS: (AHAHAHAHAH!!!! You get bonus EP for this!!!! 2!!!!)   CHAND: Saanvi laughs embarrassed. "I've always been a bad artist." She takes her quill and types at specific points in her picture.   "I'm blessed by the gift to see auras and patters in Essence. There is a very balanced Essence surrounding you, very controlling. Next to the boots, the Assistant, the armor, I can see the bond that binds you to the others. And then there's this trace of demonic Essence, at your heart and your head-chakra. More heart than head, the more we talk. This Essence pulses whenever we make a strong argument against your loyalty to the Realm.   I'm not so bold as to claim that your head can understand and comprehend what we're presenting, but your heart forces you not to believe us, - Am I right in this?"   VENGE: At the word "demonic" Argus' attention snaps back. He leans over the table to look at Saanvi's sketch. Then he takes the book out of Saanvi's hand, holds it before Storm and looks from the book to the woman, and then back. "Hm... the similarity is uncanny."   Then he gasps out loud. He jumps up from his seat, pull this chain tighter around Storm and his eyes starts to burn like the Fire of the Sun.
VENGE: (I'm using Clearing the Mind's Eye Prana and spend all my motes for it)   MASS: TO CHAND (very nice description) TO CHAND You can see that something or someone has strengthened Storm's already existent loyalty to the Realm and has robbed her completely of her free will in this regard. TO VENGE Please describe how you want to perform this dramatic action to use this Charm. Because as far as I remember, it's not instant.   VENGE: Argus grabs her head roughly, one hand on each side. He glares first into her eyes with his own burning ones. Then his gaze moves pass her physical body into her mind and he pushes himself into the depth of her spirit. There, he sees the truth of her soul. Again, his dark Anima of shadow and smoke rise around him, his totem emerging like a slumber titan. Its eyes shone like those of Argus and the 4 symbols of virtue in his hands cast golden light around them.   "Unveil thy crimes before me! Be again in the light!" He forced those words in Old Realm out with great struggle. Locked in this battle of will, his grunts heavily, the marks of exertion on his fair face. For one moment, the great Totem of shadow and light that reaches to the canopy wavers, opening its mouth in a terrible scream, a spiritual reflection of Argus' mental pain. But he held on. "I will not let you win, Bride of Hell. You power ends now! Yield! Give this one back to the light!"
  MASS: 2 stunts. (Please also describe what Saanvi sees in Essence Sight)   VENGE: In Essence, Argus is as golden as the sunlight. Shadow has on trace upon him and his light bears heavily upon Storm's mind. He reaches into her Essence, a great claw burning away all resistance. There, he took hold of the demonic Essence and they struggle for dominance, swaying back and forth. The demonic Essence, appearing as a green slimy worm bites at Argus' mental hand, causing him to scream. But he tightens his grasp and with a yell, he pulls the parasite from Storm's mind. He squeezes it in his golden fist, until he stops struggling and vaporizes.   VENGE: (I'll take the WP which I'll spend for an automatic success)
VENGE: [Dice roll: 10] (Perception + Investigation + specialty + 8 motes + 1 wp. 18 Dices)
VENGE: I need as many successes as the original caster has in permanent Essence to finish this in one action.
  VENGE: Completely exhausted Argus collapses on the floor and wipes his sweat from his face. He's panting heavily and his face was ashen white. He looks like he might be fainting any moment now. "Be free of Her," he whispers in the general direction of Storm. "Be finally free of Her."   MASS: Storm screams in pain in the moment your Charm ends and then she falls unconscious.   TO CHAND With your Essence sight, you can see that a part of Argus' Essence floating in the room and then fading away. His light seems dimmer now, after this part of him disappeared.   MASS: Argus looses 1 permanent Essence, a great sacrifice.   VENGE: Argus lets his head fall on his arms and begins to tremble. Faintly, he sobs, although one cannot be sure. Then he leans back and looks like he just fought an entire battle alone. There are traces of tears on his face, and his expression is one of desperation born out of exhaustion. When he sees the unconscious Storm, he nods slowly. But he makes no sound.   CHAND: Argus feels Saanvi stepping behind him and massaging his shoulders. "Thank you," she whispers. The she uses this opportunity to ask a few question that's been burning on her mind. "... so you tested if I'm a real Solar or just something they so affectionally call Anathema... how many of us have really earned the title Anathema?"   VENGE: "If you want to curse yourself an Anathema, go ahead." He replies feebly, heavy with fatigue and disapproval. "Just leave me out of it."   CHAND: "Did I pass my test? Am I a true Chosen of the Sun? Or am I just some Anathema that claims to be a Solar?"   VENGE: "What?"   Absolutely aghast Argus turns to stare at you. "Have you no tact, Woman?!" He shakes your hands off his shoulder with great annoyance. "I have just sacrificed a part of my SOUL to free her mind from indoctrination! And all you want to know is how YOU've done?!" He moves a little away from her. "Do you want my honest opinion? Now think before you answer, I do not want you to cry at my words."   CHAND: "...well, the next thing I'll ask, if you deem me worthy, is if you can teach this to me. So I can help you free more of them from their doctrine. Because I bet she's not the only one. Her sister seems much more fanatic than her."   VENGE: "YOU..." he stops himself and then ponders, "You are.... adequate..." He takes a deep breath and sighs. "But you cannot learn what I have to teach. However, perhaps I can help you become a Solar who deserves this title."   CHAND: "Adequate is enough for me. I want to learn everything you can teach me. This world needs to stop fighting this silent war."   VENGE: Argus fights to get up and stands on wobbling legs. But he gathers himself and hides the fact that he has to lean against the table for support.   "If you truly want to learn from me, you will kneel and you will call me master. I know, you're arrogant and entitled, accustomed to a life of luxury and hubris. This has to end now. You will lay your head on the ground and you will show me proper respect. If you do that, I am your teacher. If you break it, you walk alone."   MASS: (ouch)
VENGE: (oh well, the rules of Master and Student are strict. I went through it too!)
MASS: (true)   CHAND: Saanvi flinches back from him and takes a sharp breath. Her expression changes again and again rapidly. She's literally staring at him. Her throughs are working visibly. "I... ehm... we... I... want to... but... no... still....." then she takes a deep breath and exhales. "I'll need to sleep on it, if that's alright with you."   MASS: TO CHAND With your stats in Lore, you're completely aware that there's nothing new to what Argus is suggesting. Especially among the Martial Artists, students must conduct themselves with humility and relationship between master and student is almost always a unique and mostly very close one.   VENGE: Argus laughs and supports himself more visibly on the table now. "As you like. You can only learn from me, once your pride is no longer standing in your way."   CHAND: Fire burns in her eyes again. She seems to want to say something snappish, but swallows her words with great effort. "I'll sleep on it." She repeats again.   VENGE: Argus refrains from any reaction whatsoever and approaches Storm instead. He slaps her slightly on her cheek. "Wake up."


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