The Realm Organization in CREATION | World Anvil
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The Realm

The Realm, sometimes called the Scarlet Empire, is the empire of the Dragon Blooded and the most powerful government in Creation during the second Age.   They are located on the Blessed Isle and ruled by The Scarlet Empress.


The Realm is a meritocratic and hereditary imperialism.    The central power rests in the hand of the Empress, followed by the 13 great Houses, founded by her descendance.


The Realm is established upon the entirety of the Blessed Isle.    Much of the Threshold has become the Realm's satrapy.


The Realm might is in its Legions. Highly trained elite warriors either dedicated to the empire, or one of its Great Houses.


The State Religion is the Immaculate Faith.  
Founding Date
RY 1
Alternative Names
The Scarlet Empire
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Legislative Body
The Great and Lesser Chambers
Judicial Body
Scarlet Court
Executive Body
Imperial Law Enforcement
Subsidiary Organizations

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