Creation The unification of the Hundred Kingdoms Timeline

The unification of the Hundred Kingdoms

The Conquest of Prince Marlekyl and the important events of his inner circle

  • 798 RY

    10 Ascending Wood

    The Birth of Arfalas and Marlekyle
    Life, Birth

    Born as Princes of Valka to King Undvic and Lady Forlorn

  • 801 RY

    Undvic is crowned king
    Political event

  • 805 RY

    Resplendent Water

    Rowan the cruel marries Nitram Sweetlips

  • 805 RY

    Descending Earth

    Castle Druan sacked by Rowan the cruel
    Military action

    Princes Nivin (1) and Lief Tarnuval (12) escaped during the sacking.

  • 812 RY

    813 RY

    Yiffnar - Aldarich War for Tarnuval
    Military action

    Castle Druan retaken, but destroyed. Nivin(9) sent to Castle Rowan. Lief(20) kept as Castle Hadrian.

  • 821 RY

    The Green Lady arrives in Valka
    Diplomatic action

  • 821 RY

    Ascending Air

    Necromancer Tsevatan arrives in Valka
    Diplomatic action

  • 821 RY

    Resplendent Air

    King Undvic falls to the spell of the dead
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 821 RY

    28 Ascending Water

    Green Lady speaks her Prophecy of Duality

    Two sons you have, one destiny I see. One must fall, to become a shadow so the other can shine.
    Two sons you have, one live I see. One must live, to light the way so the shadow remain.

  • 821 RY

    1 Resplendent Water

    Arfalas and Marlekyle return to Valka
    Political event

  • 821 RY

    5 Resplendent Water 12:00

    Duel of Fates

    Marlekyl provoked by King Undvic. Manipulated to fight and kill his brother Arfalas.
    Marlekyle exalts into Zenith Caste Solar Exalted

  • 821 RY

    5 Resplendent Water 13:00

    The Dark Exaltation

    Arfalas is given the Dark Exaltation by the Bishop.
    Arfalas exalts into Dusk Caste Abyssal Exalted

  • 822 RY

    1 Ascending Water
    822 RY

    12 Ascending Earth

    Conquest of Reese
    Military action

    Harduin Aldarich(16), Albuin Aldarich(6), Kastor Erkenbert(14) are taken hostage. Later released to be Marlekyle's squires. Marlekyle refused Lady Sina(12)'s hand in marriage.
    Reese becomes a Vassal State, Castle Hadrian becomes Marlekyle's new seat.

  • 823 RY

    Descending Water

    The Ghosts of Himring
    Discovery, Exploration

    Marlekyle enters Himring and is defeated by Himring's magic.

  • 825 RY

    Revenge for Tarnuval
    Military action

    Nivin(21) and Lief (32) sneak into Castle Yiffnar and murder Rowan the cruel and his son and heir.

  • 825 RY

    Descending Air

    Niving and Lief join Prince Marlekyle
    Life, Organisation Association

  • 825 RY

    Descending Water

    Kingdom Yiffnar surrenders to Prince Marlekyle
    Political event

    After a short campaign, Queen Nitram of Yiffnar surrenders her castle and kingdom.

  • 825 RY

    Descending Water

    The rediscovery of Himring
    Discovery, Exploration

    Marlekyl discovers Himring and the ruins of Arfalea. He orders secret reconstruction of Arfalea.

  • 825 RY

    6 Ascending Wood

    The Knight Lovers

  • 825 RY

    Ascending Fire
    825 RY

    Resplendent Fire

    Siege of Mudsnow
    Military action

    Marlekyl besieges Mudsnow for two months. King Hamath disgraces himself. Prince Lewo surrenders Urthain. Rungnur Ungurr(15) taken as ward and squire.

  • 828 RY

    5 Ascending Air
    828 RY

    7 Ascending Air

    Marlekyle returns to Himring
    Discovery, Exploration

    Marlekyl relives the visions of Himring, almost driving him mad.

  • 828 RY

    1 Descending Air

    Necromantriss Botsekani joins the court
    Diplomatic action

    Marlekyle starts obsessing over necromancy. Botsekani allowed to join his host.

  • 828 RY

    Resplendent Water
    828 RY

    Resplendent Fire

    Marlekyle's great partrol
    Military action

    Marlekyle is plagued by nightmares from Himring. He leads his host on a grand procession through all his conquered land.

  • 828 RY

    Ascending Fire

    Redriver joins Prince Marlekyl
    Political event

    Redriver Lords made nervous by the Grand Patrol and joins Marlekyle.

  • 828 RY

    1 Calibration
    828 RY

    5 Calibration

    Marlekyle travels to find the second Orb of Archgenesis
    Discovery, Exploration

  • 830 RY

    5 Resplendent Water 12:00

    Founding of Arfalea

  • 830 RY

    Descending Water
    830 RY

    Ascending Earth

    Marlekyle conquers Ansver
    Military action

    Attacking by surprise, Ansver had no chance.

  • 830 RY

    27 Resplendent Earth

    The Summoning of the Lost Brother
    Disaster / Destruction

    Suffering from nightmares, Marlekyle let Botsekani summon Arfalas' ghost.

  • 830 RY

    28 Resplendent Earth

    Lief suffers from whispers and flies
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 830 RY

    28 Resplendent Earth

    Marlekyle reunites with Ragnarok

    Stumbling upon Marlekyle's ritual, Ragnarok reveals himself.

  • 830 RY

    Descending Earth

    The Squire Ferdinant
    Life, Career

    The squire Ferdinand released from Ansver prison, taken as squire to Ser Kastor. Dispatched to retreave Lief Lindemann.

  • 830 RY

    Ascending Wood

    Lief murders Harduin
    Military action

  • 830 RY

    20 Ascending Wood

    Albuin's Watch

    Standing aside and watching his brother being murdered, Albuin exalts into a Chosen of Ending.

  • 830 RY

    Resplendent Wood

    Ferdinand and Kastor lost
    Discovery, Exploration

  • 831 RY

    Ascending Air
    831 RY

    Ascending Water

    Lewo's Rebellion
    Military action

  • 831 RY

    28 Resplendent Air

    Lord Mask and the Deathnights arrive in Arfalea
    Diplomatic action

    The deathknights Broken Mask of Forsaken Truth, Ragnarok the devourer without purpose, Ghost of Revenge arrive in Arfalea on behest of Walker in Darkness

  • 831 RY

    21 Descending Air
    831 RY

    28 Descending Air

    The Brave 49 and the birth of Valor
    Military action

    Lewo defeated by Mask and cursed his own people. After 7 days of struggle, Lord Mask saves Mudsnow and renames it to Valor.