Breaking Idea of Illumination

"Halt and identify yourself, in the name of the Unconquered Sun!"   "I am Breaking Idea of Illumination, Talon-leader, I am here to join your contingent."   "Just great, just what I need another crackpot Twilight." He muttered under his breath, thinking I'd not hear.   "Another Crackpot Twilight who is 'commander' to you."   "Are Commander, I will remember. Will that be all?"   "No, pick five sturdy fellows, we need to move this Stomp of Annihilation into the hangar."   "A warstrider? A Royal Warstrider? Can't it walk there under its own power?"   "No, err, its enchantments failed just as I reached the city."   "Ah, it's not blessed by the city's hierophant, hence it cannot enter while mobile."   "And the hierophant never leaves the city, so it cannot have been blessed before. I guess I'll go beseech that worthy for his blessing, later. In the meantime, bring some fine lads to help me scoot it out from the road at least, so that I can affect repairs."   "Repairs, didn't you listen to what I said?"   "I did, it was damaged before I got here, even though it could still move. The hierophant won't bless it while it's missing an arm, I suspect." I had the immense satisfaction of seeing that Talon-leader's jaw open, move up and down, but no sound came out. Most satisfying. I eventually would replace the arm with the Essence Reaver, as no enchantment would seem to take, not allowing it to regain a regular arm.
— Duty book, Third Yanaze River Fort, Deheleshen Garrison


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