Cruel Cold Stars Unending

A middling rank shaped Raksha of the court, her legend is buoyed by that of Rainwalker - Blue Jade Razor Parasol, Artifact •••, whom she was granted, after defeating a previous holder(who hadn't attuned the artifact) in Shaping Combat.   Mistress of intrigues, Cruel Cold Stars Unending always seems slightly surprised to be called upon, consulted, or that the world outside her tower still exists. As she is a transfer from the Pearl Court, her partial Solipsism is a result of this, her willpower being quite trained to ignore that which is inconvenient. When the other members of the Opal Court try to fight her, she always seems to outlast them, while their tendency to risk things means her calculating nature always seems to get better with every conflict.   Her true allegiance, to the Church of Balor, makes her even more of an outsider, but also allows her resources her competitors cannot match, and her status as their 'liaison' means she cannot be threatened or mishandled without due process.


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