Nameless borderland battle

It is like a dream, I awoke, the caravan was around us. All of us who are touched by the unconquered sun were shining a bright light, as if our souls had been set on fire.   In my dream, we had been generals, military experts, fighters without peer. We had gone to war against the Raksha, in a borderland, under the command of the Dawn General, that peerless daimyo unmatched for an entire direction. He had fought with us, and mighty was our struggle!   We had unleashed the Five-Metal Shrikes, over a dozen warstriders, including the peerless Royal Warstrider Stomp of Annihilation, lancing enemies with the Essence Reaver cannon, one of my inventions. We had unleashed death rays, and, I fear, had even unleashed a Tomescu, and even Octavian, the Living Tower, upon that march of the wyld. Some of our number, like Platinum-Feather Kuthon and Artemis Rose had used abilities unseen in creation for years, competing for which of them had slain more of the enemy, and I had accounted for five behemoths myself, three with the warstrider, and two with sorcery. The Fair Folk had suffered horrendous losses, but so have I, including one of our circle, Sun's Radiant Majesty , a peerless colleague, who had killed many Raksha with his Death Spheres.   But I was unsettled, and not just because we had awoken, all pretense of us being mere mortal souls gone, surrounded by a caravan quite obviously afraid of us, although none of them had dared utter 'anathema'. No, I was afraid because I had recognized one of the Raksha: she could appear as but a child's doll of mobile procelain, but also like a regal woman twice the height of a man, she was the second in command of the Opal Court, Prince Japthia's trusted sorcerous subordinate. She had ridden upon a thunder-lizard of enormous proportions and truly lethal ability during the battle, slaying three Solars of great renown. A colleague, chosen of the Sun, had sent a Tomescu to deal with her, she had fed on the Tomescu's liver, with a nice vintage. I had slain her behemoth, making her flee, but not before she made it clear I had her attention, then and forevermore.   General Laraethon had used his powers most mighty, flying into the sun, then diving back down to cleave the behemoth in two, then contemptuously slaying the Raksha general, causing his troops to flee.   But it wasn't that that scared me. It was because she had known me. Or perhaps, I'd known her. But I'd know her later, during my captivity. She hadn't known Breaking Idea of Illumination, but she had fed upon Life is a Dream of a Dream. Her claws had riddled my souls with bleeding, suppurating wounds, her cruelties belied by her innocent, doll-like face. She should never have known who Breaking Idea of Illumination was, except, she had. She was a Raksha, and I cannot know what secrets of the wyld she know, that'd let her travel in time so.   I have made enemies, many enemies. But none stalk my dreams like Sapphire-Rose of Dusk's Countless Imagined Stars in Bloom, Anarch-Panjundrum of the Opal Court of the stars in Splendor. None know the truth of my soul to hurt me like she does.
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