Sanazala Ford

A small settlement upriver from Nasaru, subsisting mostly from the river, the village was founded by a family of otter-blooded beastmen, who transmitted their love of the river and their skill at swimming to their descendants, at least, culturally.   Once under attack by the Opal Court of the Raksha, the village elders managed to negotiate a peace with them, sending them Life is a Dream of a Dream to marry one of their number Pageantry of Rhiannon, the star of stars, although none had managed to get such a favourable result before. Unknown to the Raksha and to the detriment of their plans, his sacrifice was recognized by the Unconquered Sun, and he was gifted with the second breath. Labouring under their cruel rule, learning many techniques of the wyld, and sorcery, Dream flourished, even as his parents died, and the memory of his name faded in his village, but not that he had sacrificed himself.   They call him Duk Thak, after his father, the one that sacrificed himself, and many even send prayers to him, when faced with a particularly different problem, or some threat to the village or their way of life. Many sincerely wish for the courage to find a solution as successful and selfless as his, not knowing the price he pays daily for it.  


It is a standing law that every able-bodied adult is to keep a weapon that can arm a Fair One in the house at all time, and to keep current in its use, it is always to be within reach of that adult. For that reason, most keep a machete of the proper steel construction in a scabbard on their hip, since it has utilitarian uses as well.


Treetop houses, fourty in all, constitute the settlement, no fire may be made in the village, but each house keeps weapons of Iron to protect against treachery from the Raksha, who has yet to happen, and all in the village are thankful, for the Fair Ones are still front and center the scariest thing they know, although the Thousands Fangs Army, Forest Witches and armies of Lookshy all merit pause, as well.
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