Shivering Solstice

I wondered who hurt Solstice, she was always a bit like a wounded animal, or perhaps a broken-winged bird. Appearing vulnerable, but with eyes of fire that would eat your soul.   She was skilled, as the Raksha account such things, in shaping combat, and often seemed to enjoy most being underestimated at it. Her brother, an Opal Court champion of Balor killed in an ill-fated attack on Ketu's Marsh, was quite unlike her, always blustery, always in motion. They had been close, but when he died, it's like something snapped inside her, and she thrust herself into studies.   Her gossamer gowns would also be impossibly intricate, describing feathers on birds that had never existed, whose purpose no one could fathom.
— The Dream-journal of Life is a Dream of a Dream


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