The Solar Dominion of Varshai Organization in Creation | World Anvil
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The Solar Dominion of Varshai

The people of this nation have named themselves in honor of their Solar heroes, the members of the circle who rule their nation from the city of Varsi. They see their rulers as living embodiments of the power and majesty of the Unconquered Sun, and their nation as a beacon of hope and inspiration to all who seek to live up to the Solar ideal. The Solar Dominion of Varshai is a highly organized and efficient nation, with a strong military and a focus on expanding their territory and spreading their influence throughout the Scavenger Lands.


The Solar Dominion of Varshai's flag is a deep blue field with a golden sunburst and eight stars. The stars represent the Solar circle who founded and rule the nation, and the blue signifies the sky and sea. It symbolizes hope, strength, and the power of the Solar Exalted.

Foreign Relations

The Solar Dominion of Varshai controls passage on the Grey River through the Radiant Sunwall structure. A toll of 1% of the value of cargo is extracted for passage through, with the toll being waived if cargo is unloaded and sold in Varsi.   Considering the complete blockade of the Yellow River by the Deathknight Shih Khan, trade towards Nexus along the Grey River has only increased in spite of the added cost from tolls. The Solar Dominion's 1st Navy, Varsi Fleet patrols the river with great watchfulness, intercepting and boarding vessels as needed.


1. Slavery is banned. All enslaved people entering the Dominion are freed.   To date, this policy has resulted in the emancipation of over 4,600 souls. All freed slaves are provided with 50 silver pieces and the option to stay in Varshai or make their own fortune. Approximately 50% of freed slaves choose to stay in Varshai and are unflinchingly loyal to their liberators.
Founding Date
CC 00007
Geopolitical, Empire
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Neighboring Nations

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