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  A neonate vampire is presented to the prince or elder authority to be recognized within vampire society as growing beyond neonate status. They are usually presented by their sire and clan. This event gives an opportunity for them to impress the prince, their clan, their sire and the gathered members of the court. The minimum expectations are for the presented vampire to know their name and bloodline as well as the Tenets and Traditions of vampire society. Anything beyond this is is a bonus. Many a sire have looked their progeny in the eye an intoned these important words, "... and don't !@#$ this up ..."  
  While this is considered a positive event in the unlife of a vampire, there are nuances to understand. The presented vampire is granted the status of Ancillae and released from their sire as far as vampire society and the court are concerned. However, it is up to the progeny and sire to determine how this relationship truly unfolds. The sire may have their progeny blood-bonded and guide every moment of their unlife, or they may step back, only keeping a watchful eye, or they may turn their back and leave their progeny to their own ends. The distinction is that the progeny now bears the greater weight of responsibility for their actions. A sire may always be called to account for the actions of their progeny; however, this accounting is very different for a neonate under the wing of their sire compared to the Ancillae who has been presented and gone their own way.  


  Rarely do vampires ask each other their name because they actually need to know their name. This is especially true if the vampire asking is of another clan or even an elder. What is being asked is an accounting of your name, sire, and bloodline. With their long lives, vampires accumulate titles from clan, sire, covenant, position, and deeds, and some are lost just as quickly after failing in the politics of the all-night courts. Many times, they are looking to gauge that you can answer with the proper etiquette and respect for your own sire, clan, and position. This is never more important than during the presentation of a neonate vampire to the prince.  


I am Malik Chosen of Clan Mekhet,
2nd of Sena,
1st of family Elder Tess,
7th of clan Elder Vikas,
sired by Antediluvian Elder Losair,
Blood of Vecna


Lady of the Invictus
Speaker of Ptolus
Chosen of Clan Daeva Tatjana Sparre
3rd of Elder Selania,
1st of Family Elder Tanlin,
3rd of Clan Elder Samuel,
1st of Antediluvian Elder Valareth,
Blood of Vencna


Tenets & Traditions

  The Tenets and Traditions of Vecna are the fundamental backbone of Kindred society. The Tenets of Vecna are the main religious principles handed down to them from their very real god. Each of these tenets represents techniques and paths to power. The Traditions are handed down as something stronger than mere belief or custom, they are practical methods of surviving outside forces as well as their internal politics. A sire will etch the Tenets and Traditions into a new progeny across years.    


  On rare occasions, a vampire may seek out a clan to sponsor them, driven by a desire for acceptance, protection, or the hope of gaining a sense of belonging. This sponsorship can be a difficult and often humiliating process, requiring the Lost to prove their worthiness through trials, loyalty, or valuable services. The clans may regard these petitioners with suspicion or contempt, seeing them as desperate outcasts or opportunistic interlopers.   Alternatively, when all avenues for clan sponsorship are exhausted or deemed unattainable, some of the Lost choose to sponsor themselves. This act of self-sponsorship is a bold declaration of independence, a statement that they do not need the validation or support of established clans. It is a path fraught with challenges, as these self-sponsored Lost must navigate the treacherous world of vampire politics and society alone, relying solely on their wit, strength, and resilience.    


  The Horava as they are called, Savages for slang are the vampires not native of Athas. It is suspected that they are not the Blood of Vecna, but there is no certain answer to this question. The official line by the Templars is that the Dark Father created all vampires, even those distant from the Kindred of Athas. They do not seem to fall into the Vampire Clans of traditional Kindred and do not appear to have developed the Vampire Covenants and their many secrets. Without the delineation of clans they also do not appear to display the unique Clan Disciplines however from time to time an exceptional Horava exhibits a Discipline that may be comparable to a Unique Clan Discipline. Many of the Kindred point to this being proof that the Savages are not true vampires of Vecna, although they say this quietly.   While they are politely called Horava, others whisper "clanless," "Lost," or worse yet, "bloodless." Many believe they should have to present themselves as any vampire should, adhering to the traditional expectations of Kindred society. Yet others point out that some Horava elders are in excess of 400 years old, making such demands preposterous and even insulting. The term bloodless is intended as an insult to a vampire that is not of the blood of vecna.      


  The Presentation
This quick scene represents your character's presentation to the prince or elder authority by you and your sire. This event gives an opportunity for you to impress the prince, your clan, your sire and the gathered members of the court. The minimum expectations are for you to know your name and bloodline, as well as the Traditions, anything else is a bonus. Many a sire have looked their progeny in the eye an intoned these important words, "... and don't !@#$ this up ..."  
  Your character will have three skill tests for their entrance, presentation and wrapup. The skill and attribute combinations are your choice. Please explain your presentation including your name and the traditions. The creative use of Merits, Specialties, and Skill Tricks are encouraged. The use of Dissciplines are used with caution as they tend to go really well or really poorly. You will receive your Clan Path rating as an enhancement. Your character has one day to prepare.  
Example Social Skill Tests
  • Etiquette through Culture + Manipulation
  • Politics through Humanities + Intellect
  • Moving speech through Persuasion + Presence
  • Calm exit through Composure + Leadership
  Important Articles   The Vampire Traditions   Kindred Court Positions


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