The 28th day of Newyear in the
721st Year of the Imperial Age.
Gaens Blessing
Sunrise: 7:00 AM
Sunset: 5:00 PM
While the golden orb of Gaen guards the day, the night is watched by twin moons Lunas and Rogue.
While the golden orb of Gaen guards the day, the night is watched by twin moons Lunas and Rogue.
Average: 38°F / 3°C Cold
Low: 30°F / -1°C Cold
High: 45°F / 7°C Moderate
Night temperature is usually
10°F / 6°C lower.
Night temperature is usually
10°F / 6°C lower.
Temperature Levels
Frigid (0°F and below)
Cold (0°F - 40°F)
Moderate (40°F - 60°F)
Warm (60°F - 80°F)
Hot (80°F - 110°F)
Chosen Actions
Your actions as Chosen will happen between the week of the 22nd and 28th.
The current date and week are pushed forward by the Chosen.