Asmodeus, Lord of Nessus Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Asmodeus, Lord of Nessus

The deity Asmodeus is Lord of Nessus, the Ninth Layer of Hell, and is recognized as ruler of all Baator. As the master of Hell, he has complete power over devils lesser than himself, including the lords of Baator. As an ancient schemer and deadly manipulator, orchestrator of the most Machiavellian of schemes, he lays plans millennia in advance, patiently biding his time until his machinations come to fruition.   Asmodeus and the lords of The Nine Hells were responsible for the demons never fully breaking out of the abyss. However, that changed when the abyss was destroyed and the demonic invasion of the mortal realm began.  


Asmodeus looks like a slim, charismatic, red-skinned humanoid over 13 feet tall, with horns on his head and glowing red eyes. Overall, he has charismatic and beautiful looks that captivate people. Asmodeus' symbol is the Infernal rune for a contract.  

Holy Days



Every diabolic cult is viewed as a subdivision of Asmodeus' cult and ultimately swore allegiance to him and the entity it followed. Most of Asmodeus's worshipers are based in the towns and cities of humans and demi-humans, though Asmodeus has some monstrous followers as well. His cultists use his faith as a stepping stone to wealth and power, and include power-hungry priests, diabolists, greedy slavers, ruthless lawyers, wicked enchanters, or decadent nobles in search of secret pleasures. Some call themselves paladins to give their behavior a gloss of righteousness. They form secret alliances, using their wealth and connections to bring status and power to other members of the society.   In lands where Asmodeus is worshiped in the open, his followers are much like people in other lands, except they believe in harsh punishments for lawbreakers, are accustomed to the appearance of imps in the company of spellcasters, and are openly tolerant of slavery, considering these things a mild price for keeping order.   True followers of Asmodeus believe in law, order, and knowing their place in the grand scheme; in many cases, they aspire to a higher position and work to prove they are worthy of it. They study their betters to learn necessary skills, watch their equals and jockey for position, and keep an eye on their inferiors for signs of exploitable talent or dangerous ambition. They keep their friends close and enemies crushingly closer, usually acting through the proper channels rather than resorting to base tactics like assassination. Most Asmodeans find it far more effective to eliminate a rival by unearthing evidence (showing your skill in the process) than by a wasteful murder.  

The Law of Hell

  • A contract made is a contract kept.
  • Knowledge is the key to a good contract.
  • Order must be maintained at all times.
  • Beings of chaos are nothing but fools.
  • Fulfill your desires.
  • Lord of Nessus
  • The Archfiend
  • Holder of Contracts
  • Supreme Master of the Nine Hells
  • Contracts
  • Indulgence
  • Knowledge
  • Order


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