Auril, the Frostmaiden Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Auril, the Frostmaiden

Auril is a fickle, vain, and evil deity, who is venerated out of fear. She is currently one of the only gods who permanently lives in the Mortal Realm. She is known as the Goddess of Winter due to her freezing the entire north part of Faerûn. Auril's beloved ice grasps all things in her clutches, preserving them against the ravages of time. She hoards beauty in all forms, from art objects and flowers to skilled arti­sans and their wondrous works, freezing them in magi­cal ice for her pleasure alone.  


Her symbol of choice is a six-pointed star in a diamond shaped background.  

Holy Days



Auril is feared and worshiped in order to hold off the depredations of the harsh winters with which she threatens Faerun. Trappers, miners, and settlers in the North, some barbarians and inhabitants of the Great Glacier, and residents of the lands crouching at any glacier's edge revere her and honor her in attempts to placate her cold fury come winter time. In recent years, winters have been getting longer and colder, and more and more folk have been making the prayers to Auril that her clergy urge be done. A few clans of frost giants are led by shamans in her service.   Because of their immunity to natural cold, priestesses of Auril are often seen scampering lightly through the snows in summer-weight clothing or bathing in frigid river waters in the depths of winter to no apparent ill effect. They need much less food than other beings because of this ability, and often roam the northlands energetically when blizzards have forced other folk to hole up against the weather. Many priestesses of Auril make a handsome living delivering medicines, messages, and needed supplies throughout the northlands in winter.  

Auril's Wants

  • Cover all lands with ice
  • Make all Faerûn fear the Frostmaiden.
  • Quench fire wherever it is found.
  • the Frostmaiden
  • Winter Queen
  • Tempest
  • Winter


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