Baba Yaga, Mother of All Witches Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Baba Yaga, Mother of All Witches

Is an extraordinarily powerful mage and archfey. Some describe her as the most powerful female mage at curses, a sorceress with a reputation for passing throughout the planes. In doing so, her magical hut also appears elsewhere, and is reported to have arrived on Faerûn.  


Since Baba Yaga has the power to transform at will, none know what her true appearance is. Sometimes she's a hag, others an old elf, and sometimes a beautiful old lady. They say that the form she takes is what you or your party were expecting to see. Her symbol is a black binding symbol, in reference to the deals she makes with people.  

Holy Days



Some among the night hags, green hags, and annis hags were known to worship Baba Yaga. Many sages and adventurers were known to have sought her out for her vast knowledge of magic.  

Witches Code

  • Harm those who harms us.
  • Everything is a trade, do nothing for free.
  • Learn about all forms of magic, even if you don't plan to cast it.
  • Mother of All Witches
  • Bone Mother
  • Little Grandmother
  • Curses
  • Divination
  • Witches


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