Camus, the Sea King Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Camus, the Sea King

Camus is known by many to be a very fickle god, his emotions being shown by the ever changing waters. Those who are on his favored side never seem to run into bad weather and never have to worry about feeling the wrath of the ocean.  


The depiction of Camus' symbol constantly changes, this is on purpose by his worshipers.  

Holy Days



Most of Camus' followers are sailers, fishermen, and some merchants. All of them due their best to stay on the good side of camus in order to guarantee they will have safe passage.  

Camus' Tenets

  • Always be prepared.
  • You never known when the waters will change.
  • If you treat the waters with respect, they will treat you well.
  • Give offering to Camus before setting out.
  • Savior and Damer of Ships
  • The Fickle God
  • The Sea King
  • Chaos
  • Tempest
  • Water


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