Ceres, the Free Spirit Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Ceres, the Free Spirit

Ceres is a goddess who empowers those who are slaves or under an unjust ruler, to fight and win their freedom. Those who seek to fight to free people from their bondage and help those who need protection should consider this god a worthy ally. It is said she believes the lives of the good and innocent are the most precious of things.  


The Holy Sword of Life is both her weapon and symbol. The sword represents people fight to be free of tyranny and to gain their own life.  

Holy Days



Ceres follower come from many different groups and races, for she protects the innocent and helps all who need it.  

Ceres' Teachings

  • Protect those who are innocent.
  • Give those who need it your power to escape their bondage,
  • Life is meaningless in less you have freedom.
  • Those who bondage others or look to control them unjust should be smited where they stand.
  • The Free Spirit
  • Warrior of Freedom
  • Bringer of Life
  • Freedom
  • Life
  • War


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