Companion Rules in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Companion Rules

*Companions are creatures that usually fill the role of Pets, Mounts, Familiars, etc...  

Companions Table

These are example companions. This list is growing.  

Equipment for Companion

Below is the equipment for pets and mounts. Some of these items can be used on familiars and other summoned creatures as well. Just ask your DM.  

Bond Strength

As you take time to become closer with your companion, the bond between you becomes stronger. You'll find your companion not only grows in power, but also gains unique abilities that will help you on your adventures. Once the Bond Strength gets to a specific point (B.STR: 3), you can magically bond with your Companion. Magically bonding with them allows them to reach new "heights". The ritual to do so costs 50 gp.   Depending on how you roleplay with your companion, the strength of your bond can increase or weaken. (DM has full rules)   Specific class/subclass summons and familiars start at Bond Strength 10 and can be magically bonded with as soon as the player decides. They don't gain any of the features below 10, even if they fall back down to a previous bond level. When they are magically bonded they unlock their Personality bonus.   *You can only have 1 magically bonded companion at a time, even though you may have several companions.  

Fragile Friendship

With a Bond Strength of 1, your companion is estranged from you. They will only take actions to defend themselves in combat, and will not use their abilities when you command. During each long rest, there is a 5% chance your companion will leave your party. This chance increases every night by an additional 5%. Your companion loses this feature when your Bond Strength is 2 or higher.  

Companion Personalities

At Bond Strength 3, you unlock the magical benefits of your companion's personality.  

Bond Boon

At Bond Strength 4, 8, 12, and 16 you choose a unique benefit from the list in the Bond Boons section below.  

Empowered Attack

By Bond Strength 5, your magic pours into companion empowering their melee strikes. Whenever they hit a creature with a melee attack, the creature takes an extra 1d4 damage. At level 17 this increase to 1d8 from 1d4.  

Bonus Hit Die

Starting at Bond Strength 6 and again at Bond Strength 9, 11, 13, and 15, your companion's hitpoint maximum increases by half a of a single hit dice (rounded up).  

Interesting Alliance

With Bond Strength 7 or higher, your companion is willing to back you up in social situations. While within 10 feet of your companion, you gain a +1 bonus on Charisma checks made against creatures with the same creature type as your companion. At Bond Strength 19 this bonus becomes +2.  

Small Sentinel

With a Bond Strength of 10 or higher, your companion is happy to take up a night shift. When taking a long rest, your companion can take one shift to keep watch for trouble. During this time, double their Ability modifier on Wisdom (Perception) checks.  

Helping Hand

With a Bond Strength of 14 or higher, Your companions cares enough about you to help in troubling times. Once per short or long rest, they can use a bonus action to grant you an additional 1d6 on an an attack roll or ability check.  

A Neat Trick

With a Bond Strength of 18 or higher, you've spent enough time with your companion to teach them a combat trick. As a bonus action, your companion can perform one of the following actions: Dash, Disengage, or Dodge.  

Friends Till the End

A Bond Strength 20, your bond with your companion is as strong as it gets. They feel as though you are a part of them, and would do anything within their power to protect you.   When you are about to take damage your, companion can redirect the effects of the damage to themselves magically. This includes the damage and any other effects with the damage (ex- being poisoned). They can use this feature once per long rest.


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