Danzhu, the Fox Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Danzhu, the Fox

The fox is considered a wonderful deity throughout the lands, as he brings love and hope to all. It is said a marriage blessed by one of his followers is protected and blessed with love. However, he is also the god of revenge... those who seek revenge for a love one will go to the the Fox, in order to gain the strength to get their revenge.  


The symbol for Danzhu is a fox mask. His followers wear them with smiling faces and winking eyes. However, those who wear a mask for revenge will have a more frightful appearance.  

Holy Days



Danzhu's followers are of many different races and cultures, but all are of a good nature. The Lover's Code is his set of laws.  

Lover's Code

  • Love your partner, respect your partner, and make sure they know you care everyday.
  • Marriage is only for those who truly love one another.
  • A child made of love is a precious thing.
  • Revenge for the sake of love is noble.
  • The Fox
  • Master of Love
  • The Matchmaker
  • Love
  • Marriage
  • Vengeance


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