Death Cursed - Magic Items in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Death Cursed - Magic Items

The Death Curse (Lore)
In my many years of scholarly pursuit within the arcane arts, I have dedicated a substantial portion of my studies to the peculiar phenomenon surrounding the cursed relics borne from the moment of a wielder's demise. This esoteric occurrence, shrouded in mystique and whispered about in the hidden corners of scholarly circles, is a testament to the intricate dance between life, death, and the potent energies that bind the realms.   Have you ever wondered why there are so many cursed magic items scattered throughout the world, particularly in the depths of undead-infested crypts and ancient tombs? After delving into the depths of these questions, I uncovered a fascinating revelation that sheds light on this enigmatic phenomenon.   It is a fundamental principle of arcane theory that each person possesses a unique magical aura that extends to their belongings, both mundane and enchanted. This aura acts as a protective barrier, shielding their possessions from harm and allowing for the manipulation of magic through spells and incantations. Spells like fireball, for instance, cannot harm objects that are being worn or carried by a creature due to this protective aura.   However, when a person meets a violent end, whether at the hands of a foe or the cruel whims of fate, the trauma of their demise is transmitted through their magical aura to their possessions. Non-magical items may simply record the trauma, which can be detected through magical or psionic means. Yet, for magical items, the reaction to their owner's violent death is far more profound.   Magical items, imbued as they are with potent arcane energies, resonate with the trauma of their owner's passing, causing their powers to warp and twist in response. The more powerful and magical the owner, the more pronounced this effect becomes, often resulting in the manifestation of curses or unforeseen alterations to the item's properties.   Furthermore, the passage of time plays a crucial role in the evolution of these cursed relics. The longer a magical item remains in proximity to its deceased owner, the more opportunities there are for the curse to grow in power or for the item to undergo significant changes. Crypts and tombs, with their ancient and often undisturbed contents, are notorious breeding grounds for such cursed artifacts. Within the stagnant air of these sepulchers, magical items languish alongside their expired owners, their powers diminishing or twisting into malevolent forms over the centuries.   In my pursuits, I have created countless examples of these cursed relics, each bearing the weight of their tragic origins. Thus I have amply named this phenomenon the "Death's Curse".   - Axithar  


Death Curse Rules

  When a creature dies, that creature must make a Charisma Saving Throw for three pieces of magical equipment that they possess, one of which must be an attuned item. If their is no attuned items available, all three are non-attuned magic items.   The Charisma Saving Throw DC is 10, Player Level, or Monster CR, whichever is higher. The creature rolls a d20 and adds a modifier based on the rarity detailed below. If the item is sentient they may use it's Charisma Saving Throw.  
  • Common: +0
  • Uncommon: +2
  • Rare: +4
  • Very Rare: +6
  • Legendary: +8
  • Artifact: +10
  Any magic item that failed becomes cursed. The DM rolls a d6 and adds half the modifier, listed above, based on the rarity of the magic item. The higher the roll the more powerful the curse and spell level required for Remove Curse to unattune the magic item. If the item is already cursed, the curse goes up by 1d4 levels, of which their is no max.


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