Heironeous, the Archpaladin Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Heironeous, the Archpaladin

Where lightning strikes and conflict rises, you're likely to find a paladin of Heironeous. Heironeous sees the world as a deadly place, filled with perpetual challenges and trials for those who battle for justice and defend the weak and innocent. His followers should always act with honor and chivalry, and to uphold justice. Danger is to be faced head-on, with calm and resolve.   Brother of Hextor.  


Heironeous' temples are decorated with blue and silver trappings, and often scenes of Heironeous triumphant in stained glass. Heironeous appears as a tall human man with auburn hair and skin the color of copper, and is impervious to all but the mightiest weapons. His signature weapons are a great magical battleaxe and his lightning.  

Holy Days

  Moonlight's Feast. This one-week event lasts from Igneel 1st through 7th, and celebrates the victories of the Neverwinterean armies over Nyrondal cavalry during the Battle of Moonlight's Passage. Ending the reign of terror the Nyrondal kingdom brought to the continent.   Pupil's Day is observed on the 10th of Drakonis. It's a day of testing one's pupil and gifting of a weapon to a pupil who has showed progress.  


A large number of paladins follow Heironeous, as he himself is one. The ancient hero Arnddon is credited with establishing the first order of paladins known as the Order of the Gauntlet. Worshipers of Heironeous follow a set of rules known as the Heironean Code.  
  • Duty to the People. This duty stresses courage, justice, mercy, valor, protection of the weak, and faithfulness to church superiors.
  • Duty to the Arch-paladin. This duty stresses obedience to Heironeous himself, devotion to the church, generosity, championing good against evil.
  • Duty to a Lady. This duty pertains to the concept of courtly love, devotion to one's beloved, and respect toward all women in general.
  • The Archpaladin
  • Caller of Lightning
  • God of Male Virility
  • Glory
  • Lightning
  • War


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