Kelemvor, Lord of the Dead Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Kelemvor, Lord of the Dead

Kelemvor (pronounced: KELL-em-vor), also known as the Lord of the Dead and Judge of the Damned, is the god of death, and master of The Forest of Departure.   Fair yet cold, Kelemvor is the most recent deity to hold this position. Unlike these other deities, whose rule as gods of the dead made the afterlife an uncertain and fearful thing, Kelemvor promoted that death was a natural part of life and should not be feared as long as it was understood. As a result of his deep respect for life and death, he held the undead in the uttermost contempt.  


Statues of Kelemvor are of a skeleton in a cloak who wields a book and feathered inkpen. His symbol is a Skeletal arm holding up scales in balance.  

Holy Rituals

The Passing: Most rituals of the church of Kelemvor were private and personal, performed with individuals who were passing into the next life. The Passing was a simple ceremony of last rites. The cleric chanted comforting words and it acted as a signal to Kelemvor to remain on alert for the essence of the passing individual. The following day people would visit the passing/passed individual to pay respect.   Lament for the Fallen: A larger ceremony in which one sang over a field of battle, a recently destroyed location or any site where many individuals were killed recently. It is thought that singing in Kelemvor's honor would stop the place from becoming a place of undeath.   Shieldmeet. The 1st of Ghidorah. Priests of Kelemvor tell the Deeds of the Dead to preserve their memory.  


Kelemvorites were bidden to help people to meet their deaths with dignity at their proper time and not before. Unlike followers of some gods of death, they had no intent to wreak devastation and spread death. In word and deed, they opposed those who extended their lifespans beyond what was natural by using undeath.  

Death's Lesson

  • Help people meet their deaths with dignity.
  • Saving someone from an improper death is admiral, but should you fail, make sure they are given a proper Passing.
  • The undead should be helped to move on, and if that's not possible... destroyed.
  • Death is just a journey, not an end.
  • Lord of the Dead
  • Judge of the Damned
  • The Great Guide
  • Balance
  • Death
  • Grave


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