Lingering Injury Rules in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Lingering Injury Rules

During the course of battle a creature might sustain a lingering injury from the damage they take. The chance at a lingering injury happening, is under the following circumstances;  
  • When you drop to 0 hp from damage.
  • If you take more than 1/2 your max health points in a single instance of damage.
  • Roleplay Based, such as cutting off a finger for a ritual. DM's discretion.
  If any of the things listed above happen you must roll a Constitution saving throw with the DC of 10 or half of the damage you received (whichever is higher). If more than one condition is fulfilled you must roll for each one. To determine the nature of the injury, determine the type of damage that triggered the injury and roll on the appropriate table below that corresponds to the damage type. If multiple types of damage caused the injury, use the type that dealt the majority of damage.  
  • Successful Save: nothing happens
  • Failed: Gain a Minor Injury
  • Failed by 10 to 19: Gain an Intermediate Injury
  • Failed by 20+ : Gain a Major Injury
  A Lingering Injury can only be cured out of combat.  

Minor Injury Table

Damage Type Minor Injury Known Types of Healing
Acid, Cold,Fire, Lightning, Radiant Minor Neuralgia. You are in constant pain from nerve damage. You are in constant pain from nerve damage. You have -3 on attack rolls, Acrobatics, and Athletics checks. 10 days long rest, 25pts of healing - Medicine Check (within 6 secs), Lesser Restoration, Regenerate
Bludgeoning, Force, Thunder, Psychic Minor Concussion. You have -3 on Investigation and Perception checks. At the start of your turn, you must make a Concentration check DC 10 or lose concentration on spells. 10 days long rest, 25pts of healing - Medicine Check (within 6 secs), Lesser Restoration, Regenerate
Necrotic, Poison Minor Infected Wound. Your Constitution Score drops by 2. 10 days long rest, 25pts of healing - Medicine Check (within 6 secs), Greater Restoration, Regenerate
Piercing, Slashing Minor Bleeding. You take 1d6 damage at the end of your turn, if you have at least 1 hp. This damage can't be reduced in anyway. Healed passed half hp (round down), 15pts of healing, DC15 Medicine Check, One use of a Healer's Kit, Regenerate
All Minor Scarring. You gain advantage or disadvantage on Persuasion checks and Intimidation checks; based on how the scar is used or looks. 25pts of healing - Medicine Check (within 6 secs), Regenerate

Intermediate Injuries Table

Damage Type Intermediate Injury 1 Intermediate Injury 2 Known Types of Healing
Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Radiant Intermediate Neuralgia. You are in constant pain from nerve damage. You are in constant pain from nerve damage. You have -3 on attack rolls, Acrobatics, Athletics, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth checks. (replaces Minor Neuralgia) Severe Blisters. You have a -3 on Dexterity and Charisma saving throws. 30 days long rest, 50pts of healing - Medicine Check (within 6 secs), Regenerate
Bludgeoning, Force, Thunder, Psychic Intermediate Concussion. You have -3 on Investigation and Perception checks. At the start of your turn, you must make a Concentration check DC 15 or lose concentration on spells. Internal Injury. You have a -3 on Strength and Constitution saving throws. 30 days long rest, 50pts of healing - Medicine Check (within 6 secs), Greater Restoration(I1), Regenerate(I2)
Necrotic, Poison Organ Necrosis. Your Constitution Score drops by 4. Mental Necrosis. You have a -3 on Intelligence and Wisdom saving throws. 30 days long rest, 50pts of healing - Medicine Check (within 6 secs), Regenerate
Piercing, Slashing Intermediate Bleeding. You take 2d6 damage at the end of your turn, if you have at least 1 hp. This damage can't be reduced in anyway. na Healed passed half hp (round down), 25pts of healing, DC20 Medicine Check, Two uses of a Healer's Kit, Regenerate
All Damaged Body Part. One of your appendages have been damaged, the effect differs based on the body part. na 30 days long rest, 50pts of healing - Medicine Check (within 6 secs), Regenerate

Major Injuries Table

Damage Type Major Injury Known Types of Healing
All 1 Destroyed Body Part. One of your appendages have been destroyed, the effect differs based on the body part. Regenerate
All 2 Magic Radiation. A Short Rest takes a Long Rest. A Long Rest takes 7 days. 13 long rests, Wish Spell


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